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86: USA PARIOT ACT April 17, 2024

Streamed on:

LOCALS: Locals Q&A with Jack & JasonQ Sundays right after WeNotMe: https://jackbreaksout.locals.com/ GIVE SEND GO: https://www.givesendgo.com/JackBreaksOut ASEA: https://zerorex.myasealive.com/ For Enrollment assistance/infoText Jay: 321-216-8047 NEUMI: https://zerorex.neumi.com CA$H App: $JackBreaksOut AMAZON Wish Lists: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/CURYT6THJRLV?ref_=wl_share Rumble Referral Link: https://rumble.com/register/ZeroRex/ CHIME: https://Chime.com/r/jacklander1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U.S.A. Historical Documents: https://usconstitution.net/const.html https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/list


  • 0/2000
  • Jack, Trump said something about at least 10 FREEDOM CITIES on Federal Land. along with a Hall of Heros and a year long celebration up to Americas Birthday and dont forget flying cars.😑 Shouldnt ALL of America be a considered a FREEDOM CITY(bottom line)(not just new cities on Fed. land.???? IDK about you, but it just doesnt feel right-that whole speech he did... (citizens, oath on FEDERAL LAND...) I'm Curious what you, Conan and Jason think.

  • thanks guys!!!

  • Hey guys!

  • thats why i drink everyday to sleep

  • Hi 👋🏼 Love you Guys you’re my new normal love the 411!!!!

  • PHIL COLLINS had this Alien Definition in the song just for us Pheasants "ITS NO FUN, BEONG AN ILLEGAL ALIEN"... As we sang this song on the radio with a smile on our faces 😞😞😞

  • https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/alien https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1101#a_22 https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ56/PLAW-107publ56.pdf https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-1999-02-08/pdf/99-3184.pdf https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2016-12-08/pdf/2016-29519.pdf

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  • Wow! I really love this content but if you don't mind I can help you promote your Rumble channel to 5k real and active audience. You can contact me: Gmail: dammyreal646@gmail.com WhatsApp: +2347032422975

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  • I have not been on your locals channel, but are your locals sessions recorded and re-playable? I want my sister and Dad to see the Prince information . . .My mom, who passed a few years ago, was a huge Prince fan, which in turn created Prince fans out of my dad and sister. (I am a weirdo and don't usually fall into liking the stuff that everyone else does . . .Prince, Michael Jackson, Robin Williams, John Candy etc. - I could care less for any of them, even though the whole world seems to adore them lol.) Love your stuff . . .Will subscribe to your locals either way, just waiting on some money to come in.

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  • Thanks Jack and Conan . Great work.

    1 like
  • J&C. LOL, reminds me of a bevrage. Great finds and a big thank you for all you guys do. Very much appreciated. You guys are blessed to have the skills to figure it all out and piece it together not to mention finding it and sharing it all with us. That is a ton of work/hours and dedication for sure. Priceless. Perhaps this is what it should be at all levels for all of us now? Dig, find, share. sow seeds, harvest. Multiply. Overtake and regain. Complete enema and flush. Step out to a new world/life. God's has the last Word. Final Word. His timing. Thank you gentlemen. This is where the real 411 is. A real posse presenting real data. Love that I don't hear, I know a guy that, He knows a guy that, We interviewed a whistleblower that... I prefer the data in hand. Then I can tell if the chatty type are for real or just blowing smoke. If you can't validate then why waste time with the unknown. Makes sense to those who have it I guess?

  • JACK................ ISNT HE THE CIC WARTIME PRESIDENT?????? According to Derek Johnson over and over again for years... we are in war.. thats why executive orders keep on getting renewed........(biden keeps us in wartime)

  • JACK................ ISNT HE THE CIC WARTIME PRESIDENT?????? According to Derek Johnson over and over again for years... we are in war.. thats why executive orders keep on getting renewed........(biden keeps us in wartime)

  • JACK................ ISNT HE THE CIC WARTIME PRESIDENT?????? According to Derek Johnson over and over again for years... we are in war.. thats why executive orders keep on getting renewed........(biden keeps us in wartime) THIS IS BAD..