Planning Board - 04/16/24

2 months ago

Temple Planning Board
Tuesday April 16th, 2024
7:00 pm, Temple Town Hall – Annex

Approval of Draft Minutes:
April 2, 2024

Invitation for Public Comment:

Old Business:
1. NFIP–FEMA Flood Maps Presentation by Heather Shank
2. Zoning Ordinance Updates (Christine)
3. Natural Resources Regulatory Audit
4. GIS Mapping Conversion
5. InvestNH HOP Grant
6. Tax Map Updates (Christine)
7. Subdivision Regulations

New Business:
1. OPD Municipal Land Use Regulation Survey* (Christine)
Work Session
1. Driveway Regulations (Murray)
Other Business
1. Regional Impact Update – New Ipswich Subdivision Application – Brook Haven Farm
LLC, Appleton & Maki Roads, Map 6 Lots 20 & 20-9
2. Site Plan Regulations Audit results (Future Meeting)
3. Filing Project
4. Webinars and Trainings
• NH OPD Planning Lunches at Noon April 18th: “Welcome to the Board - 2024”
• NH OPD Spring Planning & Zoning Conference – May 11th Online 8:45 AM to
3:30 PM. All sessions recorded and available for viewing at a later date. FREE
Presentation of Natural Resource Inventory - April 17th, 2024, 6 PM, Town Hall

Next Planning Board Meeting: Tuesday, May 7th at 7:00pm
Temple Town Hall

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