30th November 2017 contact session between both children & their father with hidden camera

9 months ago

Just like the last contact session, this is footage from a hidden camera after North East Lincolnshire children's services gave daddy an ultimatum: "Stop documenting contact sessions or there will be no more contact".

The session starts with Ayrton, Gabrielle & daddy having their mid afternoon snacks, & as a treat, daddy brings a big candy ???, watch the clip to find out. But it did get both Ayrton & Gabrielle excited. Daddy also throws in a couple of jokes on how he attained those candy ???.

During snack time, there was some play, some tickling, some kisses exchanged, Ayrton was particularly affectionate in this session, wanting to snuggle up to daddy more than usual. Gabrielle also took part in some affection exchanging, some very sweet moments between them all.

Ayrton, Gabrielle & daddy exchanged some knock knock jokes too, with Gabrielle telling the social worker 1 of them. Even if some weren't that funny, or not at all, daddy still did his best to keep the laughter going.

After snacking, Ayrton, Gabrielle & daddy played chess. Bearing in mind that none of them were experienced or had extensive knowledge of the game, they all made a good effort to play, with daddy guiding both Ayrton & Gabrielle as well as helping them keep their pieces safe. Although Ayrton didn't know how to play the game, & Gabrielle suggested that her & daddy play it amongst themselves, daddy pointed out that it would be unfair to leave Ayrton out, particularly considering they only had 1 90 minute contact session per week. Gabrielle was understanding of this, & agreed to include her brother. Overall, we recon it went rather well, & both Ayrton & Gabrielle improved their skills on this chess match, particularly Ayrton as he had no knowledge of game rules & strategies.

Although daddy sourced different equipment than last time to record this contact session covertly, it wasn't still up to the task. This equipment provided better image & sound quality, to a rather satisfactory extent, it didn't have a big enough battery to record the whole session, thus the last 20 minutes weren't captured. Nothing bad took place during those last 20 minutes, but it sure would've been joyful to watch their sweet goodbyes rituals & last minute messing around & play.

Daddy's patience was pushed on a couple of occasions during this session however, you can see how calm & untriggered he remained, whilst instead just ignoring it & engaging in further play. This fundamental to focus on, as the majority of individuals get easily triggered by loud behaviour & repeated calling as seen a couple of times in this session, but not daddy though. He still remains relatively similarly calm even to this day, despite everything he is facing, as well as feedback received from other individuals around Ayrton & Gabrielle in relation to their welfare etc.

This clip has no edits except the parts to conceal private body parts, because I want the original full length unedited footage of our supervised contact sessions to be published on this platform & Rumble, to help yall establish whether daddy + Ayrton + Gabrielle needed to be kept apart from each other or not.

Highlights have & are being published in clips of less than a minute across several social media platforms. We are working on a dedicated website at www.justice4abreu.online to expose the crimes, sabotage, fabrication of facts used to falsely justify Ayrton & Gabrielle being kept away from daddy to date.

Much more to come soon. Thanks for watching, please subscribe, specially as the most controversial content is yet to come, & there's plenty of it to be published.

#funwithkids, #supervisedcontact, #justice4abreuonline, #justice4ayrton8gabrielleabreu, #singleparent, #daddygorilladumdum, #fatherhoodbreakdown, #parentalalienation, #humanrights, #falsedomesticabuse, #narcicisticparent, #implacablehostility, #corruptsocialworkers #childabuse






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