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Prophet Julie Green - A Mass Exodus Is About to Take Place in Washington DC - Captions
God is warning his people not to fear the upcoming judgment and chaos that will befall their enemies. He reassures them that he will protect and deliver them, just as he did for the Israelites in the book of Exodus. He promises a great deliverance, freedom restored, and justice served. He also reveals that a mass exodus is about to take place in Washington, D.C., and that many corrupt individuals and organizations will be exposed and removed from power.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Tuesday, March 19th. Of 2024. And I thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show. Now I want to remind you, I'll do some reminders at the end of today, but we are also going to be doing another live show today at 10 o'clock central time. So I'll be back on again today at 10 o'clock central time.
With Thomas Renz. He is a dear friend. He is a lawyer and he is fighting a massive battle for freedom and for truth to be to destroy the enemies and what they're doing against us. So I hope you can join today's live show with Thomas Renz. I love him. He is a great Patriot and he is another person that people need to pray for.
Because he's fighting a fight that a lot of us don't even know, you know, don't even realize that there are some people behind the scenes that are fighting. You know, he's doing some things that we can see in some things that we can't. So I want you guys to pray for him. And I'm as excited. I, you know, there are so many right now we are trying to deal with in this ministry.
Just to get all these prophecies that are being fulfilled out to the public, try to make all these videos, try to get them all, that's a good problem to have because prophecies are fulfilling so fast right now. It's almost, almost like we had to have a whole department for prophecy fulfilled. So I just want to thank each and every one of you who are putting them in the chat every day or putting them in the comment section.
There are people everywhere. There are telegram channels. There's a prop the prophecy index channel there is also tons of different channels. At least one of them. I know is a good one on facebook that Our team does not do but there are people that are out there that are volunteering To put out prophecies fulfilled every single day on these private, groups So i'm so excited to see what God is doing and I hope this encourages you That God is on the move and we have seen a lot of things that look discouraging We have things that look like they're opposite to what we've been praying for But this is where i'm going to tell you Even though it looks like some prayers that we've been praying are going on Unanswered or it looks like they're you know, not going right in the right direction God has been telling us this over and over and over again You To never surrender.
We should have a never surrender and a no quit attitude. It doesn't matter how many times we've gotten knocked down. It is Micah chapter 7 verse 8. Rejoice not against me, O my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. So it doesn't matter how many times we've fallen down. It doesn't matter how many times we get discouraged.
We have to have that no surrender, never, I'm sorry, never surrender. Yes, no surrender, but never surrender, never give up, never quit, never back down, and hold the line. That's what God's been telling us to do, is hold that line. Our enemies, I'm telling you, there are a lot of things that are going on in the enemy's camp, That is not very good for them right now.
And you can start seeing them being flustered and trying to do things like I know MSM just caught in a massive lie the other day of spinning the truth of something that president Trump said, and it actually is not what he said at all. God said he was going to expose the MSM or the mainstream media.
And show them that their tongues were actually going to be their worst enemy. First of all, they're going to try to tell them a lie. They're actually going to tell the truth. Or they're going to spin the truth and they're going to be exposed. And that is what we are seeing now. We are seeing people turn away from those lying mainstream media people.
And they're turning away from them in droves. Because people want to know the truth. That's like right now when there's so much deception and lies going all around the world. How awesome is God? He's giving us truth every single day and that truth is setting us free. It's building us up. It's giving us faith It's giving us strength It's giving us that joy that we need it's giving us that peace that we need Because when everything around the world is going crazy and and shaking and going up just out of out of control It looks like God is giving us a steadfast You Immovable.
We are getting stronger all the time. We are fixed on a firm focus on the father. We are fixed on him, fixed on his work, and we will not be shaken. That's why it's important every day. I'm so grateful to God that he lets us share this moment every morning together at six 30 in the morning. We get to share this morning together with the Lord and with his word and with his anointing and with his glory and with his power, with his revelation knowledge.
Because I told you guys time and time before, don't take my word for it, get into the word, see what God says, because it's all about God. It's all about God, it's all about His will, and it's all about our relationship with Him. Because if we have a greater relationship, we know what He's going to do, we know how He is going to we may not know exactly how He's going to do everything, but we know that He will do something about everything that we see.
We know that he's our deliverer. So we should be expecting deliverance The one of the things when I was going over this prophecy that i'm going to share with you this morning I kept seeing I kept hearing the word expect we should be expecting God to move Not expecting the enemy to do everything they want to do and get away with it We should be expecting God to do something about everything that we're seeing Because God is a good God and he's not going to let us down.
He's not going to fail us He says in his word over and over and over You He's faithful to perform his work and he's not going to fail us and you know I'm gonna start with a couple of scriptures this morning just out of encouragement There's one that came up to me this morning because we see there's a lot of people against us right now in Different forms in different fashions, but this is what God says And joshua 1 5 now I have read the scripture time and time again But there are different situations and circumstances in my own life where I had to use this scripture God got the scripture out and said quote or not quote it but decree the scripture decree the scripture in your life Don't just quote it is what I meant to say Joshua 1 5 no man should be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with moses So i'll be with you.
I will not fail you You Or forsake you God will not fail And he will not forsake us. That means he will not leave us Where we are he will not leave us alone without help or without him getting us out of these situations So God will not leave us alone He won't forsake us and he will not fail when he says he will deliver us out of it all Or he gives us, the victory out of everything You And he delivers us out of it all.
He says that in Psalm 37, go to Psalm, sorry, Psalm 34 in verse 17, Psalm 34 in verse 17. I need to encourage more people right now this morning before I get to this prophecy because I know some people are discouraged this morning. So I want to read in Psalm 34 and. Hmm, I could read all of Psalm 34, actually, but let's start with Psalm 34 in verse 7.
Psalm 34 in verse 7, the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and who re reverence and worship him with awe. Each and every one of them he delivers. So God, as I said right here, the angel of the Lord encamps around those. Now this word fear is not that means that we're supposed to be afraid.
We're supposed to respect. That's what that word means right here. We're supposed to respect him. And when we do, again, he delivers us. So we should know that God encamps around us. Remember Elijah and Gehazi, we talked about this in 2nd Kings a lot. 2nd Kings in verse 6, or chapter 6, When Elijah and Gehaziah were trapped and they were surrounded by the, by the enemy's army.
But God showed Gehaziah and Elijah that he had his angel armies encamping around those, those evil ones who were with against them. And God was protecting them. God is our protector. And that's what he promises. And so at verse 8, Psalm 34 in verse 8 says, O taste and see, the Lord is good. Our God is good and blessed and happy and fortunate to be envied, is a man who trusts and takes refuge in him.
So we need to take refuge in God in our times of trouble and know that he encamps around us. So he surrounds us. Remember, he's also inside of us. He protects us in every way. He will not leave us. He will not forsake us. And he will not fail jump down to verse 17 psalm 34 and verse 17 When the righteous cry for help the lord hears and delivers them out of their distress and troubles God delivers people out of their distress and troubles.
Then it says in verse 19, many evil confront the consistently righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of it all. That's why shake off that discouragement, shake off that weariness, shake off those impossible situations that the enemy keeps shoving right in your face and lying to you on a continual basis that there's no way out and you're just going to then defeat.
Is it evitable? Defeat is inevitable for our enemy. So shake off discouragement, tell our enemy to shut up on a daily basis. No matter what, tell them off. That's what I do. You said, tell them off, tell them where to go underneath your feet. Tell them where to go out of your house. Tell him where to go back where you came from.
Don't let him get away with what he's doing to you, what he's doing in your mind, get that mindset out that you are a failure or that you are not strong enough or you're not good enough. You're not, you're just not worthy to receive. That is a life in the pit of hell. So do not be discouraged today. And realize that God is on our side, realize that God is going to do something expecting to do something and he promises more than once in his word that he will deliver us out of it all.
So everything we see. God delivers it delivers us out of it all and that's why today We should be encouraged and we should be shouting from the rooftops and saying we thank you God This is the day that you have made We will rejoice to be glad in it because you deliver us out of it all and no matter how messy the situation is No matter how dark a situation is no matter how bad a situation looks You deliver us out of it all.
You will never fail. You will never forsake us and we thank you Father God that we have the victory because the battle is the Lord's and He's already won. So again, shake those shackles off of discouragement. Shake those shackles off of doubt and worry and unbelief and fear and depression, or whatever it is, and to shout for joy, because God is on your side, He encamps around you, He's on the inside of you, He's greater than He that's against you, and He has guaranteed you to deliver you out of every single thing that you're in.
And he's promised you the victory. So I would say we have a lot to rejoice about. We are allowed to shout about, we have allowed to a lot to praise God about. So even if there is so much despair and darkness in your own life, or things that are going wrong in every way, shape, or form, because all of us get bad reports and all of us have something that looks ridiculous in our lives.
Every day you can get a discouraging word or discouraging a situation in your face and you're just like, Oh God, I'm so fed up with this today. Get fed up with your enemy. Get fed up with his tactics. Get fed up because it says in God's word in Isaiah 54 17. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Get angry at your enemy for putting those shackles on you or that weight on you or that discouragement on you or whatever it is.
You shake those shackles off. Tell your adversary, you know, I know a lot of people can tell people off. Okay. A lot of us have gotten really good at telling people off when, you know, especially when people behind the wheel and they're just, you know, they get caught in traffic and. People just get angry. Or when, you know, your kids are doing something wrong, your husband makes you mad, or your spouse makes you mad, or whatever, you know, for you men, if your wife makes you mad, you can easily tell each other off.
Why are we taking all of our anger out on the people we love? Why don't we start taking anger out on our enemy and realizing that he is the one who's causing all of these problems? Because God says in Ephesians 6, 12, we don't wrestle with flesh and blood. But against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world, your enemy is the one who brings these lies.
He's the one who brings that sickness. He's the one who brings that weight or that heaviness, that depression. He's the one who brings that fear or that lie. He's the one who brings that worry and anxiety. He's the one who brings all these situations in your life. That are meant to break you when God is saying all these things that Satan is meaning for harm to you.
You look to me, you trust in me. I'm going to turn it into something good. I'm going to strengthen you even in the midst of that darkness and despair. I'm going to make sure that you rise above all those things that your enemy's doing against you. That's how good God is. Your enemy's out to destroy you when God is out to strengthen you.
Your enemy is out every day. And realize this, he's out every day to destroy you, to bring destruction, to bring discouragement, to bring overwhelming circumstances, so that you pay attention to everything that's wrong and you stop paying attention to everything that God's done. The enemy loves to distract.
Remember the three D's, deceive, distract, destroy. That's what our enemy does. That's why we have to have that firm focus foundation on the father. That way, the devil, when he comes, we won't be deceived. We won't be distracted and we will not be destroyed. So we have to have our focus. On God, like I said every night I have the word of God on every night and during the day You know what people need to do put?
Worship music on put the word of God on in your in your homes And if you're at work all day doesn't matter even if you go to work and you come back home You know what? It brings a different atmosphere in your home because the word of God is there. The power of God is there. The glory of God is there and it destroys the enemies against you.
Have that atmosphere in your home. Like we talk about it all the time. We joke around about it, but every time we leave, we make sure the TV's on and our dog is there. We make sure the TV's on and that the Bible's on. Gospel is on, preaching is on, whatever it is. And I'm like, I believe my dog, if she could talk, would be a spear filled child of God.
She's always listening to the word. Always. We always have it on. Why? We want that atmosphere. We don't want any atmosphere. We got we want God's atmosphere when we come back home. So again, I have that atmosphere of worship have that atmosphere of praise Put on praise and worship music put on the word of God no matter what it is put on a loop There's bible apps.
There's you know things on youtube. That's a reoccurring for like 11 or 12 hours Whatever it is put these things on have the word of God and listen to it Like I said, I listen to it every night. Why my spirit man never sleeps. Neither does yours You And my spirit man is being fed all night long with the word of God.
Why? Because I know in the morning I'm going to need it. I know during the day, I'm going to need it. I'm going to need what was put in that night to strengthen me or the word of God will just come up on the inside of me because that's, I put it in there. Put the word of God in your hearts all night long.
It strengthens your inner man. I promise you it does. Even though your mind may be asleep, your spirit man isn't sleeping. I'm telling you, if we start putting God first and focusing on him and having the word of God all the time, no matter where we're at, if we're in our cars, if we're in that shower, getting ready for work, or if we're, you know, sitting at home or whatever it is, we just have the word of God on all the time.
Your spirit man's always listening. And that's how you build your spirit, man. Just like my children. They love to go to the gym. They love to work out well Their muscles aren't going to get any bigger and they're not going to get any stronger If they're not going and doing something to build up those muscles So when you're hearing the word of God, it's building your muscle.
It's building that spirit man up on the inside of you It's recharging him. It's giving him that strength. It's giving him that strength and ability So when you do need something in a time of pressure, in a time of where something is really wrong, because I've told you time and time again, I have had things in my own life when it looked really, really bad and thank God I had that word of God on the inside of me and the right words came out of my mouth.
And that's what we all need to have. We all need to have the first words in a situation need to be the right words. And what are the right words? God's words. Okay. Now I want to give this a prophecy out to you today. So I just want to encourage you a little bit this morning. Once again, before I get to that prophecy, I think it's really, really important.
It's not just about the prophetic words. Yes. The prophetic words are important, but it's important to know who God is. It's important to know his word. It's important to know that that way, when you do hear a prophetic word, you know how to deal with it. You know what God is trying to say, you receive more greater revelation knowledge because you're not just saying, Oh, that was a nice word.
There's always revelation. But if you know God, you know him more on a personal level, you will get greater revelation on how to receive some of these words. And again, a lot of people will say, when they hear some of these words, they'll start freaking out because the warnings that God has been giving to us over and over and over again, there's been a lot of warnings.
But it's not to ever bring fear, and he says that all the time. It's not to bring fear, it is to bring faith. That all the signs that God's been saying, all these different prophecies that God's been giving to us, are coming to pass now, even if they were two or three years ago. There's prophecy in the Bible that hasn't come to pass yet, but it will.
It's all in perfect timing of God. Alright,
here is the prophecy for today, and it's called A Mass Exodus is about to take place in Washington, D. C. A mass exodus is about to take place in Washington, D. C. Now, this prophecy was from March 12th. Now, as soon as the Lord gave me this title and that automatically brought up the prophetic word, he gave like a week or two ago, a political reset because he said election is only going to do so much.
But a complete reset will remove them all so a mass exodus again- a lot of people are being removed So all right now here is the first paragraph This is for I the lord this day am telling my children do not have any apprehension Regarding what is to come to your nation your elections your freedoms Or anything that belongs to you.
I have given you many warnings, not to be fearful, but to prepare you so that your hearts are fixed on me. And when you see all that I have spoken to you about, you will not fear. But have the knowledge of what to do, and how to be completely separated from the judgments, chaos, evil, despair, darkness, that will overtake your enemies.
Great judgment is coming! But it's not for you to be partakers of, just as I have explained to you several times. And I have given you the example of Goshen on how to protect, how I protect my children when judgments come upon the earth against the enemies of Almighty God.
If the Israelites were safe and protected in that time, why would I do something different now for you? I am the same God. And I have a better covenant with you. Do you see? Satan is trying to bring an overwhelming fear upon this earth. To trap you. That what is coming is for you. When it is actually for him and his army.
My glory is for you. My protection. My deliverance. From all that you see. You are about to see me move on your behalf. Even greater than what I did in the Bible in the book of Exodus. Celebrate and remind yourselves daily that that is who I am. I am still the same God, so expect me to protect. Deliver and set you free.
Expect me to restore, expect me to judge and remove the evil rulers before you. That is why I tell you continuously to shout and to celebrate all that I have done and all that I'm about to do for you. Deliverance is coming. Freedom restored, along with healing, miracles, and justice to be served. Great restoration of what belongs to you.
I will continue to speak this repeatedly until you truly believe me and my words over your enemies. They are defeated, and their defeat is on the horizon. So stand with me, and you will see your enemies fall before your eyes, just like my people saw Pharaoh and his men fall before theirs.
It's about that time for a great deliverance. So rejoice now for I am on your side, and there is nothing to fear, saith the Lord of hosts. Great darkness is coming against your enemies, like the darkness that plagued Egypt. This darkness is to shake you loose and to paralyze your enemies from their plans.
They have planned, they are planning to roll out against you, but I am in their way and I will have my way, saith the Lord. Great judgment is coming to your, to your wine country. O United States. Great evil has been hidden there with all that they have controlled. Exposures are coming and the whistleblower is about to sound the alarm.
On what has been happening in that location. Your enemies didn't want revealed.
A mass exodus is coming in your capital, O United States. And not one your enemies wanted. I am forcing them out and removing them with my hand. And nothing will stop the coming exodus. Sayeth the Lord.
Mass upsets are about to take place in New York City. I'm exposing the real rats and removing them from power. The indictments and court cases you've seen against President Trump are all about to come apart. I'm exposing the DA, the lawyers, the judges, and I am opening the can of worms, you would say, against your enemies, and exposing all their crimes, and great judgment will be seen.
New York City is about to shake like never before. Things are about to change drastically in that city. I told you time and time again to watch what takes place in this city. Things will not stay the way they are, and corruption will not stay in control.
Dismissals! You are about to hear this word in a significant way, because justice is coming not only for President Trump. But for many who have been falsely persecuted by this evil regime.
Nancy Pelosi is about to be in your news, big time. No one can stop the truth from pouring out. Massive exposure is about to be revealed to what has been hidden in Central America. Your enemies didn't want you to know about how they have been using this against your nation. But their plans will not continue.
And they will not succeed. A shakeup is about to take place in Thailand. One you didn't see coming. The architects behind January 6th are about to be revealed. So hold on because your enemies will try to pull something massive to stop this evidence from coming out. But it will fail. All the architects against this nation will fall before your eyes.
And great justice will be served. Jimmy Kimmel is about to be exposed in a major way. And more like him will follow. Explosive evidence regarding Facebook is coming in the social media giants. And none of them will stay the way they are. And the ones controlling them, that is against me. They will not stay in those positions.
More corruption, spying, manipulation of the masses. And more than anyone thought I told you my children all the giants before you are falling and nothing will stop their fall So get prepared for the shaking that is coming to set you free from their tyranny, sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. so again when God says In his word we are supposed to what trust and rely on him.
It says lean not onto your own Understanding so a lot of people will hear prophetic word or they see thing that's going on in the the news or they see That's going on around the world and they start leaning to their own understanding to try to figure it out God is telling us and not lean on Under our own understanding right now And he's telling us right now to start leaning and trusting and relying on him.
We're supposed to trust in God. There is something that he also showed me this morning. A lot of different scriptures. And I think that should excite you in all honesty and they're talking about reversing the captivity So I want you to turn to jeremiah turn to jeremiah and chapter 33 He had me turn to jeremiah this morning chapter 33 And he had me look a lot in this different chapter I was looking through different translations of these different scriptures because I knew he was trying to get something There's a great revelation in this That he wants us to know about what we are dealing with in our own lives, in our own nations, because not just, again, it's not just about the United States of America.
It's about our nations. It's about leaning and trusting, relying on God. Jeremiah 33 and verse 2. Jeremiah 33 and verse 2, and this is the Amplified. Thus says the Lord who made the earth, The Lord who formed it and established it, the Lord is his name. So first of all, who established and who formed the earth, who established it?
The Lord, God did not the enemy. So who has power over the earth? Well, I would say the one who has power over the earth is the one who created the earth, who has a power, the creator has the power, not the creation. So the enemies. That are against God do not have more power than the Creator who created this earth and who created mankind.
Verse 3, Jeremiah 33 and verse 3. Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things. Fenced in and hidden. What you do not know and do not distinguish and recognize have acknowledged and under, and understand. So God is saying right here, call upon him and he will answer you. So first and foremost, what we need to do, it says in God's Word, is that what?
You have not because you ask not it also says in his word is seek and you will find Knock on the door and the door will be open unto you So if we seek God we call upon God which we have as a nation Which we have as a body of christ all around the world. They are seeking God more than ever I have seen so many different emails and thank you for that They've been writing into our ministry about how they're seeking God like never before, how they're having a relationship with God like never before, how they're understanding the Word of God like never before.
Why? Because people are calling upon God. People are seeking Him. They are realizing the power of God's Word and how it is a sword or it's a weapon against our enemy. You're starting to realize and know the one true God and not a version of Him that someone gave you. There's so many doctrinations out there of different churches of people are hearing certain aspects of the Word of God, but not the Word of God.
A form of the Word, but not the Word of God. Remember, Satan, since the beginning in the Garden of Eden, Twisted God's word and made it seem like it's something it wasn't and it deceived Abba Neve That's why we're supposed to be focused on God and not be able to be deceived by the enemy All right. Now I I want you to jump down to verse 7.
This is what he was really get me getting me into Jimmy Jeremiah 33 in verse 7 and I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captive Israel To be a reversed and it will rebuild them as it was in the first He says this multiple times in the book of Jeremiah chapter 33 about reversing captivity.
Right now, so many of God's people are in captivity. Our nations all around the world are in a great captivity. We're being controlled or try to be controlled by a one world government regime, by tyrannical governments, by the elites, however you want to call them all the same. But they're trying to control us.
So again, they brought in a captivity. And for a lot of us, even in this country, we had no idea that it was there. We had no idea. We were under the illusion that we've been a free country and we're finding out that we haven't been. Not to the degree that God wanted for any of us, even in whatever country you live in.
God wants you completely free because Jesus is the one who set you free. But the enemies have tried to take that freedom away and try to bring you into their enslavement. They've been doing this since all of history. But I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to be reversed and may rebuild them as the first.
Now let's go to Jeremiah 11, 33 11. There shall be heard again the voice of the joy and the voice of the gladness and the voice of the bride and the groom and the voice of the bride and the voice of the those who sing as they bring sacrifice of Thanksgiving into the house of the Lord. Give praise and thanks for his mercy and kindness and steadfast love endure forever For I will cause the captivity of the land to be reversed and return to be as it was the first So he says it again.
So the captivity of the land, he's talking about the land of Israel, they were under captivity, he says, I'm gonna reverse that captivity, that means he's going to free his people. And he's gonna free them as it was in the first, that means as they never were ever held in a bondage. He's gonna make it like it never happened.
And then you can see, jump down, in verse 15. No, you know what Jeremiah 33 14 and 15 Behold the days are coming says the Lord when I will fulfill the good promise I've made to the house of Israel the house of Judah verse 15 in those days at the time and I will cause a Righteousness branch Messiah to grow up in David and he shall execute justice and Righteousness in the land.
Well, guess who that was again. He shall execute judges Who the Messiah to grow up to David and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land Messiah Jesus Jesus was here. He came here for to execute justice and Righteousness, so if we think about all the things that are going on remember the Messiah remember what Jesus did We have to expect God to do something because He will honor the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
He will honor what Jesus did for us on that, on that cross. He will honor His death. He will honor Him and the sacrifice that He made to destroy the power of the evil, destroy the power of the curse. And then one of the, one of the questions we get a lot is, Julie, if Jesus did all this and He destroyed the curse, which we believe, why is there still a curse in this earth?
Well, until the time of man runs out, which is 7, 000 years. But, Jesus destroyed the curse against you. The curse may be in this earth, but we are redeemed from the curse. We have to know that we are redeemed from the curse. If you ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, You ask them to be in your heart as your Lord and Savior, you are redeemed from the curse.
You find out what the curse is, you say, okay, what's the curse? Go to Deuteronomy 28, 15 on. That's the curse. You're redeemed from that. And so if you find out what you're redeemed from, then you know, again, that truth will set you free. That all these things that the enemy is trying to bring on you, you will shove it down his throat and say, Uh uh, not today and not any day because Satan, I am redeemed from that curse.
And it says in Isaiah 54, 17. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. It also says in God's word, in Psalm 34, that God delivers me out of it all. Psalm 34 and 19. But right here, again, back to go into Jeremiah, before I go back over this prophetic word, God said that he's gonna reverse the captivity. But it continuously says that in this chapter, and if you go to verse 26, Jeremiah 33 in verse 26 says, then I will also cast away the descendants of Jacob and David, my servant, and will not choose one of these as offerings to be ruler over descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
For I will cause their captivity to be reversed and I will have mercy and kindness and steadfast love on them. I want to read this out of. Let me see where I had that at. I have so many different things open here because I wanted to see the different translations of it. Okay. Jeremiah 33 verse 26 in the, in the C E V, which is a contemporary English version.
In the same way, I will never reject the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or break my promise. That they will always have a descendant of David as king and I will be kind to my people Israel and they will be Successful again. So again, he says right here I will never reject the descendants of Abraham if you read in Galatians 3 and 29 go to Galatians We are descendants of Abraham go to Galatians Three and 29 and it says right here.
And if you belong to Christ and you are in him, who is Abraham's seed, then you are Abraham's offspring, spiritual heirs. According to the promise, we are spiritual heirs of Abraham. If you are a, a child of Almighty God, if you said to Jesus Christ and your Lord and Savior, you are a child of Almight Almighty God and you're descendant of Abraham, and he says, I will never reject the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or break my promise.
Now, remember God is a covenant keeping God and God is God will never fail us. Now I want to read in Jeremiah 33, seven through nine out of the message translation. Okay. It says, listen, but now take another look. This is Jeremiah 33, seven through nine. But now take another look. I'm going to give the city a through a through thorough Renovation working a true healing inside and out.
I'm going to show them life whole life reaming and blessing I'll restore everything that was lost to Judah in Jerusalem. I will rebuild everything back as good as new I will scrub them clean from the dirt and the dirt They have has been done against them. I'll forgive everything they have done wrong.
Forgive all their rebellions and Jerusalem will be a center of joy and praise and glory for all the countries on earth. They'll get reports on the good from I I'm doing for her, and they'll be in awe of the blessings I'm pouring out on her. Okay? So God said this is one thing he was, he was pointing out to me this morning when I was studying this, looking up different translations.
And when I was reading the message translation, and I don't read it all that often, but every once in a while, when he tells me to, I do. This is what I loved. I'm going to give the city a thorough renovation, working a true healing inside and out. I'm going to show them life, whole, life breathing in blessing.
I'll restore everything that was lost in Judah and Jerusalem. I'll rebuild everything back as good as new. I'll scrub them clean from the dirt that they've done against me. God is talking about making things new. So even in destruction Even in there's so much damage to our city or so much damage to our country.
God says right here I will scrub it clean. I will make it new This is in the word of God. This is jeremiah 33 7 through 9 in the message God makes things new when our enemies are trying Everything they possibly can do to destroy our country They're trying to destroy us and our borders. They're trying to destroy us with the economy and inflation.
And everything they're doing against us with their laws. They're destroying our cities. There is hell going on in our cities everywhere. They're trying to fill the streets with chaos and destruction. They're dirtying the streets. Dear God, if you go to California, and I love it. I love California, but, I mean, seriously, if you have to have a map to see in San Francisco where not to step and where not to go because there are certain disgusting things on the streets, that's pretty sad.
And all of you, I know there's a lot of people from California that watch, all of you who watch, I mean, I'm telling you, it's such a beautiful city, and I cannot believe what the enemies have done against that city. Or against that state, excuse me, against that state. It's a beautiful state. But the enemies try to destroy it.
But God is saying, in one of His promises, is that He will restore everything that was lost. God's a restorer. God's a healer. And God, he says again, he says right here, I'm gonna scrub it clean from the dirt They've done against me. So no matter what the enemies have done no matter how much they destroyed Our cities destroyed our country God can scrub it Wipe it out and make it new.
That's what we should be excited about. God makes things new. All right. Last one. And I think, and I'm going to go I'm going to read a definition and then I'll go over back over the prophetic work. This is Jeremiah 33, 11, and this is the, the message, Jeremiah 33, 11. This is the message. Yes, God's message.
You're going to look at this place, these empty and desolate towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem, and say, A wasteland. So again, right there, hold on for a minute, these cities look like a wasteland. It looked like there was total devastation and destruction, but listen, then it says unlivable. There are certain places in this country that seem to be unlivable right now.
And, and countries all over the world have this problem, way worse than we have it. So unlivable, it's a wasteland. Not even a dog could live here. But the time is coming when you're going to hear laughter and celebration, marriage festivities, people explaining, thank God or the angel armies. He is so good.
His love never quits. As they bring thanks offering thank offerings into God's temple I'll restore everything that was lost in this land and i'll make everything as good as new So right here God said now they're talking about things that look like a wasteland things that live a look They look unlivable things that are like not even a dog could live there because how bad it seems And how bad it looks so no matter how much the enemy tries to destroy something This is what we all should be excited about.
No matter how much destruction the enemy tries to bring. This is what God says. But the time is coming, when you're going to hear laughter and celebration and marriage festivities and explaining. Thank God and the Angel Armies. How many times we see the Angel Armies in the Bible? A lot. Or you say the Lord of Hosts.
The Lord of Angel Armies. He is good. He never quits. His love never quits. God's love never quits and God's love never fails. God is not going to fail us. He is absolutely good. He is absolutely love. He doesn't just have love. He is love. And His love never quits on us. No matter how much we make mistakes.
No matter how bad our countries can look. No matter how much disruption and corruption. No matter how much damage is going on. Love never fails. God never quits on us. His love never quits. His love never quits on us. Then he says, as they bring thanks offerings, we need to bring thanks and giving offerings to God.
Thank him for what we don't thank him for, for everything that's going on that's wrong. We thank him that we are strong. Despite it, we thank him that we're getting out of it. We thank him that we, he delivers us, does, delivers us out of it all. We thank him that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
We thank him that he has given us the victory. We thank him because we are redeemed from the curse. That's what we thank him for and we thank him in the midst of all of that. We thank him despite all what we see. And despite what the enemy is doing, listen, as we bring thanks offerings into God's temple, I'll restore everything that was lost in this land.
I'll make everything as good as new, I, God, say so. That is Jeremiah 33, 11, and that's the message. Translation that should make everybody shout and everybody excited no matter how much damage it's not too much for God to fix It's not too much for God to scrub it out to wipe it clean to make it a new To to restore what has been stolen and he says i'll make everything as good as new that's God, and that's how good God is God can make everything new praise the Lord.
And he is exposing even when the enemy meant for this last four years to destroy this country, once and for all to bring it down to its knees, to destroy our country, to bring in a one world government, God saying, hold up. I allowed that to happen to destroy the enemy, to expose them in front and center stage.
And we're seeing it right in front of our eyes on a daily basis. Things we didn't even know existed were there and now we're seeing it turn around. So I want to go to let me go to this prophetic word again.
Let me see where I put it.
Okay. Here it is. All right. Here's a prophetic word again. This is the first paragraph. For I, the Lord, this day, am telling my children, do not have any apprehension. Stop. We're not supposed to have any apprehension. We're not supposed to fear. We're not supposed to dread. We're not supposed to get overwhelmed, burdened down with the cares of this world.
Because it says in 1 Peter 5, verse 7, we're supposed to cast all those cares upon God. Why? Because He cares for us. So He says right here in this first sentence, do not have any apprehension. About what? Regarding what is coming to your nation. Amen. Your elections, your freedoms, or anything that belongs to you.
I've given you many warnings not to be fearful, but to prepare you so that your hearts are fixed on me. That's the whole point of what God has been doing. That our hearts are fixed on him. And when you see all that I have spoken to you about, you would not fear. But have the knowledge of what to do and how to completely separate from the judgments, chaos, evil, despair, and darkness that will overtake your enemies.
Now he says something later on in this, I'm going to go over it. That darkness is going to overtake our enemies, just like he said here, but he goes deeper into it. But darkness is going to overtake our enemies, just like it did in Egypt. Go read one of the plagues or judgments that happened to the Egyptians.
Now it said in the next paragraph, great judgment is coming. But it is not for you to be partakers of, just as I explained to you several times. And I have given the example of Goshen on how I do protect my children when judgments come upon this earth. Against the enemies of Almighty God, if the Israelites now listen, he's asking us a question and he wants us to answer it.
He wants us to think about it. He says, if the Israelites was safe and protected in that time, why would I do something different now for you? So if we see when all the judgments happen to destroy the power of the Egyptians over the Israelites to bring that the plagues or the judgments against them, and God protected them, he's saying, why, if I am the same God now, and I say it in my word that I'm the same God yesterday, today, and forever, Why would I not protect my people now when there's evil running rampant against my children?
Why would I not protect him like I did in the land of Goshen? God wants us to get this revelation that he's a protector that he's a deliverer and he says right here Why would I not do the same thing for you now? I am the same same God and I have a better covenant with you So he wants us to realize that God is a good God.
He's got a greater covenant than he had with the Israelites. So he saved the Israelites from that coming judgment. He saved the Israelites from the plagues in the land of Goshen. Why would God not do that now? Next paragraph. And he says, Do you see? Satan is trying to bring an overwhelming fear upon this earth to trap you that what is coming is for you But it's actually for him and his army What is coming upon this earth that God's been warning us about is not for us.
It is for Satan and his army It's for all the ones who are against God all the ones who are against God. That's what the plagues are coming for That's what the judgments are coming for and if you read they read really quick right here Cause he's bringing the scripture up to me, John 16, John 16 33, read this, get the scripture down in your heart.
John 16 33. I have told you these things that in me may have perfect peace and confidence in their world. You'll have tribulation, trials, distress, and frustration, but be of good cheer. Take courage, be confident, certain, and undaunted. I have overcome the world. I've deprived it of its power to harm you, and I've conquered it for you.
God is separating us from any judgment because he's saying, remember, he's conquered the world for us. He's conquered our enemies for us. The battle is the Lord's. And so our job is to hold our peace, remain at rest, look to him, be focused on him, not to be in fear, and we're supposed to praise and worship him because as we praise and worship him, It sets ambushes up against the enemy and it destroys enemies.
So that's what we are supposed to be focused on. All right, let's keep reading. My glory is for you, my protection, my deliverance from all that you see. You are about to see me move on your behalf, even greater than what I did in the Bible in the book of Exodus. Celebrate and remind yourselves daily that is who I am and I am still the same God.
So he's telling us right here to remind ourselves daily. God is a God of the book of Exodus and God is a God who is telling us right now That right now he is going to deliver us from everything that we're saying. He is setting us free He protected the people in the land of Goshen. He's got a better covenant.
So I thank you father God You're gonna protect me and my family. You're gonna protect this nation. You're gonna protect all that's going on against us father God it will that these weapons formed against us. They will not prosper and we just thank you for it Thanksgiving in praise, we enter in the courts of heaven with Thanksgiving in praise.
And then, when we're entering the courts with Thanksgiving in praise, that destroys the power of our enemies. Alright, then it says, so one of our marching orders is to celebrate and remind yourselves daily. Remind yourselves daily of what he gave us earlier in the scripture, in Psalm 34 and 19, that he will deliver us out of it all.
Then he says, That word expect he said so expect me to protect deliver and set you free Expect me to restore expect me to judge remove the evil the evil rulers before you That is why I tell you continuously to shout and to celebrate all that I have done And all i'm about to do for you because if we're shouting we're celebrating we have joy on our hearts Remember the joy the lord is our strength the enemy You have to understand the enemy wants to do everything he can to destroy your joy Because if you have no joy, you have no strength to find him back So protect your joy.
The joy of the Lord is our strength. God will give you joy. I promise you, he will give you joy. Even in the midst of darkness in my own life, he gave me joy every time I asked for it. All right, now deliverance is coming. This is the next paragraph. Freedom restored along with healing miracles and justice to be served.
Great restoration of what belongs to you. I will continue to speak this repeatedly until you truly believe me and my words over your enemies.
We are supposed to believe God's words over our enemy's words. Our enemies are saying destruction, chaos, total calamity, you know, doom and gloom, no hope, impossible, no way out. And God is saying, don't believe in those words, believe in His. They are defeated and their defeat is on the horizon. Remember when God says in His word over and over and over that He sits in the heavens and He laughs?
He says that more than once. We should be thanking him that he sits in the heavens and he laughs because he sees the defeat of the enemy coming. They are defeated and that defeat is on the horizon. So stand with me and you will see your enemies fall before your eyes. Now look what he says, just like my people saw Pharaoh and his men fall before theirs.
So what I've been telling people to do, because I'm an Exodus preacher, I tell people all the time, go back to the book of Exodus and start realizing who that God was. And he is still that God now. He is a God who did awesome things. I could never get over all the things that God did for them. Even as a kid, I was in awe of how powerful and how mighty God was.
And I'm going, man, and he's telling us he's still the same God now. All right, next paragraph is about a time for a great deliverance. So rejoice now for I am on your side and there's nothing to fear, said the Lord of foes. Remember God's on our side. There's nothing to fear. Next paragraph. Great darkness is coming against your enemies like the darkness that plagued Egypt.
This darkness is to shake you loose and to paralyze your enemies. From their plans that they are planning to roll out against you But I am in their way and I will have my way in this paragraph when he talks about great darkness It's coming against our enemies If you look in one of the plagues of egypt when they had they had gross darkness or darkness that fell upon egypt There was light and goshen but darkness in egypt.
They didn't even get out of their homes So there was such a darkness that fell upon the enemies of almighty God where they couldn't get out of their homes What it stopped The enemy's plans against God's people and God is saying that darkness is coming for them and it's stopping them from their plans that they're about to roll out.
Now, we'll see certain things, but not everything that the enemies wanted. Okay, now here's the next paragraph. This was huge. Great judgment is coming to your wine country, O United States. So, and then he talks about the location of the wine country. So, he says, Great judgment is coming to your wine country, O United States.
Great evil has been hidden there. With all that they have controlled. So if you look at the wine country in this country, there are people there. Now, when I think of the wine country, and I don't know a lot about wine, I don't drink it, but if, if I know a lot about wine, anything about it, I know I hear Napa Valley.
Okay. That's wine country to me. Now it could be something else in this country. But when I think of wine country, I think of Napa Valley. He says, Great judgment is coming to your wine country, O United States. Great evil has been there with, and with all of their control. Exposures are coming and a whistleblower is about to sound the alarm on what has been happening in that location.
And your enemies didn't want it revealed. So something is going to occur in our wine country. Now I could be wrong. It could be something else besides Napa Valley. I don't know. I don't know if there's any other wine country in this United States, but I'm pretty sure the ones that produce most of the wine in this country is Napa Valley.
All right. Now, next paragraph, a mass exodus is coming in your capital or United States and not one your enemies wanted. I'm forcing them out and removing them with my hand and nothing will stop the coming exodus. Okay. Save the Lord. Now, there are a lot of people that will say, that is not true. That could never happen.
God doesn't deal in politics. God does not remove people. Read Exodus. Just read Exodus. You can read a lot of times where God removed kings out of power. Look what he did to King Nebuchadnezzar. He was like a wild man running around in the wilderness for seven years like a crazy man, like an animal. There are things, I'm telling you, there are, God does get involved with the rulers of this earth, especially when they're bringing in evil.
And then we're doing things against his people or against his children. God will step in. God will intervene. He does it over and over and over again in the Bible. When people say he doesn't, read the Bible. All right. Now it says mass upset. Massive upsets are about to take place in New York city. He has given tons of prophecies regarding New York city.
I mean, tons, you can go to our website at JGM international. org under our prophecy page, just put on the search bar, New York city, you can see all the prophecies going on in New York city. Look at all the damage that's been going on in New York city right now. God said there was something that's going to happen in New York state.
It was going to get the world's attention. You can see what's happening in New York City, the crime, the illegal immigration, there's so much destruction and of course the indictments against President Trump. There's a lot going on in New York City. Guy's been telling us this for two or three years. Watch New York City.
Then he says, I'm exposing the real rats and removing them from power. The indictments and court cases you have seen against President Trump are all about to come apart. He has been telling us indictments first started. He's been telling us that they were going to implode. I even heard somebody say that the other day.
In a short news clip, because it was prophecy, and they said the indictments are imploding against Donald Trump. Everything that they wanted to have happen before the election, it's not going to happen. They wanted to stop his election, they want to stop, it's not happening. They're all imploding and falling apart.
They're being delayed, they're not, they're not happening the way the enemies wanted to happen. Look what God said, the indictments and court cases you have seen against President Trump are all about to come apart. Again, he's been saying that since last year. I'm exposing the DA, the lawyers, the judges, and I'm opening the can of worms, you would say, against your enemies and exposing all their crimes and great judgment will be seen.
So all these people, all the judges, all the DAs, All of the lawyers and everything that not even just against president Trump against justice and against our constitution. God said he is going to expose them and judgment is going to come upon them. Remember, God is the judge over all the earth. He lifts up one and he brings down one and lifts up another.
Psalm 75 verse 7. Then it continuously talks about New York City. New York City is about to shake like never before. Things are about to change dramatically in that city. I told you time and time again to watch what takes place in this city. Things will not stay the way they are. Corruption will not stay in control.
Now the word dismissals. Start listening for that word in your news dismissals. You're about to hear this word in a significant way because justice is coming not only for president Trump, but for many who have been falsely persecuted by the evil regime. So this is not just about president Trump. This is about many people who have been falsely accused, persecuted wrongfully in prison.
And it has been horrible. And like, look Navarro right now. Do not give up praying for him. Because again, it was, I think it was Justice Roberts. I don't know what he said, but he didn't agree with saving him, which is ridiculous because they all know it's a farce. So keep continuously praying for Peter Navarro, please.
Because he should not be imprisoned. All right. Now, Nancy Pelosi is about to be in your news big time. No one can stop the truth from pouring out. Guys is exposing Nancy Pelosi. There's gonna be a lot of things on her. He talked about her quite a bit. So we have not seen or heard the last of what he's doing against her.
All right, now massive exposure is about to be revealed to what has been hidden in Central America. So I guess things are going on in Central America. We had no idea what's going on in Central America. He says your enemies didn't want you to know about how they've been using this against your nation, but their plans will not continue and they will not succeed.
So there's things going on in Central America. Now, I know there's a lot of illegal immigrants coming from Central America. Now that could be it. I don't know. It could be something totally different. But there's something hidden in central america. Their enemies didn't want us to know about so that is going to be in headlines All right.
Now a shake up is about to take place in thailand one You didn't see coming now a lot of people a lot of news is not Just talking about this right now because they don't want you to hear it and we're going to start getting out props and fulfilled videos on these as fast as we can about how fast we can do it, but There are uprisings in nations All around the globe it is so powerful God prophesied that i'm so excited to see this people are people are getting angry And they're rebelling and they're resisting against their governments against a tyranny against what they're doing against their freedoms People are standing up.
They're fighting back But of course our mainstream media is not talking about that because they don't want us here in this country to fight back You see what's going on in haiti God prophesied haiti God prophesied cannibalism Again, we have to realize they want chaos. Our enemies want chaos. God said governments were going to implode.
Governments were going to fall. Coups were going to happen. You guys are seeing that all over the world. And we're starting to see that. So, again, be prepared because COVID shook this earth. Okay? And it woke some people up. But it didn't wake up everybody. Okay? It didn't. So something's going to come that's going to shake up more people.
But remember, God says we are protecting the land of Goshen. So also God said a shakeup is going to happen in Thailand. So watch news reports regarding Thailand. Then he's talking about the architects again. You know, he talked about blueprints for years. Now he's talking about the architects. Now architects make up blueprints.
So he says the architects behind January 6th are about to be revealed. So hold on, because your enemies will try to pull something massive to stop the evidence from coming out, but it will fail. All the architects against this nation will fall before your eyes, and great justice will be served. God is not done with destroying what they're doing against January 6th.
He's not done revealing what's going on with the elections. I've just seen a headline that somebody sent me yesterday that Google interfered 41 times in elections. That was just exposed. I think it was on the Gateway Pundit. Google, it was involved in election interference. Now we know, again, Guy's been saying he's not done revealing all the big lie.
And he's also, he's going to, going to show us. That there has been a lot more election stealing than just 2020 and 2022. Then he talks about Jimmy Kimmel. I, he's a late night show host. I, I didn't even know he was still on there, I guess. But Jimmy Kimmel is about to be exposed in a major way and more like him will follow.
So, Jimmy, Kimmel. And I just seen in the chat when I looked over there, yes chief judges Roberts is compromised and God has talked about removing him and he's called Clarence Thomas, his chief. So watch what's happens in the Supreme court. Also next paragraph. Explosive evidence regarding Facebook is coming and social media giants.
None of them will stay the way they are and the ones controlling them that are against me will not stay in those positions. More corruption, spying, manipulation of, of the masses and more than anyone thought. I told you my children, all the giants before you are falling and nothing will stop this fall.
So watch things that are going to be explosive information regarding social media. All social media giants. All the ones that he said, again, he's going to expose the corruption, the manipulation and the spying and everything they're doing to all also control the narrative. Now, you guys all know there is so much that are going on with YouTube and all the social media giants.
Now, I am not physically on YouTube right now. People are copywriting our videos, putting them on YouTube and sharing them out. That's on us. YouTube kicked us off. Why? Because they don't like the truth. There are so many platforms. We got kicked off of Instagram in two weeks. They don't, again, they don't like the truth.
But a lot of these right now that don't, that are doing this to people, God will always have the final say. And they're not getting away with what they've done to try to suppress the right information. They're trying to use social media because many people use social media on a daily basis. They're trying to use social media to steer people in the wrong direction.
That's a war of disinformation. They're trying to tell you something as what it is when it's actually something else That's what God told us in several different prophecies things are not how they appear to be and he's continuously said that That's why we're not supposed to look to what has been going on and trusting in that Now the last paragraph says so get prepared for the shaking that is coming to set you free From the tyranny God's been telling us over and over and over again that shaking is coming And if there I believe that covet was a type of shaking But it was not a shaking that woke everyone up.
It was a shaking. It woke a lot of people up But it didn't wake up everybody and so we have to realize something bigger has to awaken the whole entire world To the fact that God is in control. It has to God has to get people's attention So he has to allow certain things to happen but realize when he's allowing certain things to happen It doesn't mean we're partakers of it Remember the land of Goshen.
Remember how God is our protector. Remember how he's our
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