Shadows Of The Game - Loser Hacker

3 months ago

(Verse 1)
Hey you, lurking in the game's shadow,
With your cheats and hacks, so goddamn shallow.
Aimbot sniper, king of fake wars,
Empty victories, broken high scores.

Fuck your cheats, you cowardly fake,
In a fair fight, you’d just quake.
Glitched out heroes, hollow crowns,
Why even play if you just bring us down?

(Verse 2)
You think you're slick, with your DMA gear,
Stealing wins, feeding off our fear.
But we see you, through your mask of lies,
Your throne built on cheats, soon to capsize.

Anonymous loser, think you're a sage?
Using exploits like a rat in a cage.
Preying on noobs and ruining games,
Digital thief with no real claims.

Fuck your cheats, you cowardly fake,
In a fair fight, you’d just quake.
Glitched out heroes, hollow crowns,
Why even play if you just bring us down?

(Verse 1)
Listen up, you spineless cheat,
Gloating in your seat, as you deceit.
Hardware hooked, in a den of thieves,
Undermining what everyone achieves.

Damn your hacks, damn your lies,
Real gamers despise your pathetic tries.
Shadows cast where you slink around,
Echoes of dishonor, in your sound.

(Verse 2)
Moral compass, broken, sold,
For skins and wins, unethically bold.
You bend the rules, stretch them, break,
In the mirror, face a snake.

Is it worth the fleeting fame?
A tarnished rep, a shadowed name.
Cheater's thrill, the lowest lane,
In the hall of shame, you place your claim.
(Verse 1)
Creeping in the code, ghosts in the night,
Silent whispers of the cheating blight.
Trigger bots snap, wallhacks peer through,
A toxic mist, obscuring the view.

You're a ghost in the machine, with a stolen guise,
Feeding on the gamers’ cries.
Haunt the code, but we know your name,
Loser’s game, eternal shame.

(Verse 2)
Faceless tyrants, with hearts so black,
Walking through walls, a spectral hack.
Your crown’s a virus, spreading your lies,
A kingdom of sand, built on surprise.
(Verse 1)
The code of dishonor, script of the weak,
Silicon cowards, the fame they seek.
Through backdoors and exploits so sly,
A cheater’s mark, can’t look us in the eye.

Your code of dishonor, written in lies,
Where the truth dies, and fairness cries.
We see your game, your pitiful fame,
In the world of the just, remember our name.

(Verse 2)
A digital fortress, with thieves inside,
Twisting the rules, where cowards hide.
Your victories empty, your titles defaced,
In the hall of the game, you’re a disgrace.

You tweak and you turn, adjusting the code,
A pitiful sight, as your morals erode.
But karma’s a shadow, that follows too close,
Your path set in silicon, your legacy morose.
(Verse 1)
Rise up, fair players, take back the night,
From the cheaters and hackers, we'll reclaim our right.
With skill and with courage, the battlefield set,
Against the dishonest, a stand, a threat.

Resurgence of the fair, a storm's coming now,
With honor as our vow.
We'll fight till the dawn, until truth has won,
Game on, cheaters, your time is done.

(Verse 2)
No more shadows, no more cheats,
We're the guardians, you're in retreat.
Back to the basics, the pure, the true,
Skill over software, a world anew.

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