Sovereign Birth & The Conception Deception | Healthy Living Interview with Eyla Cuenca

10 months ago

Eyla is peeling back the curtains in her FREE 90-minute Masterclass on Sovereign Birth:

You’ll learn…

...The dogmatic convictions of society, and how they influence your beliefs of what a “safe” birth consists of.

...How to serve as a guide to pregnant and postpartum women so we can break systemic cycles.

...The fundamental steps you (or the women you’re here to support) need to take in order to birth naturally, from an empowered place.

...What it takes to experience a natural, blissful birth (beyond biohacking, supplements, and modern-day visualization).

...How the dominant system has trained you to remain a fearful, compliant victim – and how to exit the trap.

...The many layers of fear surrounding pregnancy and birth (plus birth trauma), and how you can unshackle yourself from their grip.

...Steps to reclaim inner safety, so you can advocate for yourself and the women in your world with confidence.

…and much more!

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