The Bible Day 82: "Faith, Healing, & Obedience" (Psalm 37:1-9, Luke 4:38-5:16, Numbers 15-16:35)

10 months ago

Good evening, and welcome back to our Bible Day 82. Tonight, we embark on an exciting journey of discovery and transformation. In Psalm 37:1-9, we delve into the timeless truths of faith, as David vividly paints the heritage of the righteous servants of God and warns of the calamity of the wicked. Our study of Luke 4:38-5:16 unveils our Lord's awe-inspiring, transformative healing power and the profound mystery of the knowledge of the Son of God. In Numbers 15-16:35, we learn the importance of strict obedience to our Lord and His ways. Join me as we plunge deep into these passages, a journey that will inspire and fill you with hope.

Psalm 37:1-9 Study:
1. Verses 1-2: Our reading commences with David's powerful appeal. He urges us not to envy evildoers and those who practice lawlessness and not to be troubled by their prosperity. Instead, David redirects our focus to the Lord, the Almighty, encouraging us to trust in His unfathomable power and do good. This is not just a message for the ancient Israelites but a timeless truth that resonates with us today, reminding us to trust God's power and goodness in the face of adversity.

- Luke 5:4: Remember our introduction, "LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP." In his commentary, St. Ambrose of Milan sees a spiritual meaning in this command from our Lord to Simon(Peter): an invitation to give one's life over to the profound mystery of the knowledge of the Son of God. It also teaches faith and obedience, trusting in God's divine guidance, and abundance through persistent faith.

Numbers 15:1-2 instructs the Israelites to offer sacrifices upon entering the Promised Land, emphasizing obedience to God. Romans 3:3-4 contrasts this with the idea that God remains faithful even when humans are not, asserting that human unbelief does not invalidate God's truth. Both passages highlight God's consistent expectations and steadfastness, illustrating that while human obedience may falter, God's fidelity and the validity of His promises endure regardless of human actions.

Numbers 16:1-2: Korah, along with Dathan, Abiram, and 250 community leaders, challenge Moses and Aaron's leadership, claiming that the community is holy and questioning why Moses and Aaron elevate themselves above the others. This act of defiance is known as "Korah's rebellion." Jude 11 refers to it to illustrate the danger and judgment associated with rebelling against divine authority, likening it to other acts of disobedience against God's direct commands.

Link to complete Study Guide:

In Christ, love Jared W. Campbell

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