TheDimNews LIVE: Iran Attacks Israel | FISA Is a Violation of the Constitution

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


thrasybulus Over/Under on minutes late for the start?

RonGreen1 The Dim News. Get your goose on!🕺💃

thrasybulus Who am I kidding. No one wants to bet the under without rediculous minutes and/or odds.

RonGreen1 Last week they were two days late.🤣

JQuickDraw Supporter The DimSide - Goose Stepping into History

Guyinroom83 i have farm animal phobia and this is NOT ok to have just playing as an intro.

JQuickDraw Supporter Don't worry, after the climate restrictions kick in, there won't be any farm animals left.

RonGreen1 What I want to know is, what are those geese saying to each other? Perhaps Beverly could translate. She speaks goosanese.

Guyinroom83 well theyre the ones farting climate destruction 24/7.

thrasybulus @TotallyNotAlec
for the padded helmet charity fund

thrasybulus Can't use PTT? There goes @MurderGoose2028 being able to wear the same comms as the Secret Service.

RonGreen1 Why is Alex in the dark? Did she forget to pay the light bill?💡

JQuickDraw Supporter It would be funny if Beverly keeps talking and talking about her computer, and Alex just slowly fades into darkness.

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw lol

Guyinroom83 did you try turning it off and on again erl

JQuickDraw Supporter If I made a female android, her nipples would be "push-to-talk

JQuickDraw Supporter and push to stop

Guyinroom83 Erl has officially lost her mind. "I know what the geese are saying"

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Make the c lit the PTT button. She doesn't need to talk.
OakPoke Supporter Good evening ladies and chat. What happened to Alex? Is she on the lamb?

thrasybulus The boats are dropping the bridges between VA and PA, so no need to burn them.

Guyinroom83 I would definitely also drive 10 hours to get a disabled duck

RonGreen1 In ducks we trust.

thrasybulus We are seeing @DemonicAlexSoul
OakPoke Supporter Oh no. Nasty migraine headache

thrasybulus #MuteWomenAreSexy

Guyinroom83 alex's cat gives her a migraine

thrasybulus National Progressive Radio.

thrasybulus This is the Genocide Joe I keep seeing protests about?

RonGreen1 Is there a bomb Israel video game?

thrasybulus Late night in which time zone?

Guyinroom83 late night naughty phone call

thrasybulus Prob Israel. Biden after sundown and all.

Guyinroom83 what are youuuu doin biden? you up?

JQuickDraw Supporter Songs with "Lily" in the title:

RonGreen1 Biden had to return to the White House from his vacation.

JQuickDraw Supporter Pictures of Lily

Qriist Supporter The "late night" matters because they are trying to offset the (accurate) perception that Biden is an old man who can't stay awake.

JQuickDraw Supporter Lily Was Here

Guyinroom83 it's actually funny to me how biden keeps having to support israel but also pretend to be for the insane college kids protesting

thrasybulus Who started this? How far back do you want to go?

RonGreen1 Iran sent drones and cruise missiles.

Guyinroom83 @Qriist good point

Guyinroom83 @Qriist a REALLYYYY late phone call and biden was really animated during the whole thing trust us.

JQuickDraw Supporter Israel would do well to back off with Iran. The US also is not in a good place with the drone tech being used by other nations.

thrasybulus When the Persian Empire in the 6th Century BC...

JQuickDraw Supporter The cost to take out each one is exorbitant, compared to figurative pennies for the drones.

Guyinroom83 yeah i heard someone saying how biden would be totally finished for 2024 if israel and iran go to war

Guyinroom83 the most delicious fish. the silver fish.

RonGreen1 In Iran, if a woman doesn't cover her head, she gets 70 lashes.

JQuickDraw Supporter On both eyes?

Guyinroom83 red fish blue fish silverfish

CheddarSteve whats with all these kids in Gaza suddenly getting AIDS???

thrasybulus Rum, sodomy, and the lash. - Fmr Lord of the Admiralty summing up the history of the British Navy

Guyinroom83 i dont understand what the dome is. i just picture a literal dome

thrasybulus Attrition

CheddarSteve Are you ladies Pro Choice?

Guyinroom83 thats all politics is now, tit for tat over and over with the left vs right

Guyinroom83 im more of a tit guy than a tat guy

thrasybulus Attrition winners are generally the ones whose numbers or societal support mechanisms last.

thrasybulus Whoevers break first loses.

JQuickDraw Supporter lol I responded to Moe in Discord and came back like an hour later, and Alex had dove in with her fighting partner and went at it.

TunedToKey Supporter Howdy

TunedToKey Supporter Why are you so mysterious today, Alex?

thrasybulus German Army didn't lose WW1, German economy did.

Guyinroom83 the cat caused buffering

RonGreen1 The people in Iran want the mullahs to get bombed.

TunedToKey Supporter So, this is Missy's fault?

CheddarSteve I'm Pro Choice too. Sometimes I choose the mouth, sometimes I choose the butt.

TunedToKey Supporter lolol

Guyinroom83 ginger also has an autistic nephew?
OakPoke Supporter be back

CheddarSteve Beverly be just like STFU, please

Guyinroom83 (I do also)

RonGreen1 The people in America want DC to get nuked.

thrasybulus Fmr is former.

Guyinroom83 i agree with whoopi recently, do whatever you want, 3 months, 3,000 months, 40 years old, whatever you can abort whenever

Qriist Supporter Respectfully, that means you're not pro-life Alex.

thrasybulus Oh yeah. Yes! Yes! Yes!

Guyinroom83 this time it's DARK cunt corner

RonGreen1 For men, brain activity doesn't start until about 30 years.

JQuickDraw Supporter An AIDS doll? *Must ... resist urge ... to make ... evil jokes*

thrasybulus I want a father to sue to unilaterally abort a child under the non-discrimination on the basis of sex.

thrasybulus If mommy can do it, why can't daddy?

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Either that, or men can have financial abortions and choose not to support the child if she has it.

thrasybulus Mandatory paternity tests.

Qriist Supporter I'm aware of the pragmatic views. Personally, it's pretty clear to me that the "base" Constitution implictly forbids abortion, and explicitly forbids laws allowing abortion via the 14A.

Qriist Supporter I like being a mile from the WH, because when the bombs drop I won't feel a thing.

Guyinroom83 That's really interesting. Honestly, I think women would be super outraged if men could have custody and the baby got to live. Terrible, but I kinda think it would happen

Qriist Supporter Alex channeling her Bill Maher

Guyinroom83 Those people are saying dumb people don't deserve to live though. I used to think that same way but that's basically what it's saying

Guyinroom83 @Qriist wow you're that close?

thrasybulus How about we hold people to their own standards? Mandatory abortions for Democrats. 100% income tax over the National Avg for Dems.

Qriist Supporter @Guyinroom83 ya

Qriist Supporter it's like a 20 minute walk lol

JQuickDraw Supporter "Ma'am, you've designated FMR. You have to get new colored eyes." "Nooooo!"

thrasybulus Childbirth is the risky responsibility women need to undertake to perpetuate society. Men get drafted, fight, kill, and die. Women give birth.

Guyinroom83 @Qriist how did you live through Jan 6??

Guyinroom83 The singer Phoebe bridgers bothered me bc she said something like, it's fucked up to say getting an abortion is a big deal, she was saying people shouldn't have emotion over them at all
"you can defend yourself against someone falling on you with a sword" ... Sephiroth most affected

thrasybulus We had a societal compromise of safe, legal, and rare? Take away the rare and void the compromise.


JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist It must have been terrible. All those dead cops. The fire nation. All of it.

thrasybulus Birth Control pills trick your body into believing it is already pregnant to prevent conception.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Hey baby, wanna make some viable fetuses with me?"

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw Good thing Nancy Pelosi was there to single-handedly deter the insurrection.

Guyinroom83 @Qriist I'm literally crying right now thinking of the dead bodies and red wedding level of carnage.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Well, to be fair, Pelosi always has at least 6 hammers on her at any given time.

Guyinroom83 Imagine how those artificially raised kids would grow to resent their birth parents

RonGreen1 I read that transgenders may soon be able to get a uterus transplant. Where would the uterus come from?

thrasybulus Artificial wombs presume a level of tech and infrastructure that is never guaranteed to continue. They might cause long term genetic issues nature fails to eliminate because you bypassed it.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Doc, I say, I say, I'm a strange bird. Can ya give me one o' them thar irregular periods? Much obliged."

JQuickDraw Supporter When I die, I want to be buried in an artificial womb. It would be the first artificial womb tomb.

Guyinroom83 Trans foghorn ?

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw "STOP! HAMMER TIME! dunnn duh duh dun." -Pelosi

JQuickDraw Supporter lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Somebody needs to make that video

thrasybulus Given the state of science indoctrination, I mean education, how much do you trust the lab personnel?

thrasybulus Eugenics ethics thereof...

Guyinroom83 I say if a girl does an abortion, SHE dies and the baby lives. Out of vengeance

thrasybulus Crispr the fetus? I saw Gattaca.

JQuickDraw Supporter Fetus Crisps - Now with more Jalapeno

Qriist Supporter dunno why it's called the crispr dawer. I put all my genetically modified veggies in there and they still get soggy

thrasybulus I don't want men voting who will not risk their life for the country. Nor a woman who will not risk her life to give birth.

RonGreen1 If the pregnancy is risky, call the psychic hot line to find out if pregnancy is for you.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Problem with that reasoning is the corruption of the government. Serving now is not protecting the nation. It's building empire and serving other nations and military contractors.

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 Miss Cleo?

thrasybulus @RonGreen1 Miss Cleo says it be worth it mon.

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw What happens when those not willing to risk themselves can't vote, sit on a jury, on be elected to office?

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh no no, you been clip cloppin' wit all da bums n' beggas round about town. You need to do betta, chile.

Guyinroom83 I totally disagree about mandatory military service. Fuck that. Id turn trans first

thrasybulus I remember when a cold stone ice cream with charcoal in it was negating birth control. Ozempic recently as well.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus In this country? You're left with people willing to kill on command in nations that never attacked us being the only ones voting. Ever see a snowball rolling down a hill?

Guyinroom83 Yeah good point. I've just heard a guy once sound really bitter because his mom almost was gonna abort him

RonGreen1 Are you my mom? -Dr. Seuss

Guyinroom83 I mean she didn't obviously, but he was very resentful

thrasybulus @AlexIsClose I'm suggesting women need to have a replacement level of kids reach adulthood to vote. I'd also like men complete a prolonged service as well. 18-42 including reserve time.

Guyinroom83 Don't force a gender on the human brain Alex.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh the babies you'll kill - Dr Seuss

JQuickDraw Supporter Not sure what to make of all this forced military service talk. The founders didn't even want a standing army. That's why the 2A is phrased the way it is.

Guyinroom83 True. Idiocracy - the dumbest people keep procreating

Guyinroom83 Mandatory military service almost is like mandatory vaccination to me

RonGreen1 Back in the day, women in insane asylums were sterilized.

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Militia service was needed to vote in many places.

thrasybulus I'm not mandating service. I'm just making it a requirement to vote, sit on a jury, or hold public office.

RonGreen1 The military is trans, now.😂

Qriist Supporter BRB, drafting Beverly's critters

Qriist Supporter gotta fulfill the diversity quota

thrasybulus Individual and Group selection matter.

Guyinroom83 The motion in the oceans motion

JQuickDraw Supporter The point about voting is duly noted. However, it's pointing to a caste system, and setting up a system of control in an already degenerate and wholly fallen nation.

Qriist Supporter gonna need a motrin to mitigate the motion montioning motions
OakPoke Supporter She's got the potion in the motion To cure my illz She's got skillz

JQuickDraw Supporter Break it down

RonGreen1 Alex is a patriot.👍
OakPoke Supporter "Rock, flag, and eagle."

JQuickDraw Supporter The term "bureaucratic leviathan" comes mind.

Guyinroom83 If we really fought for liberty it would make more sense

thrasybulus If you amend the constitution Scotus can't nullify.

Guyinroom83 I'm all for owning property. As in a woman, or wife.

RonGreen1 Repeal the 19th amendment

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Good luck with that lol

Guyinroom83 Then they elected an almost dead guy, fetterman

thrasybulus Fetterman wasn't completely dead. Just braindead.

thrasybulus Lily Tang Williams.
OakPoke Supporter She should have been our ogre .

JQuickDraw Supporter I was hoping Herschel Walker would also get in, and we could have debates between Sloth Fetterman and Retarded Blade Walker.

Qriist Supporter Lily Tang rocks! Beverly and I met her at PorcFest
OakPoke Supporter That would have been something.

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw I make my women sign contracts saying how often do blow me, etc.

Guyinroom83 ..they

thrasybulus It's from a debate on gun control between David Hogg and a libertarian.
OakPoke Supporter That was an All 4 One song..."Skillz". You guys kept saying all these ocean lotion motion words
OakPoke Supporter I want to see Fetterman body slam david hogg through a table.

JQuickDraw Supporter If I owned slaves, the women would all have to speak with Victorian England cockney streetwalker accents, and the men would have to sound like Michael Palin saying "Biggus Dickus."
OakPoke Supporter Better yet, Kane.

Guyinroom83 She said motion again

Guyinroom83 E MOTION

RonGreen1 Biden said his uncle was eaten by cannibals.

thrasybulus Excerpt

JQuickDraw Supporter There's a Liverpool in NY?


thrasybulus You've been a bad boy. Go to my room. - Mae West

JQuickDraw Supporter WHY ARE YOU YELLING?

JQuickDraw Supporter The fact that this is all they've released tells me that the cops ran into someone who far outgunned them and cleaned their clocks.

Guyinroom83 She's great

Guyinroom83 I've seen her on podcasts where she's not yelling, fyi

thrasybulus Bats do eat insects. The cave network in northern Mexico has a lot of them. It works as a barrier between US and South America's bugs.

JQuickDraw Supporter Sorry, Beverly, we see through your manipulative ways.
OakPoke Supporter "neighbor" she means nagger

Qriist Supporter vertically challenged bats of color*

JQuickDraw Supporter "Nagga" - You don't get to use the hard "R" unless you nag people.

RonGreen1 Are fruit bats gay?😂

Guyinroom83 It's light bringer and He is Our Lord.

Guyinroom83 Praise the dark one.

JQuickDraw Supporter As gay as my penis is long.

thrasybulus So 1/2" gay?

JQuickDraw Supporter Remove the "/"

thrasybulus Oh, you're measuring in millimeters.
OakPoke Supporter Lesbian peace activist mother, and '"holocaust surviving" father or grandfather...

JQuickDraw Supporter Big Brown Bats are big, but are they brown?
OakPoke Supporter Winona's got a big brown beaver

thrasybulus National People's Radio.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus kilometres

RonGreen1 NPR is full blown pinko commie faggot. Always has been.

thrasybulus I remember when lefties were complaining about the failed lefty news talk radio networkk Air America. They didn't understand NPR already filled that spot 20 years ago.

JQuickDraw Supporter I would describe them as watermelons, green (climate) on the outside, red (commie) on the inside.
OakPoke Supporter @thrasybulus Yeah. Scare america certainly used it to fund Al Franken's campaign in minnesota

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw I don't want to know what you pay for pants then.

JQuickDraw Supporter Pants?
OakPoke Supporter all looked like a scam to me....They paid him a ton of money off the bat and he had no audience
OakPoke Supporter I used to listen to Scare America radio sometimes, to see what they were up to...unbearalbe radio
OakPoke Supporter I think the only radio talent on the network was this , I think lesbian, daughter of 2 republicans...stephanie miller. Terrible show, but she was the best

JQuickDraw Supporter Radio? Like OTA radio wave talkie shows? *shudder* Left or right, I would rather die than listen to that garbage.

thrasybulus @OakPoke I remember Jeanine "not the voice of daria" Garafalo and Al "it was just a joke #metoo" Franken.

thrasybulus Anthony "I am the science" Fauci.
OakPoke Supporter thrasy yeah. Ole Franken...

thrasybulus The first commandment of Faucism is thou shalt not question the science.

JQuickDraw Supporter To be fair, Russiagate as not just NPR's "miscue," not by a long shot. Everyone in the MSM got it wrong and quadrupled down on it day in and day out.
OakPoke Supporter talk radio was.pretty decent pre clear channel, then internet took more
OakPoke Supporter I don't think they got Russia gate wrong... it's intentional. They push agendas

Guyinroom83 this should be a huge story. my guess is no one who is a 'normie' knows about this, and never will

RonGreen1 Rand Paul has all the emails that confirm Fauci was involved in creating covid 19 in the Wuhan lab.

JQuickDraw Supporter Depends on the level of the people in question. It's not monolithic. The lower levels are true believers and useful idiots who believe it all. The higher levels know better, and simply lie for profit.

thrasybulus Uri Berliner was suspended without pay after the new CEOs twitter history was exposed. He has since "resigned".

thrasybulus Agents of change? What kind of change? How about committing to being agents of truth?
OakPoke Supporter I like Rand
OakPoke Supporter lower levels, brainwashed sure... u think those are the media consumers , less thr pushers

thrasybulus Reporter: Why are you blaming me for so many cis hetero white interviews? You sent me to a neonazi convention. OK. I'll go to my reeducation HR session.

Qriist Supporter NPR Asians = NPR Stirfry

thrasybulus Ummah is the word for all muslims.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's Report Media Lies Like a Pirate Day at NP-Aaarrgh!

RonGreen1 The Brits call muzlim immigrants, Asians.

Guyinroom83 Nonce & Pedophile Radio

thrasybulus Why would my like minded colleagues be only in my affinity group(s)?
OakPoke Supporter I wish my gym was segregated. wouldn't have retarded fresh off the boat Africans or other questionables

Guyinroom83 the 1st amendment is a gateway to the alt right.

thrasybulus Not the first time reporters have talked about this. Bernard Goldberg at CBS comes to mind. He wrote two books on the subject. Bias and Arrogance.

JQuickDraw Supporter Gender-Expansive means you are expanding like the universe, from a singularity. So you're a queer slow motion big bang.

Guyinroom83 did he resign today?

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw motion.
OakPoke Supporter Zero Republicans. Yeah. NPR has been terrible as long as I can remember though... it's not new. they should have been shut down decades ago.

Guyinroom83 i did use to listen to npr, like a lot, back in 2010, 2011. it actually was pretty center back then
OakPoke Supporter I've never thought that.

JQuickDraw Supporter The 1st amendment is a gateway to being a troll demon on rRddit.

Guyinroom83 I mean, i just don't remember them really being political. or maybe i didn't listen to the news segments

JQuickDraw Supporter Before Trump, everything was less political by a full order of magnitude.

Guyinroom83 very true

Guyinroom83 back then, it was eh, they're kinda biased but , eh.

thrasybulus World Wrestling Federation got sued out of WWF by World Wildlife Fund. Hence the shirt

Guyinroom83 ugh. yuck

Guyinroom83 fuck that

thrasybulus Dane could be a national heritage or a dog.

Guyinroom83 it's honestly really hard for me to get past forced woke stuff. it nearly ruins it every time. it's seriously terrible bc it's usually also awful writing for those parts too

JQuickDraw Supporter The cultural marxism has ramped up heavily since Trump. One of its defining traits is not allowing anyone an escape. Bring politics and incendiary cultural issues into every space.
OakPoke Supporter 08/09 Minnesota public radio or NPR, i don't remember...reported negative things about somalis and R8pe...I was SHOCKED at the time as they were so liberal
OakPoke Supporter Also i was shocked, and also they'd never run the story today

Guyinroom83 you shouldn't need to know that Erl, but you should also know that and never misgender ever.
OakPoke Supporter Story was issues w/ the migrants...they had to go to classes to learn r8pe is wrong here...the problem the teachers noticed, was when the males finally understood it was against the law no matter what
OakPoke Supporter they started asking things like "ok I get how do i make sure she doesn't go to the police after"?

thrasybulus Where the shirt comes from
OakPoke Supporter So npr or MPR wouldn't do that story today...but they did 08/09, i was very surprised as it was so liberal

Guyinroom83 @OakPoke jesus.

Guyinroom83 that's what i mean. they were biased but not 2020 era biased
OakPoke Supporter @Guyinroom83 I also didn't know we were still getting somalis...i mean i didn' tknow...i dind't know they were such trash, because I was in a white area and everyone around me was white
OakPoke Supporter it was all "over there" somewhere

Qriist Supporter The Warframe forums were offended that I don't share their religion.

Guyinroom83 idk if that's a fair comparison. what shows even include religion, and if they do, it's portrayed negatively. so it's almost woke all over again lol.
OakPoke Supporter Now at my gym I can tell this guy and that guy are bulb head somalis, and then different looking africans speaking god knows what language, and now loads of indian beaners
OakPoke Supporter it's crazy...area was easilly 98 pct white 2010

Egerog hi

thrasybulus If women aren't held to the same account, it's because we believe they have less agency even if we don't want to say it.

Guyinroom83 the most annoying thing when there's like one woman, is that men all start to kinda infantilize the one woman

Guyinroom83 in like any group situation
OakPoke Supporter it happens.

Guyinroom83 Grandpa SHREDS Fauci on the stand

thrasybulus Bernard Goldberg had a similar experience to Berliner when he talked about media bias when he was at CBS in the late 90s. Not as retaliatory an experience.
OakPoke Supporter Ginger sounds awesome. I too do stir fry & general tsao chicken or pork

Guyinroom83 wtf is the recipe for general tsos chicken
OakPoke Supporter Beverly very cool on the bread. What are the ingredients? ...I proof dough in oven (no heat) with oven light on, is enoug hheat

Guyinroom83 it's called FREEDOM toast Erl
OakPoke Supporter freedom toast :)

Guyinroom83 what are men the only ones who cook now

Guyinroom83 ...why are

Guyinroom83 ok wait, my one friend's wife cooks. but everyone else i know, the guy cooks
OakPoke Supporter I found an older video on i watched 5 or more recipes on youtube and took what i liked and made it...pretty good stuff
OakPoke Supporter Men doing it all 2024

Guyinroom83 they really do, and women have kids far less now too. marriage is just so dumb for guys now not to go on a rant
OakPoke Supporter Tell us all about your bread! Are you using non bleached AP flour? Bread flour? Are you using "Diastatic malt"?

thrasybulus French Toast Killed Alex.

thrasybulus AnteTrump, PostTrump.
OakPoke Supporter Video killed the radio star..

thrasybulus Face for radio.

thrasybulus Voice for print.

Qriist Supporter I've watched several random eps of B99, not a fan

Guyinroom83 that's another thing. the guys I know who cook make it nerdy and they sound like tech nerds but about food
OakPoke Supporter Must be the autism.

Guyinroom83 the 3 body problem is kinda shit. barely got through the first episode

Guyinroom83 also kinda woke too

thrasybulus We have no tolerance for intolerance here at tolerance camp. - South park

Guyinroom83 the one main girl character is supposed to be a genius scientist and looks like an instagram model

RonGreen1 Is Psycho a good movie for Mother's Day?

Guyinroom83 you gotta watch the 1st episode of it. there's a scene in a bar that's so annoying

Guyinroom83 made me almost turn off the show

JQuickDraw Supporter cthonic iconogaphy? Ia ia cthulhu ftagn
OakPoke Supporter Don't remember psycho.

Guyinroom83 they've probably done psycho for it before, im guessing

Qriist Supporter hey I remember pirating that for you

thrasybulus Last one you read past tense, finished.

thrasybulus Otherwise the question would be what nonfiction book are you reading.

JQuickDraw Supporter Brave New World

Qriist Supporter but can the Ginger handle the facerump?

Guyinroom83 general tsos chicken - syrupy brown shit, chicken.

JQuickDraw Supporter Giger's Necronomicon
OakPoke Supporter Window sill sounds good too...oven light does work though, shockingly
OakPoke Supporter Sandwich bread :)
OakPoke Supporter flour, water, salt, butter, yeast, milk, sugar
OakPoke Supporter Nice

RonGreen1 Chicken nuggets and a bottle of general tsao sauce.
OakPoke Supporter Butter is great. I'm sure the fake butter is fine too, or olive oil idk, or vegetable oil

thrasybulus Another good question would be "What is the last book you read about the Roman Empire?"

JQuickDraw Supporter The Bible

RonGreen1 Cinnamon french toast is the food of the gods.

Qriist Supporter Beverly's having pregnancy cravings

JQuickDraw Supporter If you use oil in baking, all I can say is, do butter.

thrasybulus Sleep. Night.
Watch this german later. I prefer Yudane... It's another way to soften the dough. Also Diastatic malt powder (amazon) makes things taste better somehow

Guyinroom83 if you're not supposed to eat something, and you eat a ton of it, it aactually cancels it out and then you can eat it again. health tip for all of you.
OakPoke Supporter Butter is great...I am a bit of a purist...My dough tend to be flour salt water yeast, diastatic malt powder

Guyinroom83 kinda. but no my brothers wife just doesn't know how to cook

Egerog My wife made Banana bread today

Guyinroom83 bread nerd.

Qriist Supporter I'm swearing off women. Strictly buttered bagels from now on.

JQuickDraw Supporter Gaffigan's Pancakes for Breakfast lol:
OakPoke Supporter Very very good on the flour...and the flour is cheap. I forget the math but it might be like 5 to 12 cents a cup of flour...i did the math when making 1 cup flour dough pizzas

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist You can use the hole in the bagel, then eat the bagel. Very efficient.

Qriist Supporter "This new bagel diet I'm on is awesome. I even make my own protein spread!"

JQuickDraw Supporter Build-a-Bagel

Egerog Altitude effects bread sadly most recipes are for sea level

Guyinroom83 brooklyn 99 is SHIT. almost as bad as women am I right

Guyinroom83 ive actually only seen like one episode of it
OakPoke Supporter 12.7 for a cup of flour...can't really beat that, less bigger than a 5 pound bag

JQuickDraw Supporter Never watched it. I thought it was a Nazi show.

Guyinroom83 well thats better then

Guyinroom83 everyone is chinese which means everyone is white.
OakPoke Supporter Just noticed there is a cat behind Beverly's head.

Egerog New story pitch Nancy Drew but in space

Guyinroom83 it was more that I just thought she was a bad actor

Guyinroom83 but I only saw an episode or two

Guyinroom83 thats true. i forgot about the uglyfication

Guyinroom83 exactly

Guyinroom83 and wouldn't the actress be offended by it?

Guyinroom83 yeah go ahead ugly me up! make me hideous
OakPoke Supporter Grand theft auto san andreas was so weird because you had to play as a ghetto moron.

Guyinroom83 "uggify" lol

Guyinroom83 @OakPoke i think it was going for like, relatable? idk. it seemed like more a comedy GTA
OakPoke Supporter Yeah. Ya know, it wasn't a bad game I was weird, though.

Guyinroom83 @OakPoke i see people saying that was the best gta all the time

Guyinroom83 i like read dead 2 more than any GTA

RonGreen1 Mother's Day is now Murders Day.😂
OakPoke Supporter Don't turn the oven on at all, just the light in the oven...and push dough back toward where the light is, close the does warm it up

Guyinroom83 i got a bun in the oven

Guyinroom83 and a baby on board
OakPoke Supporter @Beverly you're right. The sugar, milk, both soften it. They're dough conditioners, both of them. It is very, very true.

Guyinroom83 Erl, a wild rabid, feral animal is behind you. DONT. MOVE.
OakPoke Supporter I think diastatic malt powder is also a dough conditioner, i forget, but it makes it taste better
OakPoke Supporter Zucchini bread is with butter

Guyinroom83 zucchini bread is weird. I'm not even a zucchini fan, but in bread, I am
OakPoke Supporter Broke it down in a spreadsheet. NICE! I was working out a recipe to compete with Jacks pizza, in calories & protein, but a little more protein :)...just to see if cheaper than the store. Absolutely is

Guyinroom83 i make eggshell bread. it's just eggshhells cooked into bread, I call it zucchini bread and give it to new neighbors, and watch for their reaction.
OakPoke Supporter Milk powder is great. Brings the protein up.
OakPoke Supporter will figure out how...oh that's right twitter too. gotcha, gotcha

Guyinroom83 it's kiiiiindaaaaaa trickyyyy.

Guyinroom83 arthur morgan the pedo mod

Guyinroom83 red dead 2, MAP edition
OakPoke Supporter Dennis Rodman started wearing nail polish to mess with players... I didn't know about a football player doing it now too
OakPoke Supporter "all your women want me" oh boy, what a moron chip

JQuickDraw Supporter She rolled out of bed and just started streaming.
OakPoke Supporter Nail polish strikes me as gay...

Guyinroom83 ugh.
OakPoke Supporter I let a gal paint 1 finger once, but it was middle school and i was more about letting her , as we were kinda flirting and she wanted to...nail polish was blue or black i don't remember
OakPoke Supporter Guy wears lip gloss? Ok this guy is gay

Guyinroom83 sounds like ezra miller

JQuickDraw Supporter What is you paint little skulls on your nails?

Guyinroom83 they/them. just be gay already

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw gay AND goth
OakPoke Supporter Skulls on nails sounds like a hardcore communist hunter tbh

JQuickDraw Supporter In high school, the goths painted their nails black, but they weren't gay. If anything, some of them were probably asexual.

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm still waiting for Alex to anonymously detail the transgressions of a large corporation. And her voice should be masked.
OakPoke Supporter We didn't have many goth goths...some may have been "part time" , kinda goth esque, a little maybe. ....then came the emo kids after, and i didn't know wtf to think of that, and the skinny jeans they
OakPoke Supporter wore

Guyinroom83 that's true. people now kinda just throw together crazy shit with no real 'look' like goths or even emo had. It's just like, I'm a guy, I have a beard but I paint my nails and wear high heelsssss

JQuickDraw Supporter One "thing" I've noticed nowadays is the broccoli haircut on zoomers, where it looks like a mushroom cloud coming out of their heads.
OakPoke Supporter Boy, I don't care for that hair cut, lol.

JQuickDraw Supporter Like Sideshow Bob

Guyinroom83 Yaway? What is Alex saying

Guyinroom83 Rumble froze for me

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Yaoi.

JQuickDraw Supporter Girls dig Yahweh
OakPoke Supporter Yaweh fan fiction? Is that the White nationalist stuff? Like Christian Identity or? Idk

Guyinroom83 Yaoi is that some kinda Chinese food dish

JQuickDraw Supporter Storm cloud gods make the women wet 😀
OakPoke Supporter "The zoomer perm is the faggiest GD thing I've ever seen" (richard nixon)
OakPoke Supporter search "zoomer perm"

Guyinroom83 A fro is my least fav hair style

Guyinroom83 Ever

JQuickDraw Supporter I think man buns are worse, unless you're a samurai.

Guyinroom83 Yeah. True, I meant on women. Then again, no. Buzzed hair on women I like less probably

Guyinroom83 A man bun screams pretentious douche

Qriist Supporter Beverly is jealous of my luxorious long hair
OakPoke Supporter Alex it's time to grow your hair out!
OakPoke Supporter Long narrow face is a Nordic trait, and they should have long hair.
OakPoke Supporter (women)

Guyinroom83 Long narrow face - common native American name
OakPoke Supporter <---typical guy. Thinks women should have long hair....frizzy hair means turn into pony tail? Ironing straightener tool?

JQuickDraw Supporter What hair works best with a rhomboid shaped face?
OakPoke Supporter Uf'da. Head scratcher.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Straighteners take forever (time I'd rather spend on something more productive) and don't take out the frizz.

Qriist Supporter some women look fine with short hair, but all women look better with long hair.

Guyinroom83 I used a straightener on a gay person before.. didn't work
OakPoke Supporter Alex, you can become a greaser like in The'll keep the frizz down
OakPoke Supporter @Qriist Well said.

Guyinroom83 @Qriist agree but some guys do like short hair on women more

JQuickDraw Supporter The Pixie cut on women can be very cute.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think that was a thing in the 60s/70s.

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw God no
OakPoke Supporter Women are always cold. The hair keeps em warm, and also it protects against possilbe head and football players would grow their hair out for cushioning

Qriist Supporter @Guyinroom83 I have it on good authority that if you like women with short hair then you're gay

Guyinroom83 @Qriist tell that to Johnny boy here

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm trans-gay

Guyinroom83 No. She still looks better with longer hair

JQuickDraw Supporter But I identify as CIS

Qriist Supporter that's not her hair

Qriist Supporter fake hair doesn't count

Guyinroom83 She looks super lesbian and Butch with her short style. Alex doesn't have that butch look she does
OakPoke Supporter I thought Jaime Lee Curtis looked better in a wig in Trading Places, than with her short hair...that's my memory, but can't picture her.
OakPoke Supporter They voted for short hair? Were they also gay? Some of them?

Qriist Supporter she looks like a fucking qtip
OakPoke Supporter Alex doesn't look butch ,no.

JQuickDraw Supporter Q-tips get in those deep crevices real good.

Qriist Supporter lol

Guyinroom83 For me it depends how short and the face though. A pixie or buzzed is just a full no for me though

Guyinroom83 I think it a woman loses her hair, Ive always thought they have it easier bc they can just wear wigs and it's not a big deal
OakPoke Supporter I use homemade soap or cheap soap, and a cheap shampoo that smells good and manly enough.

JQuickDraw Supporter I can dig short hair on women because there was a type of scifi art when I was very young, it depicted hot female robots with short cuts. You can't take that away from me.

RonGreen1 Real men use a solid bar of soap. None of that all in one goop.

Guyinroom83 So you're into robots. Hmm.

JQuickDraw Supporter You could say I'm "into" them alright.
OakPoke Supporter I have a blue was on sale. I like it, would probably buy it again

JQuickDraw Supporter If you know what I mean.
OakPoke Supporter dry skin sometimes and winter in MN (very dry) i'll use Jergens Ultra Healing extra dry skin moisturizer...mostly for if my hands crack/almost bleed in winter

Guyinroom83 Alex is a werewolf.
OakPoke Supporter Vampire, she's pale enough

JQuickDraw Supporter To save time, I masturbate while cooking. Manly simplifying FTW.

Qriist Supporter giggity

Guyinroom83 Yeah I've not showered daily for a while. Unless it's real hot out or something

Guyinroom83 I shower maaaaaybe once every leap year.

JQuickDraw Supporter Shower? What's that?

JQuickDraw Supporter "Hey baby, hows about I moisturize that dry face for ya?"

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw maybe you could get a robot shower
OakPoke Supporter Jquick lol saving time while cooking

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke May I recommend my sausage covered in cream sauce?

Guyinroom83 Yes they do and it's WRONG. I wear a toupee but just for my pubes.
OakPoke Supporter Ooosh, maybe not for me

RonGreen1 When men lose their hair, they can just wear a baseball cap.
OakPoke Supporter Avino...ok....ahh for face sure...i'll put it on my heel or hands, depending

JQuickDraw Supporter I told my friend I wanted to wear a baklava on my face. What a fucking mess.

Guyinroom83 Eh .. everyone knows a hat means probably bald though
OakPoke Supporter I think most men who lose their hair, have a skull where it looks ok, being bald
OakPoke Supporter I shaved my head @ 19 once, and learned I have bumps and the like...

Guyinroom83 She's a grifter. I think everything she says is just to get engagement
OakPoke Supporter I wanted a nice church gal when I was a church was small and that wasn't going to happen
OakPoke Supporter I kinda like pearl. She's tall, redhead, smart, pale... could be worse.

JQuickDraw Supporter And she's an edgelord big time. She gets people all riled up so easily.

Qriist Supporter "This broad is too broad" -Beverly
OakPoke Supporter Interesting theory , shorter women can do shorter hair. Interesting.
OakPoke Supporter @JQuickDraw Yeah, it's a little over the top, but, whatever.

Guyinroom83 No she doesn't

Guyinroom83 NO.

Guyinroom83 yeah she's a troll

JQuickDraw Supporter Theory: Shorter women are more chinese because they're closer to the ground, and therefore closer to China.

Guyinroom83 It is actually funny if she's doing it just as a troll this whole time

Qriist Supporter redheads are hot, but pearl is retarded

Guyinroom83 Bc everyone FREAKS out over her posts

Guyinroom83 Exactly

JQuickDraw Supporter She has over-the-top takes on Twitter.

Guyinroom83 Yeah .. troll takes
OakPoke Supporter She's 6 foot. I think she's smart, but I agree that she's probably more of a grifter...I think she's more driving engagement than her beliefs.

Guyinroom83 How do people not see she's a troll

Guyinroom83 @OakPoke exactly

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't buy that she's a grifter. She's rich already. So she does not need money. Maybe for attention.

Guyinroom83 She's rich already? From what

JQuickDraw Supporter Her father is super wealthy. She's mentioned before that she has a trust fund.
OakPoke Supporter I think she has some kind of a media company...i think that went downhill when she had fuentes there is that
OakPoke Supporter She plays "pro" female volleyball in jolly ole england
OakPoke Supporter barely a single english girl on the english team....

Guyinroom83 Ok, so that proves she's doing it for a laugh then. She has money and doesn't care. OR, is being funded? Psy op?
Quaser I knew i would get here one day , late to the party but its fashionable , i think 🏴 👍

JQuickDraw Supporter I respect that she goes into the lion's den repeatedly. Triggernometry acted like little bitches, trying to struggle session her into apologizing for speaking with Fuentas.
OakPoke Supporter I dated a 5'11"...i'm 6'2" 3/8...I don't mind height. My ma was taller than average too

Guyinroom83 I seriously get strong troll 'vibes' from her

Guyinroom83 She's just a female milo
OakPoke Supporter Milo was pretty bad...oosh...interesting...Milo pushed the zionist bs, and she is quite critical though

Guyinroom83 Yeah, triggernometry were total retards with that. They were anti free speech.
OakPoke Supporter @JQuickDraw Yes, I respect her over the fuentes stuff
OakPoke Supporter ideal height :)

Qriist Supporter TheDimStream was dimly foretold in a dimly known prophecy

Guyinroom83 Cause I felt gay saying vibes
OakPoke Supporter Milo turned on everyone ....
OakPoke Supporter Milo was recording people to try and blackmail them or just to try and destroy their lives...

JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe you feel gay because you are gay. Nothing wrong with that. I mean, I wouldn't want it for myself, but...
OakPoke Supporter I think milo may have been less sincere. He was likeable, certainly, but I wonder if he wasn't just sent in to destroy
Quaser Followed you all on yt on unsafe , been a while , not this call sign though .

Guyinroom83 I mean I did feel pretty gay going down on those 3 guys last night but I said no homo after so all is good

JQuickDraw Supporter Quasar, the prodigal son
Quaser 🏴 👍

JQuickDraw Supporter "Call sign" - I like this much more than "avatar"
Quaser Been on CB too much
OakPoke Supporter Bill Burr blamed feminists for not watching female basketball. Said it's "their thing", and men can't be blamed for it failing.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's the same old argument about meritocracy. There are female athletes who DO bring in viewers and money, like the Williams sisters, MMA fighters, etc.
OakPoke Supporter I heard bur mention the UFC, but I also heard or read sometime ago, that most don't make jack from the UFC, but they do from onlyfans or similar...

JQuickDraw Supporter Note to self - if playing hide-n-seek with Beverly, pretend to be headphones.

JQuickDraw Supporter Being good at a sport does not guarantee money. People have to want to watch you play.
OakPoke Supporter True
OakPoke Supporter I just assumed pushing women into sports is another way to stop women from having more children...especially the most athletic.

KSO818 I'm not like that ... I suck at most sports

KSO818 basket ball is a dumb game
OakPoke Supporter I only recently learned there is a game where you cross country ski, and then stop and shoot a 22...I wish I'd known that was a sport when I was younger
OakPoke Supporter Olympic sport, I mena.

KSO818 I've watched some of that oak it is pretty cool
OakPoke Supporter For sure.

JQuickDraw Supporter I want to rollerblade through a carnival, then stop and shoot a flamethrower. Is that a sport too?

KSO818 thanks for the welcome

KSO818 can you ski oak?
OakPoke Supporter If it isn't, it could be.

KSO818 I tried once and ..... 8ts not for southern people
OakPoke Supporter @KSO818 Yes. I skied into canada as a kid :)

KSO818 nice oak
OakPoke Supporter Well, skiing is just one of those things that you pick up after doing a bit.

JQuickDraw Supporter Like murder
OakPoke Supporter exactly like that

KSO818 lol these girls are alright 👍
OakPoke Supporter They certainly are.

KSO818 I'll give yall a like and a follow :)
OakPoke Supporter She must be a speed reader
OakPoke Supporter Alex do you read the books or listen or both or? speed read? osmosis?

JQuickDraw Supporter They're chakas in a world of sleestak

RonGreen1 I like quiet books.

JQuickDraw Supporter Reading requires an extra step of symbology translation, as opposed to hearing the spoken word, like having a conversation.
OakPoke Supporter AI reader right on. for entire population, makes sense
OakPoke Supporter <---also can read outloud , especially and don't take it in

JQuickDraw Supporter I like to consume my books through interpretive miming.

RonGreen1 I wonder if Elon Musk's Neuralink has books built into it.🤔
OakPoke Supporter <---highschool, street car named desire, read play in class...I have to be stanley....I do entire i read the entire play, and do the biggest part...i failed or nearly failed the test on it
OakPoke Supporter because i didn't take in any of it, or next to zero
OakPoke Supporter or was it biggest part? I don't remember...just that I couldn't absorb the information ether.
OakPoke Supporter AI reader sounds good. I should look into one...the computer reading ones from years ago were weird
OakPoke Supporter natural freader ai text to speech
Quaser Good to catch up with you 🏴 👍❤️
OakPoke Supporter I want my AI reader to be Stefan Molyneux

JQuickDraw Supporter Do they have Trump's voice??? "It was the best of times. The best! Wonderful times. I tell you, I make the best times of all, people."
OakPoke Supporter 10 hours, oh my.
OakPoke Supporter Trump, nice.

RonGreen1 Duck trip
OakPoke Supporter Life is like a Duck tale

JQuickDraw Supporter Wooo-hoo
OakPoke Supporter Alex sounds Trumpish, but also like a criminal migrant. Very good.

Egerog My youngest was a duck in school musical

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -
OakPoke Supporter See you in a couple weeks in the pale moon light (jack nicholson as the joker)
Quaser 🏴 👍🇬🇧

JQuickDraw Supporter Mayday - play with the pole
OakPoke Supporter Good night chat
OakPoke Supporter Good night ladies, and God bless..

JQuickDraw Supporter ???
OakPoke Supporter :) gn everyone

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User You know you're a void.

JQuickDraw Supporter I thought I was a noid, and people avoided me

NO stream tomorrow (Thursday) night! Have to cancel due to a long day trip Friday.

We'll also be skipping streams next week because I'll be in musical rehearsals.


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