5 months ago

Event: Call To The Capitol -
Capitol Building Lansing, MI
April 13, 2024
Notice/Decree/Prayer spoken by: Michael Dennis Smith
Recorded by:The Midwesterner on YouTube

“Spiritually, we are standing in the courts of Heaven, appealing to God Most High. Physically we are standing in the seat of authority of the great state of Michigan. We are here to serve notice; the government is on the shoulder of Jesus Christ!

I am here to encourage you in the ways of our Lord. Do not be discouraged when you hear people say “Why vote? The system is corrupt and it doesn’t count!” Your vote counts no matter what the enemy does, because God’s justice will be done!

Please understand how spiritual warfare will establish God’s jurisdiction; the rule of law.
Voting is not only pragmatic, pertaining to this physical realm, it is also spiritual. When we vote, we take a piece of paper, a legal document, an extension of our voice, indicating what laws we agree with and which politicians we want to support.

When our vote lines up with God’s moral laws supporting life, marriage, and family, it makes a statement that reverberates in the spiritual realm as well as this physical realm. Our words are very powerful especially when spoken in faith, in unity and with the understanding of our God-given delegated authority. As our words line up with the Word of God it releases Angels to war on our behalf;

Eph 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

“Spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” are demons, and demons are territorial. WE have God’s authority over these demons.

Deut 32:30 One can put 1,000 demons to flight and two of us 10,000! Wow! If there is 1,000 of us here today, in unity, we can put 5,000,000 million demons to flight, tearing down their strongholds!

We Decree: “God is establishing His jurisdiction, His righteousness back into the government of Michigan. True Liberty is granted to us by God through His unalienable Rights. In order to secure and maintain these Rights, God has given us His delegated authority to form a government that is reflective of His moral code and ethical treatment of our fellow human beings. To acknowledge all of our unalienable Rights come from God, is to acknowledge our Rights flow from a spiritual realm into a physical realm being written down becoming the supreme Law of the Land.”

Back when our U.S. Constitution was being formed, a man named James Wilson was the second most active member of the Constitutional Convention. He was one of the first Supreme Court Justices. James wrote: “Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is divine.”

Any laws that contradict the moral code of God’s divine laws, carry no authority from God being
unconstitutional and are considered lawlessness.

Therefore; let it be known today, Michigan Legislators, Judges and Executive Branch, who support laws that are in violation of God’s laws, being immoral, causing child abuse, taking the life of the innocent:
We call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that we have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; (Deut 30:19)

You have made your choice clear, a Marxist government based on Luciferian ideology over a Constitutional Republic based on Biblical Ideology.

You have spoken pompous words against the Most High, calling evil good and good evil. The heavenly courts have been seated. The writing is on the wall and you have been found wanting. God is removing your dominion and is giving it to the saints of the Most High!

Jesus said: Matt 10:26 Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Your lies and deception are being exposed! God’s justice is coming!

Therefore: I beseech all people in government who have been operating under the guise of “Democracy” that is actually shrouded in Marxism, who have been warring against the Word of God; Repent!

We decree: “Your eyes are opened! You are turning from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to the power of God, that you may receive forgiveness of your sins! Put your trust and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, not in your political position!”

Prayer For Elected Officials
God is releasing His anointing, His power, His boldness upon all elected officials who will stand in His righteousness, honoring His Biblical values. Will all State Reps, Senators, Sheriffs, Mayors, City board members, township board members, county board members, school board member, delegates and all elected officials, please raise your hand because God wants to bless you!

Will everyone else, please put your hand on their shoulder and if you can’t get close enough to do that, please put your hand on the should of the person who is close enough to reach the person. Please lift your other hand up to God and be in agreement with me as we pray:

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. You are strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgment against you, shall be condemned as long as you stay under God’s authority. Right now, we release the anointing of all Mighty God into your life!” In Jesus name and everyone said; Amen!”

NOTE: This is the notice/decree/prayer as written. When this was spoken/released, by faith emphasis was added to certain segments, being led by the Holy Spirit.
You can watch the full video at:

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