Vandana Shiva: Climate change and fake food push

10 months ago

Vandana Shiva: "First they're trying to substitute the soil's regenerative fertility which comes only through organic with synthetic fertilizers, pretending they can grow food in the air. They, off course, they went for the seed. The seed renews itself, seed multiplies. They said: "Seed shouldn't renew, seed should be intellectual property." And so they started genetic engineering in order to make seed non-renewable and to continue to sell pesticides. Roundup ready crops sell more Roundup... Now they're working on 2 elements that are being pushed by the US Department of Agriculture and Sagli, the envoy for climate change. Because right now every wrong kind of agriculture and food activity is being offered as a solution to climate change. And the project is called AIM, the Agriculture Innovation Mission. Because there's this obsession that everything that is, nature that is obsolete. Man who made Impossible Burger, he says animals and plants are unimprovable technologies..."Unimprovable technologies, and I have a technology that will constantly improve." It's failing, 14 patents, it's failing. I'm doing my next book on climate change and fake food push and while I'm writing the chapter, one by one the companies are failing..."

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