the distraction is the information

3 months ago

It seems like you're discussing concerns about the integrity of elections, particularly focusing on the 2020 election and the potential for it to have been manipulated or "fixed." In a video that was made in 2018 , You're also expressing frustration with the dissemination of information, suggesting that certain voices are being suppressed while others are amplified, potentially as a distraction. Additionally, you mention patterns of censorship on social media platforms, where content discussing certain topics is removed under the guise of medical misinformation, while similar topics are later covered by mainstream sources without facing the same censorship. Overall, you're highlighting a perceived manipulation of information and a lack of meaningful action to address underlying issues.

Concerns about Election Integrity: You express skepticism about the integrity of the 2020 election, suggesting that it may have been "fixed" or manipulated. This skepticism seems to stem from your belief that Donald Trump should have been reelected based on his efforts to improve America and put it first.

Frustration with Information Distribution: You highlight frustration with the dissemination of information, indicating that certain voices, potentially including yours, are being suppressed while others are allowed to gain traction. This leads to a sense of being marginalized or overlooked in the larger discourse.

Observations on Social Media Dynamics: You discuss patterns of censorship on social media platforms, particularly noting instances where your content has been removed under the pretext of medical misinformation. You also observe that content discussing similar topics later appears in mainstream sources without facing the same censorship.

Perception of Distraction through Information: You suggest that the dissemination of information itself has become a distraction, with certain topics being emphasized or suppressed strategically to control the narrative. This manipulation of information contributes to a sense of disillusionment and frustration with the current state of discourse.

Reflection on Personal Experience: You reflect on your own experiences with social media and express a sense of resignation or fatigue with the current dynamics. This may lead to a decision to withdraw or limit engagement with these platforms in the future.

Election Integrity, Information Distribution, Social Media Dynamics, Censorship, Dissemination of Information, Manipulation of Information, Donald Trump, 2020 Election, Skepticism, Marginalization, Mainstream Sources, Narratives, Distraction, Control, Misinformation, Frustration, Political Discourse, Democracy, Public Opinion, Personal Experience, Reflection, Social Media Engagement, Online Platforms, Truth, Deception, Perception, Power Dynamics, Accountability, Communication, Critical Thinking, Information Warfare, Media Influence, Algorithm, Authenticity.

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