OJ Simpson-Tale of Blood Sacrifices

2 months ago

OJ's Brother born on 202nd day.
OJ's Coach died on 202nd Day.

San Francisco
Petrero Hill
City College of SF
Lovelock Correctional Center
All Sit on 222 Coordinates

Germany Frankfurt-Both found on 222 Number

Nicole Brown Simpson father born 222nd day of year.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians
20 seasons. Last Episode aired on 20th date.
It aired 2 years 22 days apart to OJ Death

Kylie Jenner born 222nd day
Robert Kardashian born 2/22

Kim K Sex Tape released in 2002 for her 22nd birthday. Made $20M.

OJ Drivers License issued on 2nd wkday 2/22/2000

OJ Drivers License was issued 222 days apart to his birthdate
OJ Died 222222 seconds apart to his birthdate.

Blood Sacrifice Ritual 20 and 202 to #'s.

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