Curt Weldon & Able Danger (House Session)

9 months ago

Curt Weldon, (R-PA) gives a presentation before the House in which he vigorously lambasts Pentagon officials in their handling of Lt.Col. Anthony Shaffer regarding Able Danger and its findings. Able Danger was a classified military planning intelligence gathering program led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). In 1999, a team led by Lt.Col.Anthony Shaffer had produced HUMIT and SIGINT intelligence of two Al Qaeda cells inside the United States. The Pentagon had revoked Shaffer's security clearance and had ordered the intelligence he collected destroyed. Weldon remarks about the suspicious activities shown by certain Pentagon employees and pleads with members of the House Floor to embark on an internal investigation into Shaffer's matter.

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