Walking Right? | Galatians 5:16

5 months ago

Are you walking right today?

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. — Galatians 5:15

For the rest of this chapter and much of the next, Paul will show the Galatians the right way to act. This is an example of great discipleship. Up to this point in the book, he has:

Addressed false Gospel teachings.
Shared his transformation through the Gospel.
Highlighted tension between Jews and Gentiles regarding the Gospel.
Centralized justification by faith in the Gospel.
Demonstrated the Law's role in revealing the need for the Gospel.
Pointed to the promise of the Covenant and the Gospel's fulfillment in Christ.
Emphasized freedom from the Law through the Gospel's revelation.
That is a comprehensive discipleship method. It reminds me of discipling my children. I have to say it, then say it again, then say it again but differently, then show them how, then get angry with them, then someone else tells them, and they finally listen. In education and psychology, this is affectionately called the "Rule of Seven." It suggests that people typically need to encounter information around seven times before it sticks in their minds. So go back and notice how many items are in that list above. Seven!

Yet, Paul's about to introduce an eighth point, and this one's vital. He's not just going to outline what they shouldn't do; he'll also emphasize what they should do. This move by Paul is great discipleship. Great disciplemakers, teachers, and parents know how to do this. They know how to teach both what not to do and what to do. The operative line that Paul wants the believer to do is "Walk by the Spirit."

When Paul uses the word "walk" in this context, he employs it metaphorically. He is using this word to describe the way believers should conduct themselves. But catch this: In the Old Testament, there were clear commands about how to "walk" and "conduct" yourselves. Numerous times in the Old Testament, followers were instructed to "walk according to the statutes of the Law." (Exodus 16:4, Leviticus 18:4, Jeremiah 44:23, Ezekiel 5:5-6). Even in the central declaration of the Jewish faith, the "Shema" of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 commanded teaching and walking in God's commands.

Can you discern the internal conflict that these believers were having? Jewish believers only understood God as revealed by the Law. They were commanded repeatedly to walk by it. They were so used to one way of walking that they could not see another way. Paul is telling them they shouldn't walk in the old way because there is a new way. As you will see later in this chapter, Paul will parallel walking according to the law with walking according to the flesh.

Without giving a lot away in the coming verses. This is why people get stuck in repetitive issues with sin. They don't see another way to walk. They keep walking in a new life in an old way. But here's the deal: we must find a new way to walk. And the only way to do this is not by our power. It's by the Spirit's power. To discover how to do that, you will have to show up for a few more days.



How can you practically incorporate "walking by the Spirit" into your daily routine and decision-making process?
Reflect on a recent situation where you relied on your own strength rather than the Spirit's guidance. How might the outcome have been different if you had surrendered to the Spirit's leading?
DO THIS: Learn a new way to walk.

PRAY THIS: Father, guide me today to walk in step with Your Spirit, that I may honor You in all I do and experience the abundant life You have promised. Grant me the wisdom and strength to surrender my will to Yours, trusting in Your guidance for every step of my journey. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Walk With You.

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