Emotions: Technology Controlling Them, What is Normal, Dark Cloud Ships 4/13/2024

23 days ago

The technology wars allows mind control / inauthentic emotions to be sent to us.

Max recognizes he doesn't feel like himself here. Elsewhere you would have ALL of your knowledge back the minute you are born!!!

Max is able to view the volume of limitation he has in his body here. There is a lot of fakeness to our emotions. We should be able to control feelings. We would normally choose them. They would NOT control us.

Doubt, fear, guilt, judgement are all alien. Yet here we can feel others negative emotions hurled towards us. Even Max in his body, with his awareness, can feel all of this "garbage" both from people and technology.

Q talks about the "clouds that make us angry". Q talks about the ones that are in spirals and rows. Spaceships can do this too and Q mentions that a lot of the "stars" are spaceships.

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