Planet of the Apes - Bridging the Missing Link

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Planet of the Apes - Bridging the Missing Link

Romans 1:24-25
Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
911 emergency lines are DOWN across multiple states including Nevada, South Dakota, Nebraska - as frantic police forces urge public to call alternative numbers
NPR CEO calls First Amendment the 'number one challenge' in American journalism which makes it hard to crack down on 'bad information'
USDA and China CCP lab are creating deadly BIRD FLU viruses as part of $1m collaboration - and YOU are paying for it
A letter states the research could threaten national security and public health
It involves infecting ducks with different viruses to make them more infectious
New York City issues health alert over rise of rat-borne disease that has killed six people
24 cases of infectious leptospirosis were reported in New York City in 2023
Between 2001 and 2020, the city was seeing just three human cases a year
Pepsi recalls one of its top-selling 'zero sugar' drinks... because they're full of sugar
Some cans of Schweppes Zero Sugar Ginger Ale have been recalled
An internal investigation found the the product actually contains 'full sugar'
War for the Planet of the Apes
Husband is charged with murder for 'stabbing estranged wife 38 TIMES when he found out she was dating new man during custody dispute:' Family say 'he couldn't take it, because he knew he'd never get her back'
Police in Pinal County went to a rural area for a welfare check at a home
They discovered Christina Lopez, 43, dead on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood
The blood and other evidence tied the killing to Lopez's 49-year-old husband
Wyoming stepdad, 36, tortured 13-year-old son and forced him to live in 'crawl space' under house: He and wife were arrested when bruised and starved boy stopped attending school
Stepfather Truman Sitting Eagle, 36, was even accused of forcing the boy to live in a crawl space under his home in the town of Araphoe
Both he and his wife Kandace, 33, are alleged to have physically abused their son
The emaciated boy was discovered covered in cuts and bruises after the torture
Mom who admitted smothering two-month-old baby girl to death while high on meth WALKS FREE as judge says 'you're not innocent, but you're not guilty' after prosecutors failed to prove intent to kill
Dacia Lacey, 32, walked free after a judge ruled that prosecutors brought inappropriate charges against her
She admitted to smothering her infant daughter while high on methamphetamines in August 2022
Judge Mark Stoner said he would have found her guilty of reckless homicide or involuntary manslaughter, but it wasn't proven she did it on purpose
that if you acknowledge publicly with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord and trust in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be delivered.

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