What is the Flow State and How to Tap Into It

5 months ago

Have you ever watched an amazing movie, and when you come out of the theater, you don't even feel like 3 hours have passed?

Whenever you make love, 2 hours feels like 2 mins.

Even when you were on your favorite vacation, roaming around, talking, and spending time with your friends and family, days seemed to pass like minutes.

Now this is the FLOW STATE, this has happened several times throughout your life. And you could tap into it unconsciously.

Now the reason why the FLWO STATE is amazing and essential to your happiness and success in life is because you can use this to get more work done in a short period.

You can tap into the flow state, complete all the tasks in 1/4th of the time, and feel like only 20 minutes have passed by.

This also helps you tap into the universe's power to achieve greatness in your life.

If you watch the interviews of many artists, musicians, and actors; many of them claim that they didn't write that song or they didn't act. But instead, they were merely a vessel, through which the universe conducted itself and created the art which they are known for.

Now this is where the power of the flow states comes into play.

When you are in the flow state, whatever you create can turn into a masterpiece. When you are just creating, only your mind comes into play, but when you are creating through the flow state, the universe, your heart, and your mind connect. Thus making it magical and enabling you to create masterpieces.

You already know how to tap into the flow state, you have been tapping into the flow state unconsciously for several years of your life.

Now to practice getting into the flow state, you must just have to put in the reps.

Before you do that, you must first let go of your trauma, stop overthinking, and align yourself to the present moment. This will create space in your mind. Hence allowing the intuition to guide you to your flow state.

Once the flow state taps in allow yourself to fully immerse in it. And also allow yourself to create through the flow state.

If you can only do this for a minute or two,
Do not worry! as it gets better and more magical with practice!

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