The Amazing Cancer Healing Power of Graviola Tea

10 months ago

After only 4 months of drinking Graviola tea, Kary Gould’s father’s bladder cancer disappeared and his operation to have his bladder removed was cancelled! Since that time, Kary and his wife founded They have been mailing Graviola leaves to cancer patients all around the world and have received reams of testimonials from people who claim Graviola Tea Leaves helped them defeat cancer and live a better life.

Learn more about the work of Kary Gould at

See more inspiring cancer survivor stories at:

See interviews with cancer experts from around the world at:

Want to learn more about what else you can do to help your body beat cancer? Check out James Templeton’s book, ‘I Used to Have Cancer: How I Found My Own Way Back to Health,’ where he tells the twists and turns of his story of survival. Find out more at this link:

For more information and resources on the ins and outs of healthy living with or without cancer, go to the Templeton Foundation website:


Eat healthy, wherever you are! The Templeton List – Your Guide to The Healthiest Restaurants in America – helps you find and choose the healthiest restaurants, so you can eat out without sacrificing your health or peace of mind. Check it out at

BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR! The Templeton Wellness Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible donation helps our consumer education and research efforts that promote an integrative approach to healing for cancer patients, caregivers and those interested in prevention. You can donate via PayPal at:

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this video is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

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