John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-14-2001)

10 months ago

U.S Attorney General John Ashcraoft and FBI Director Robert Mueller address reporters regarding the 9/1 investigation. Ashcroft states that there are now a full list of potential suspects which are involved with the 91/1 attacks. Mueller also points out that the largest FBI investigation has now taken control of the 9/11 attacks. With 4,000 special agents within the FBI, and 3,000 support employees with 56 FBI field offices involved. 36,000 total leads have been received.

Note: Mueller publicly names the investigation PENTTBOM for the first time. Also Ashcroft states there are now 19 names that were involved in the plane hijackings of September 11th. This is the first time the cockpit voice recorder is brought up, Mueller responds that they are still investigation what is being transcribed and what was recorded in the cockpit of United Airlines Flight 93. (9-14-2001)

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