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Why Is Luke Rudkowski Lying About 9/11
Luke Rdkowski, WeAreChange NY, interviewed Richard Gage, a self professed expert in the 9/11 attacks last year near the anniversary. Rudkowski went on the record to make the following statement, "it looks like a missile hit the Pentagon and not a being 747 plane". Its bullshit like this that made me do a video like this.
9/11 Discussion With Deep State Consciousness
This video was shot on September 19,2018. My interview with Deep State Consciousness (Richard Cox). We speak about the events of September 11th 2001. The geopolitical and how the intelligence services often times blocked information sharing with other agencies. Other topics included the mysterious case of United Airlines Flight 23 which was a failed hijacking as well as the Israeli Intelligence apparatus that followed and at times assisted the hijackers around the Northeast. As well as the Truth communities problem with multiple competing ideologies which prevent them from moving forward.
The Case Of American Airlines Flight 77
This video was taken on September 19,2018. In this video, i give a brief summary of the basic details involving American Airlines Flight 77 which was hijacked and ultimately crashed into the Pentagon on September 11th 2001. I also lend some opinions on the errors made by certain people & groups within the 9/11 Truth Community involving this specific incident.
The Curious Case Of Flight 93
This video was taken on September 29,2018.
How many hijackers?
9/11 Voices Series: Adam Fitzgerald
This video was recorded on October 5.2018. My two hour interview with Chuck Ochelli from The Ochelli Effect which was broadcasted on September 13th 2018. We discussed the events of 9/11 thru a historical timeline that involved important key figures which had a direct/indirect influence of the attacks..
9/11 Commission Dissection - Tim Roemer Interviews Condoleezza Rice
This video was recorded on October 16,2018. National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, testifies before the 9/11 Commission about the lack of information from the Intelligence Agencies in regards to preventing the September 11th attacks. I highlight certain talking points by Rice which contradict the information submitted from the FBI and CIA.
9/11 Commission Dissection - Richard Ben-Veniste Interviews James Pavatt (CIA) & John Pistole (FBI)
This video was recorded on October 22, 2018. 9/11 Commission member, Richard Bem-Veniste interviews James Pavatt (CIA) and John Pistole (FBI) regarding information they gathered on the USS Cole Bombing of 2000, and why the information was not shared with the State Department who could have taken military action against Al Qaeda. Ben-Veniste admonishes both Pavatt and Pistole about the mismanagement of intelligence collected by both agencies which in turn was not properly shared with each other and with State officials.
9/11 Joint House Inquiry Dissection - Richard Shelby Interviews CIA-FBI House & Senate
This video was recorded on October 28,2018. Richard Shelby Interviews one anonymous FBI field agent and FBI Special Agent in Charge of Washington Office Michael Rolnice. The short interview focuses on the lack of information the FBI had to go on regarding their investigation of the 9/11 suspects. The interview is from the Joint House Inquiry of the September 11th attacks.
9/11 Commission Dissection - Tim Roemer Interviews Dr. K (CIA)
This video was recorded on November 5.2018. 9/11 Commission Member Tim Roemer interviews Dr.K (Pseudonym) who is the Chief of the Strategic Terrorism Analysis at DCI and Mary Doran (FBI). Roemer poses the question of whether a CIA cable was shared amongst agents at the DCI regarding 9/11 "mastermind" Khalid Shaykh Muhammad. What changes are needed to be made in order to share human intelligence (HUMINT) and signals intelligence (SIGINIT) quicker amongst the intelligence agencies.
9/11 Commission Dissection - Tim Roemer Interviews Richard Clarke
This video was recorded on November 12,2018; 9/11 Commission member Tim Roemer interviews Richard Clarke who was head of the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counter-terrorism. The interview details the role of the Saudi Intelligence and its lack of effort during the investigations into the 9/11 attacks. Roemer also is puzzled over the fact that numerous Saudi's, including some of the Bin Laden family, were able to leave the United States while all flights were seemingly suspended.
The Problem Of Believing In The No Planes Fallacy
This video was recorded on February 6,2019. One of the problems that plague the 9/11 Truth Movement is regarding a "cultish" sect within the Movement whom believe no airliners were hijacked or crashed anywhere on September 11th 2001. In this video response i outline why this notion, which originated from ill-tempered frauds in the Truth community, fails miserably on it's own transparent whims and why it makes absolutely zero sense to believe it.
9/11 & The Evolution Of Discussion
This video was recorded on October 2,2019. I will become a little bit more active in regards to doing personal video. All my postings in regards to daily 9/11 content will be seen at my Wordpess and Twitter channels.
The Key To Understanding The Events Of September 11th 2001
This video was recorded on October 6,2019. I give an outline, point by point, which are important in getting a clearer, general, understanding of what happened on the morning of September 11th 2001. Each area i outline can be learned and understood even to a layman (you don't have to be an expert), which will in turn give that person a far better understanding of how this tragic event took place.
How To Investigate The September 11th Attacks
I recorded this video on August 24,2020. I give my thoughts about how to properly conduct an independent investigation into the September 11th terrorist attacks. We must look at it, in the same fashion as a detective/investigator looks at a crime and ask, who, what, where, when and why. Which will give the investigator insight into foreign policy, intelligence apparatuses, middle east relations, theological understanding and domestic agencies involved with airline industry and defense.
A New 9/11 Truth Movement
This video was recorded on August 18,2020. I give my personal thoughts about what is needed to go forward in the investigation into the terrorist events of September 11th 2001. A group dedicated to the geo-political aspects of 9/11 that involve the intelligence agencies and our foreign policy. These issues are ignored altogether in favor of believing in irrational conspiracies theories purported by certain Truth advocates. Because these conspiracy theories have blanketed the actual anomalies of 9/11, the Truth movements have gone backwards" instead of forward.
The Mysterious Profiles Of Mohamed Atta & Ziad Jarrah
I recorded this video on August 22,2020. In this video i explain the 9/11 Truth Movement's mistake of neglecting the role of hijackers and hijacked planes involved in the terrorist incidents of September 11th 2001. Two hijacks, Mohamed Atta and Ziad Jarrah who have very moderate and secular upbringings, only to radically alter their beliefs of a Wahhabi mindset in short order. The intelligence agencies whom began monitoring them after their transformation in Germany, and thru-ought parts of the Middle East even into their residency into the United States. From German BFV, Israeli Mossad, Saudi GID, Pakistan ISI, and CIA-NSA, all began operations which didn't share or lied about their involvement.
By doing independent research into the profiles of Atta and Jarrah, you open a door to the intelligence agencies, which in turn opens the door to our foreign policy, which in turn opens up the door to the Saudi-Israeli Lobby issue, which in turn, opens the door to how they influence our military into conducting war operations into Arab nations lasting years on end.
The Journey Into Investigating The Sept 11th Attacks
This video was recorded on August 25,2020. In this video, i outline the points needed to conduct a responsibly, proper investigation. I give a fuller outline regarding the various entities and agencies which are involved in certain points in history which are also affiliated with the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001. The area of Foreign Policy and how our relationships with Saudi Arabia and Israel affect not just the Middle East but in the world. Our intelligence agencies which investigated previous terrorist operations, and the findings or lack thereof. The understanding of Islam, and how different theological beliefs effect the region. How Foreign Lobbys influence our geo-politics in the Middle East and SE Asia. Lastly, the primary goals of my channel, what i hope to provide for the public.
Questioning The Motivations
This video was recorded on August 31,2020. In this video, its basically rehashing same old points i have acknowledged in the past regarding the Truth Movement reluctance to dismiss their embrace of conspiracy theories based solely on speculation. And how this dedication to one's irrational position corrupts responsibility to the truth.
We Need Motivated People To Lead
This video was recorded on September 2,2020. We need leaders, not followers. There are people out there who posses a wide range of knowledge in areas relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001. Areas such as Foreign Policy, Middle East Affairs, Religious Fundamentalism, Intelligence Agencies etc. yet these voices are rarely heard for various reasons. The 9/11 Truth Movement needs new fresh faces, and the public at large deserves to understand that what it has become today, fragmented and conspiracy driven, is not what is was when it began. In this video i implore to the public to start making their own video or written content, and to stop being a follower of certain ideals and people who want you to remain one, instead of becoming a leader for the cause.
25 Years Ago -The Bojinka Plot
This video was recorded on September 3,2020. In 1994, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and Ramzi Yousef had an idea to strike at the heart of the United States transnational airline operations center. With a 3 phased operation involving the assassination of Pope John Paul II, the bombing of 11 commercial aircraft coming from the United States and Southeast Asia and the manual hijacking of an American airliner and crashing in into CIA Langley Headquarters. Oplan Bojinka, or Operation Bojinka was the precursor to the planes operation which took place in September 11th 2001. Yet the public at large are seemingly unaware of this terrorist plot.
9/11 Anniversary Upcoming, & The Truth Movement Outlook
I recorded this on September 6,2020. With the 19th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks upcoming, what can the Truth Movement, as well as regular people, do to reinforce their stance regarding this remarkably important event in our nation's history. What should the Truth Movement do to move forwards, instead of backwards, which is where they are currently heading. I Give my thoughts about each and more.
The Intelligence Agencies Monitor Ahmed al-Hada (Yemen Hub)
This video was recorded on September 17,2020. Thru the FBI monitoring an operative inside the U.S they learn of a satellite phone which landed in the hands of Osama Bin Laden, in which the NSA begins to monitor it in 1992. Thru this phone, they learn of a number which calls numerous times to Bin Laden, it would later turn out to be from Ahmed al-Hada, whom owned a home in Sa'naa Yemen. This would become known as the Yemen Huib, where most Al Qaeda electronic communication would traffic thru. The NSA begins monitoring it in 1996, the CIA in 1998.
Why is this not national news? Why would the NSA not be thoroughly question by two congressional inquiries about what information they collected from 6 years of listening in on calls made and to from this home? Why did the CIA not share information regarding Khalid al-Mihdhar, son in law to al-Hada, with the FBI or State Department? These are the questions we should be entertaining, not the conspiracy theories involving no planes, CGI or no hijackers.
Foreign Governments Influence With The United States
This video was recorded on September 18,2020. More often than not we hear of how certain countries "benefit" from the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks inside the United States. Most notably. Saudi Arabia and Israel. What do we know generally regarding their politics and their religious sector? In this video ii go into small detail about how their political and religious party's influence our government as well as how we influence theirs.
Did The State Department Ignore Warnings Prior To 9/11?
This video was recorded on September 20,2020. Years prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, intelligence reports from the FBI regarding the Bojinka Plot showed that there was interest in hijacking aircraft and crashing them into high valued U.S targets. In 1998, more actionable data came in, from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which showed Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and Egyptian terrorist cells wanting to hijack aircraft, with months leading up to the attacks the warnings and reports were almost monthly. Why didn't the U.S State Department under U.S President George W. Bush and National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, act on these warnings and take the necessary precautions to ensure that the FAA and airline industry can implement stricter security measures.
CIA PDB "Bin Laden Preparing To Hijack U.S Aircraft":
The Afghanistan Communist Regime & The Fundamental Rise Of Jihad
This video was recorded on September 23,2020. The Communist take over led by the Saur Revolution in 1978, gave the country of Afghanistan an endemic socialist ideology which witnessed the deaths of tens of thousands of repressed Pashtuns and religious citizens. This led to a bloodied coup, and an invitation for the Soviet Union to militarily invade the capitol of Kabul in 1979. The outrage from the global Islamic community led by Abdullah Azzam and Pakistan tribal leaders, supported by intelligence agencies of the CIA, Pakistan ISI, Saudi GID, Israeli Mossad, to support a full scale war against the Soviet (secular) invaders.
This would give rise to the Islamic movement led by its ultra-orthodox Wahhabi sect. With hundreds of millions of dollars coming from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and the foreign intelligence services. By the war's end, the "global jihad" did not end as many Mujahid returned to their respective countries and began implementing the fervent call for an Islamic caliphate, all supported by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and a "blind eye" from the intelligence agencies.
The Hijacking Of Air France 8969 (Blueprint For The 9/11 Hijackings?)
This video was recorded on September 25,2020. On December 24th 1994, four armed militants from the Armed Islamic Group, an Algerian Islamic fundamnetlist organization, stormed Air France 8969. The demands were to have the plane land in France, however their true intentions were to manually take control of the cockpit and slam the plane into the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Was this the blueprint for the September 11th 2001 attacks?
The Bush & Bin Laden Family Relationship (A Short Summary)
This video was recorded on September 26,2020. The Bush family had begun a gradually close relationship with notable members of the Bin Laden family which began in 1979 thru Salem Bin Laden, one of the oldest sons of Mohammad Bin Laden, who was also business astute. Thru this meeting, George W. Bush oil & gas company, Arbusto Energy got a financial jump start. Over time the Bin Laden family became financial assets to the Carlyle Group, one of the world's largest and most successful investment firms. However after the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, the Bin Laden family had to vacate all dealings with the Bush family while being protected from judicial and federal investigations with the FBI acting as the suppressor to any investigations into Saudi financing of certain 9/11 hijackers.
What Did The FBI Know Before The 9/11 Attacks?
This video was recorded on September 26,2020
The Evolution Of Terrorism, Abu Nidal
This video was recorded on September 28,2020. By the late 1970's Abu Nidal, founder of the militant Palestinian splinter group Fatah, had conducted numerous terrorist bombing and paramilitary campaigns in the Middle East and Europe. However the one terrorist operation which would be remembered more than any other are the 1985 Vienna and Rome airport attacks. This would become the pretext for conducting more extreme terrorist operations that would not only involve airports terrorist campaigns, or hijacking airliners, but hijacking them for martyrdom operations.
The evolution of terrorism can readily be seen thru-ought the 1980's to 2001, from the Air France 8959 Hijacking, Bojinka Plot to the terrorist attacks of September 111th 2001. With these adaptations, the meanings behind them have steadfastly remained the same, in regarding to our Foreign Policy with Israel and Saudi Arabia.
A Coalition Of Criminals, The Safari Club, BCCI Bank & The CIA
This video was recorded on September 29,2020. In the dark and sordid history involving intelligence, no organization saw a more nefarious past than the long forgotten, Safari Club. Named by it's founder, Alexandre de Marenches, director of the SDECE French external intelligence services he instituted the name after a meeting with other prominent members, Kamal Adham (Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Directorate), Kamal Hassan Ali (Egyptian Director of Intelligence) and General Nematollah Nassiri (Iran’s SAVAK) while on a visit to Kenya in 1976.
The goal of the Safari Club? To coordinate with Arab intelligence and governments to rebuff the Communist Block led by the Soviet Union. The CIA under two of its Directors, William Colby and George H.W Bush, had begun funneling tens of millions from the notorious money laundering bank, Bank of Credit Commerce International whose founder, Kamal Adham was a primary member of the Club. The CIA, although, not an "official" member began a close associations with the agency in which they helped fund Afghan and Arab Mujahideen fighters in the hundreds of millions to help repel the Soviets in Afghanistan in 1980.
However after the scandal of the BBCI was investigated, and with the Safari Club under pressure while its secret documents in Iran went noticed during the Iranian revolution, the Club went "underground". Meanwhile the Mujahideen had replaced the "Communist Bloc" as the new international threat, in which was in part created and funded by the CIA thru the Club and BCCI Bank.
The Birth Of Al Qaeda
This video was recorded on September 30,2020. Many people ask whether Al Qaeda (The Base) is an actual organization or if they are basically a terrorist operation structured thru the intelligence services. There is some truth to both of these options however. After the retreat of the Soviet military from Afghanistan in 1990, high level meetings took place in Khost and the patkia Porvince in Afghanistan. These meetings attended by Jamal al-Fadl, an Arab foreign fighter, in later FBI debriefings, would be met with Arabs from the al-Masada training camp. The Al Masada Camp located in Patkia Province would recruit only a select few Arab fighters who exercised in militant training methods. These individuals would later become the primary founders and leading officials in Al Qaeda.
Under the direction of it's emir, Osama Bin Laden and Egyptian Cleric, Ayman al-Zawahiri,, Al Qaeda began ramping up terrorist operations after the Battle of Mogadishu where Bin Laden, and other notable members including Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri and Aby Hafs al-Masri (Mohammed Atef) were training Somalian militants to fight against U.S Special Forces, delta Force and U.S Army Rangers. In which Bin Laden would later remark that unlike the Soviets who died on the battlefield, the U.S military retrated, and instead of attacking just military targets, Bin Laden decided to take the fight closer to the United States.
Correction: I stated Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri drowned in a ferry accident in Niagara Falls, NY. H drowned from the accident while in Lake Victoria which is near Tanzania (African Great Lakes) in May 1996.
The Israeli Intelligence Ring (Urban Moving Systems)
This video was recorded on October 2,2020. An intricate intelligence operation had taken place months prior to the September 11th terrorist attacks inside the United States involving Israeli nationals spying on members of the Hamburg Cell (Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah). Who were these Israeli nationals and why were they operating without any knowledge or jurisdiction from the State Department and the Department of Justice. On the morning of September 11th, as the North Tower stood smoldering, 3 men were seen celebrating the attacks in a parking lot at Doric Towers in Union City, New Jersey. A woman named Maria, witnessed this bizarre show of jubilation and notified authorities, in which East Ruthersford Police would later detain 5 men from a moving company called Urban Moving Systems.
After weeks of interrogation and confinement, they were released after intense pressure from two unnamed New York senators and Alan Dershowitz, acting ad a mediator, all under the disapproval from the FBI who would later claim they knew more than what they were admitting. I also talk about the troubling aspect of anti-semitism, which is a small percentage of the Truth Movement, whom unequivocally blame Israel for the 9/11 attacks.
United Airlines Flight 23
This video was recorded on October2,2020. One of the more unreported news stories involving the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, is United Airlines Flight 23.After American Airlines Flight 11 had crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, Boston sector F.A.A. controller, Peter Zalewski, who was in constant contact with United Airlines Flight 175 captain, Jason Dahl, announced that 175 had been hijacked.This led to United Airlines Flight controller, Ed Ballinger, to report to all of the United airlines to take precautions and barricade all cockpit doors.
After receiving this message, Gerald Arpey, United Airlines CEO, announces a national shut down of all United Airlines flights. United Airlines Flight 23 was a flight out of JFK airport to Los Angeles Airport (LAX), was about to take off, however they were told to return back to airport and deplane. As the flight attendant announced these new institutions, 4 Arab males in first class, began to argue loudly for the plane to take off. As the passengers and the 4 men leave at the exist, security from JFk arrive, it was too late however to detain them. But what they found in the luggage left behind was rather shocking. Box cutters, knives, a quran and an Al Qaeda manual.
The question remains, who were these passengers, and why did the 9/11 Commission Final report not mention this incident?
Correction: Jason Dahl was the Captain of Flight 93. He was the one who received the message from Ed Ballenger of UA saying Terror attacks. Victor Saracini was the Captain of UA 175. Thank you to Latisha Collins for pointing this out ti me.
The Saudi Intelligence Ring Involving Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi
This video was recorded on October 3,2020. With Israeli Intelligence monitoring the Hamburg Cell out East, Saudi Intelligence (General Intelligence Directorate "Mabahith" operatives Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Basnan will be primary financiers to two men who would later be involved in the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. The source of their funding would later to be investigated by the FBI (PENTTBOM) in which it was later linked to bank accounts of Haifa bint Faisal, wife of U.S-Saudi Ambassador, Bandar bin Sultan, close friend to the Bush Family.
al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar are also to have rented rooms from an FBI informant from the San Diego FBI office, whose code name was "Stan", but real name, Abdussutar Shaikh. He finds both al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar to be inseparable and rather "pious" Muslims but also were frequented by guests who drove luxurious cars in the evening hours. Stephen Butler, who was the primary handler of "Stan", was told that both men were renting rooms and were learning to become pilots, when Butler asked for more information he was given the run around by Stan. Both al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar then relocate to NYC in the weeks prior to the September 11th attacks.
A Fundamentalist Vacuum The United States Helped To Create
This video was recorded on October 5,2020. After the Soviet military retreated back to the cold borders of the Soviet Union, the United States after funding the Mujahideen fighters thru the CIA in Afghanistan, left the country to it's own devices. This would leave the smoldering, war torn landscape to descend into two civil wars which would ravage the countryside into sectarian bloodshed. This would in turn help create Wahhabi oriented groups which would begin to ferment "anti-American" ideals into a global phenomenon heavily influenced by its "divisive" Foreign Policy which was rather detrimental to the Arab community as whole with Saudi Arabia and Israel as the main allies to the U.S.
With the principles of Wahhabi Islam, funded by its country of origin, Saudi Arabia, to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars. Groups like Al Qaeda, would begin to expand and later become the primary terrorist organization led by its emir, Osama Bin Laden, to conduct some of the worst terrorist operations the world has ever seen. Was this all happening under the feigned appearance of ignorance regarding the growing threat? Or could it have been all manufactured to replace the Cold War threat to keep the country led by the Pentagon to a perpetual state of war against an unseen enemy.
The Faults In Comparing Plane Crashes
This video was recorded on October 6,2020. There are some people in the 9/11 Truth Movement and those generally ignorant about the event in general, who question whether a plane (United Airlines Flight 93) had actually crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. A recent rebuttal video made by fellow 9/11 historian, Nelson Martins (DJ Thermal Detonator), which critiques Loose Change producer, Jason Bermas, regarding his recent interview with John McDermott, regarding what plane crash sites are similar to Flight 93. In which he shows the hijacking and crash of Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 which crashed at speeds over 700mph. Not only does Martins show the comparison but also details with fine meticulous study, about how these crash scenes are alike, with the little physical evidence as well as the trajectory of the plane. Bermas claims that the crash site is unlike other where hardly any plane debris is found and no whole bodies were recovered. However this is rather misleading to compare plane crashes and i explain why.
In this video i also allow the viewer to look for similar qualities of Flight 93 with a more recent suicide pilot plane crash, in Germanwings 8925, where very little of the plane was found, and no whole bodies. I also remark about why people often make this mistake of comparing plane crashes, which start with the very rare instance of pilots who are actually willing to crash the plane with a purpose, as opposed to pilots who are not trying to crash and save as many lives as possible.
The Maktab al-Khidamat
This video was recorded on October 6,2020. In 1981, Abdullah Azzam a Palestinian islamic scholar, had entered Peshawar, pakistan under the invite from notable warlord, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf. Azzam had brought with him, the premise that would define the Islamic fundamentalist culture that we see today, Defense Jihad. With the Soviet invasion of Kabul, Afghanistan, Azzam saw his idea become a reality, but he needed to influence the Arab community (ummah) and appease them to enter the conflict. However he also devised an idea to receive the influx of Arab fighters and pitched it to a Saudi millionaire who was already making a name for himself during the war, Osama Bin Laden.
The idea was simple. To build a recruitment office that would help fund potential Arab foreign fighters and fight against the secular Soviet invaders. Bin Laden would help finance Azzam's idea. It was to be called, Maktab al-Khidamat (Afghan Services Bureau). Over the years, it would receive thousands of Arabs from around the world, and the global intelligence community saw its raw potential and began funneling hundreds of millions of dollars in helping it become a large recruitment/training facility with numerous offices. However what they weren't aware of was the ramifications that would come with it in the years to come. A well funded and trained Mujahideen that would turn its sights on the United States.
Correction: Bin Laden is said to have first visited Azzam in a lecture at Indiana at the Islamic Teaching Center in 1978, not at the university of Indiana. Also, Bin Laden was educated at King Abdulaziz University, not King Fahd University
The Real 9/11 Conspiracy With Adam Fitzgerald (WhatKast Podcast)
This video was recorded on October 11,2020. On this Episode we are joined once again by 9/11 Historian and Researcher Adam Fitzgerald to talk about all of the events leading up to September 11th 2001
The Muslim Brotherhood
This video was recorded on October 11,2020. Who are the Muslim Brotherhood? Are they a reputable Islamic organization based on Islamic charity work (zakat) and proselytizing thru their many charities and mosques or are they an organization based on the precepts of Hassan al-Banna (founder) and Sayyid Qutb (author) in which the key to Islamize the world is thru the "Islamization" of secular Arab governments. I give a brief explanation about their history starting in Egypt.
Correction: The Muslim Brotherhood was found in 1928, not 1932.
The USS Cole Bombing (20th Anniversary)
This video was recorded on October 13,2020. On October 12th 2000, the USS Cole, a U.S naval ship was docked off the port of Aden, Yemen for refueling. When off on the port side an incoming small buoy boat packed with C-4 approached the hull and exploded upon impact. The explosion killed 17 and injured 37 including the two terrorist operatives involved. The FBI I-49 Unit led by Counter-terrorism chief, John O'Neill is sent to investigate the issue by FBI Director, Louis Freeh. But while there he is met by Yemen authorities in an hostile environment and a refusal to cooperate fully with the investigation. This led by numerous suspects who were arrested mysteriously freed under suspicious circumstances and a State Department official, Yemen-U.S ambassador, Barbara Bodine to end the investigation due her assertion that she was not more involved.
The Revelations Of Alan Howell Parrot, Truth Or Fiction?
This video was recorded on October 15,2020. In the past 24 hours some shocking revelations have been making the round on viral media. Allen Howell Parrot a falconer and allegedly a "CIA asset" had conducted a video conference with Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods a CIA contractor who was killed in the Benghazi, Libya attacks led by a terrorist group, Ansar al-Sharia. According to Parrot, former U.S Vice President, Joseph Biden had made a deal with Iran to "set up" Bin Laden's 2011 death in Pakistan.
However, when Iran double-crossed the U.S and "switched in a Bin Laden body double", Biden and Clinton "arranged for a Navy SEAL helicopter to be shot down to keep the truth about the raid from getting out. Vice President Biden paid with the blood of Seal Team 6.. The video began making the rounds on social media, even right wing pundits began disseminating information purporting show documentation of CDR communiquets with Biden's lawyer, Brian Ettinger in January 2011 and an alleged audio recording of Parrot on a phone conference with former Pennsylvania congressman, Curt Weldon, and Brian Ettinger who exclaimed that the U.S knew Bin Laden was in Iran and never wanted to capture him because of a deal made between Bin Laden and U.S officials which Bin Laden would be kept alive if he didnt allow Al Qaeda tro conduct terrorist operations inside the United States.
However there is some misinformation being reported here, in which i outlined in the video above. Truth or fiction? The important issue here is how we go about discerning what is true from what is not.
Correction: Brian Ettinger is Joe Biden's lawyer, not Osama Bin Laden.
The Anthrax Letters Investigation
This video was recorded on October 15,2020. On September 18, 2001 and October 12, 2001 a series of letters containing the chemical weapon grade chemical, Anthrax were mailed to numerous media outlets, and to two U.S Senators, Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. The letters mailed to the Senators, contained a highly fatal compound known as "inhalahax Anthrax" which was later found to have been manipulated with Smallpox which made the strain deadlier. The strain of Anthrax was then found out came from the CDC lab in Fort Detrick Maryland. In which the FBI would conduct an investigation finding that Bruce Edwards Irving, an 18 year employee was the culprit in mailing the letters. However this would later turn out to be false. The evidence against Irvings was circumstantial at best, and had no hard evidence linking him to the anthrax attacks. Meanwhile White House officials from the Neocon cabinet desperately wanted an Al Qaeda-Iraq connection.
Meanwhile intelligence reports from Czech intelligencer services claimed that a meeting between an Iraqi official and 9/11 hijackers, Mohamed Atta happened in Prague in April 2001, while the capture of Libyan national Shaykh Ibn al-Libi who was mercilessly tortured by CIA black sites handlers gave them false reports of witnessing Iraqi and Al Qaeda contacts making chemical bio-grade weaponry. All of this would later turn out to be false, from Bruce Irvins being the anthrax suspect, the Atta-Prague meeting and al-Libi's testimony. It all led to Secretary of State, Colin Powell giving this false data to the world governments at the United Nations to ask for military assistance for the invasion of Iraq which saw the deaths of over one million Iraqis. All based on false intelligence. So who really made the Anthrax spores mailed in those letters, and who stood to gain from it.
1979, The Year Of Islamic Fundamentalism
This video was recorded on October 30,2020. 1979-1980 was the key period in which the world would witness the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism, in which the ripple effects of this Wahhabi led ideology can be felt today. With the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Grand Mosque Seizure in Saudi Arabia, Anwar Sadat's Assassination in Egypt and the Iranian Revolution, the global caliphate was no more a fantasy. But what precipitated these events?
Foreign & Domestic Intelligence And Their Links To Terrorist Organizations
This video was recorded on November 10,2020. The Pakistan ISI has close links to known terrorist organizations in their long history, groups such as Taliban, Jaysh-e-Muhammed and Hezb-i-Islami. The goal of using these groups are to defeat a larger political enemy. In Pakistan's case, India. With the United States, they orchestrated a CIA led operation, Timber Sycamore, to arm and train Al Nusra, to help over throw the Bashir al-Assad led Syrian government.
Al Masada (The Lion's Den), The Early Formation Of Al Qaeda
This video was recorded on November 12,2020. During 1986, Osama Bin Laden sent out two associates Azmaari and Shafiq, on a recommsiance mission into the Jaji region in Khost Afghanistan to find a suitable place for a training camp. When construction finished, the name of the camp would later become rather suitable, Al Masasa (Lion's Den). Here Bin Laden would train a select group of Arabs in military, guerilla warfare. Learning anywhere from AK-47 handling and handling of explosives. This camp would come under the direction of many Egyptian commanders, Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri and Abu Hafs al-Masri (Mohamed Atef).
This group would have profound military success against the Soviet Spetznaz and the Afghan backed communist regime. The rumors began to spread about this small, but organized group of Arabs in Pakistan. By 1989, there would be known by the name, Al Qaeda (The Base). For it's resounding success at Al Masada a base created for a special group of militant Arabs.However in these stages, the groups primary foundation was not in inter-national terrorism, but to become an influence to other Arabs in defending Afghanistan from secular communism.
But when Bin Laden relocated to Sudan, under the manipulative tutelage of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Sayyed Imam al-Sharif (Dr,Fadl) is when the group took a turn to becoming an enemy to the West.
Afghanistan's Helmond Province
This video was recorded on November 17,2020. Since the rise of the Taliban, Afghanistan has come under intense military attack from the U.S led coalition after the country's invasion in 2001. However one area of the country to it's South, has been the epicenter for not just the U.S-coalition forces, but also the CIA, Pakistan ISI, Taliban. local and Pakistani drug traffickers, The Helmond Province. The 20,000 square mile area is home to 42% of the world's opium trade, making this section of the world, the single largest producer of Heroin. The sheer importance of this area cannot be understated, for whomever controls it, controls and regulates the opium trade.
The Damaging Nature Of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
This video was recorded on December 2,2020. Over the last 19 years, there have been a large contingent of individuals who purport a wide array of rabid, remarkably outlandish conspiracy theories, which often defy rationale. From "no planes" and "no hijackers" to no one dying at the WTC, and much more. Suspicious folk such as Alex Jones, Loose Change, CIT and Christopher Bollyn who help to propagandize and benefit, to a certain degree, off the irresponsible nature of their audience. So what damage has this caused to the Truth Movement? I explain.
Who Are The Primary Suspects Of 9/11?
This video was recorded on January 12,2021. According to numerous intelligence reports in the months prior to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, Osama Bin Laden was preparing something "big" to happen inside the United States. In the moments after the second plane impacted the World Trade Center towers, it was evident to the intelligence community and media, that Bin Laden was the primary suspect. Or was he? In this video i elaborate on who very well could have been involved with the attacks, directly and indirectly.
The Geopolitical Issues Of 9/11 Are Being Ignored
This video was recorded on January 25,2020. Most of the prominent 9/11 truth movements such as the 9/11 Truth Action Project and the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Truth are completely missing the more important issues showing foreknowledge and or complicity. They are instead espousing rabid conspiracy theories, which in turn, have absolved most of the agencies and individuals from complicity/foreknowledge. Important issues such as the CIA's Bin Laden Issue Station, the DIA's Able Danger program and the FBI's PENTTBOM investigation. Along with the Yemen Hub, the main conduit for Al Qaeda communications which were monitored by the CIA and NSA.
So could a new truth group basically become the forefront for the geopolitical aspects of 9/11? Yes, and in this video i explain my motivations for implementing this new idea for a new truth group. One that can give a legitimate effort on trying to use and obtain evidence to show that the official narrative are incomplete and outright false.
Able Danger (The Defense Intelligence Agency Program)
This video was recorded on February 1,2020. In 1999 General Peter Schoomaker and General Hugh Shelton devised a covert operation led by the Land Information Warfare Agency along with Defense Intelligence analysts to collect open source information about terrorist cells operating inside the United States and abroad, the operation was code named "Able Danger". Lt.Co. Anthony Shaffer, led by the U.S Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency collected 3.5 terabytes of information about two terrorist cells inside the United States which uncovered a large international operation that had gone largely ignored.
However soon after this was uncovered Shaffer and the Able Danger ran into interagency and legal interference, which restricted them being able to operate and ultimately pressured by United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) lawyers to destroy the database because the information they collected regarding members of the Hamburg Cell led by future 9/11 hijackers, Mohammed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah, were considered "U.S citizens" and covered under the U.S Persons Policy. But were they? And why did the Pentagon suspend Shaffer's security clearance soon after?
Timber Sycamore (Arming The Syrian Jihadists)
This video was recorded on March 10,2021. In 2011, CIA Director General David Petraeus, constructed a covert operation code named, Timber Sycamore, to which the CIA along with Saudi Arabia and Jordan would help train and arm Syrian Salafi terrorist groups like Jabhat al-Nusra, Arhar al-Sham and Al Qaeda to help overthrow Bashir al-Assad and defeat the Syrian Army. The highly covert program was influenced by King Abdullah II of Jordan and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton along with Samantha Power, National Security Council acted as the main conduits thru President Barak Obama in helping run the operation which ended in 2017 by US President Donald Trump. Thus lending even further evidence that the 'war on terrorism" is all but a complete farce.
The Rise Of Saudi Arabia
This video was recorded on March 21,2021. In 1744 the Emirate of Diriyah was a land ruled by two men, Muhammed bin Abd Al Wahhab and Muhammad bin Saud. Wahab wanted an Arab country ruled by his religious traditions (Wahhabi) and Ibn Saud for the military and political might he possessed. The country was to be the first Saudi state, later called Saudi Arabia in 1932. By 1936, the U.S oil company, Standard Oil, began explorations, south of the country to which they would uncover vast untapped oil reservations. The relatively poor country suddenly became one of the richest in the world.
By the 1970's Islamic modernization soon began, and the religious principals of Wahab began to shape other Arab countries that were once shaped by Pan Arabism. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and later Syria and Libya. By rich Saudi donors and influential imams who poured hundreds of millions of dollars to the Middle East, Southeast Asia and even the United States thru madrassas and charities in which some of that funding went to terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Boko Hara, Abu Sayyaf and Jaysh-e-Muhammed. The Saudi Kingdom, a country ruled by its religious ultra orthodox sector and a family line that has been shaped by billions from the petroleum market.
The Smoking Gun Of The September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks
This video was recorded on April 7,2021. The geopolitical aspects of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks have either been under represented, largely ignored, or nefariously misinterpreted by the more 'rabid" conspiracy theorists. The dominant face of the 9/11 Truth Movement however has always been the collapses of the World Trade Centers, specifically 1, 2 and 7. The experts regarding this area who propose, with legitimate scientific data have long proposed that these buildings were fallen due to "unnatural" circumstances, such as pre planted explosives. However one thing is missing, a suspect.
This is why i fully believe in the geopolitical arena, not only can we name suspects, we can also show some of the people involved with certain intelligence operations can also.
The Desperate Need For A Properly Informed Public Regarding 9/11
This video was uploaded on April 10.2021. In this video i talk about the need for the 9/11 truth movement to endorse a properly educated audience from responsible truth advocates and leaders. At the current moment, most of the more prominent 9/11 truth organizations and affiliates have been poorly managing their members and activists who, at the same time, have been espousing erroneous statements and rabid conspiracy theories to the common public. This has had a devastating effect, to which it has led tens of millions of people to become misinformed by these incorrect statements.
So what is the answer? I lend my opinions as to what the 9/11 truth movement could do to help rectify the problem of disinformation. Current 9/11 independent investigators like Nelson Martins, Ryan Dawson, Ed Brotherton, John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski, continue to give invaluable efforts to produce factual content but are being usurped by the irresponsible voices and more volatile 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile the previous influential and rational voices of the truth movement like David Chandler, Wayne Coste, and Ken Jenkins are being currently ignored and blackballed by these antagonists. We need more rational, and more importantly, educated people in the 9/11 truth movement or else it will end up becoming ostracized in the public eye and become an afterthought.
The Mystery Surrounding Nabil al-Marabh: Al Qaeda In Boston
This video was recorded on April 17,2021. One of the most under-reported mysteries surrounding the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, is the story of Nabil al-Marabh. al-Marabh a former Khalden training camo veteran had linked up with members of the camp and lived amongst them in Boston. While there he began sending large sums of cash to known terrorist operatives thru-ought Europe and Middle East, notably, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Afghanistan. While he lived in Boston, members of that group of Khalden also worked for the same cab company called Boston Cab Co. These included Mohamad Kamal Elzahabi, Raed Hijazi, and Bassam Kanj. Over the next 15 years, these men would situate themselves thru-ought the United States while also being involved in numerous terrorist operations which included the USS Cole Bombing, The Millennium Bombing Plot and indirectly involved with the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
Al-Marabh would become known to the FBI thru an independent investigation thru Hijazi and later in a different investigation after Kanj was killed in Lebanon. However al-Marabh would always seem to be one step ahead and even when he was finally detained, he was remarkably allowed to be released. After his arrest in 2002 for illegal entry into the United States, he still was never charged for any terrorism related activities even thou the evidence against him was "overwhelming". Which included, knowing two 9/11 hijackers (Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi), planning to bomb the Holland Tunnel in Manhattan New York City and sending large money transactions to areas known for terrorism related activity. He was released back to Syria without a single federal charge or further investigation. The question is simple....why?
The NSA & CIA Intelligence Regarding The Yemen Hub
This video was recorded on May 5,2021. From 1996-2001, the National Security Agency (NSA) had monitored all calls from a house in Sana'a Yemen. While the CIA had a bug inside the house from 1998-2001. What was said inside that house? Who knows, but if they were talking about high level meetings and operations would they have shared it with the FBI and State Department anyway? We do know that the CIA deliberately kept FBI agents at Alec Station from sharing information about two Al Qaeda operatives coming into the United States,. they also didn't tell anyone at the National Security Counsel meetings, chaired by Richard Clarke either. They even went phishing for what the FBI knew about Khalid al-Mihdhar one day in 2001. How much intelligence did the NSA manage to collect just from the Yemen Hub operation alone in 6 years?
Why isn't this being at the forefront of all 9/11 related discussions online? Is it because of the many disillusioned conspiracy theories that dominate the majority of discussions online? Or is simply basic ignorance? It's high time we start looking at the events of September 11th 2001 as hobbyists, and start looking at it like investigators would.
Correction: At 18:02, i mention the name Harry Samit as the informants name for Ken Williams In Phoenix, the name of the informant was Henry Joseph Ellen. Harry Samit was FBI CTC in Minneapolis.
The Misunderstanding Of The 9/11 Official Narrative
This video was recorded on May 11,2021. If you happen to come across a conversation that entails the events of 9/11, you will probably hear something along the lines of "the 9/11 official narrative is false". However, what IS the "official narrative"? According to many in the 9/11 truth movement, its 4 planes hijacked by 19 religious islamic zealots who hate our freedoms. However, the official narrative purported by the 9/11 Commissions final report is much more than just that, and also much more that wasn't included in the report. You would be surprised at just how many haven't even read the final report to understand that not isnt it all false, its simply, incomplete. if they knew that much, they wouldn't make such a rush to judgement and also understand as to why they didn't include all the information, because it would completely contradict its overall narrative.
The Inaccurate Testimony Of Condoleezza Rice
This video was recorded on March 13,2021. When Condoleezza Rice went before the 9/11 Commission, she "officially" became the Bush White House spokesperson regarding the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. There were two statements she made however which weren't quite accurate, in fact, one can say she almost committed perjury. One was in her opening statement where she said "no one could have imagined they would use planes as weapons'. The other statement came during her interview with committee panel member, Richard Ben-Veniste, where Rice said the August 6th PDB was not a threat report. It was made clear in the past 6 years to intelligence and White House officials that there were 'sleeper cells' inside the United States that were training in flight schools to hijack commercial aircraft and crash them into U.S targets.
The Al Qaeda Summit Meeting In Malaysia
This video was recorded on May 21,2021. In 1999, the National Security Agency (NSA), which were monitoring a phone in Saan'a Yemen, heard about a summit meeting involving a number of terrorist operatives, whom they were monitoring, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They shared this pertinent information to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who asked Malaysian authorities to take photos of those who attended. The NSA were hoping for the CIA to get human intelligence involving the names which were known to the NSA. Which involved Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, Ridduan Isamuddin (Hambali), Tawfiq Bin Attash (Khallad), Khalid al-Mihhdar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. It was al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar who were known to the CIA, and after the meeting the CIA claimed to have "lost" the whereabouts of Nawaf al-Hazmi, but the NSA had not for they were monitoring his cell phone calls while they travlled to Thailand.
Both al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi, then travelled the Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where they stayed at a hotel in which CIA officers broke in, while they were away, and took photographs of al-Mihdhar's passport which had a dual US Visa. However the CIA never shared this data with the FBI or State Department officials. They also never shared their photographs which were taken by Malaysian contacts, that were sent to Alec Station with the NSA or the FBI and White House. What was talked about at the summit meeting in Malaysia? And why didn't the CIA share their data with anyone outside the agency at Alec Station.
The Intelligence Failures Which Led To The September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks
This video was recorded on May 24,2021. In the months of 2001 leading up to the September 11th terrorist attacks, the global intelligence network were receiving a consistent stream of reports that an Al Qaeda attack was upcoming for the United States. The NSA had its wiretap of an Al Qaeda communications hub in Yemen, while the CIA began monitoring the physical visitors coming and going from the home. for 16 months the CIA adamantly refused to share pertinent intelligence that two men, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were inside the United States since January 2000. Meanwhile foreign intelligence from Saudi Arabia and Israel began surveillance of notable Al Qaeda suspects all who would take part in the hijackings of airliners on September 11th 2001.
The CIA under its director, George Tenet, would later be questioned about the leading weeks and months to the day itself, but Tenet still remained dishonest under the Committee's inquiry, and flat out lied about who he met and didn't meet in August and September of 2001. The question is why? Why didn't the NSA share with the CIA, FBI and State department about its data from the Yemen Hub? Why didn't the CIA share its reports of al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi with the FBI and State Department? Why didn't the supervisors of the FBI l act on the intelligence reports and briefings in the months and weeks leading up to 9/11?
Ahmed Amin Refai & The 1993 WTC Blueprints
After the 1993 WTC bombing trial which saw a number of suspects sent to lengthy prisons sentences, the FBI concluded that there was no existing radical fundamentalist cell inside the United States, However, former FDNY Marshall, Ronald Bucca, wasn't convinced. He would conduct his own investigation into who exactly were these Egyptian fundamentalist and who Omar Abdel Rahman was. Thru the course of his study, he came across a name, Ahmed Amin Refai, a 25 year employee at the FDNY himself. What Bucca uncovered about Refai, reinforced his previous inclinations about sleeper cells hidden right here in the United States, Did the intelligence community know?
The NSA Monitoring Tucker Carlson & Room 641A
With the recent allegation arising from a "whistleblower" inside the US federal government, the National Security Agency (NSA) has been alleged to have read FOX News Correspondent, Tucker Carlson's emails in order to compromise his show "Tucker Carlson Tonight".
Carlson immediately broadcasted the allegations stating that “the NSA has read my private emails without my permission, period. That’s what we said. Today’s statement from the NSA does not deny that.” The NSA went thru it's twitter account to halfheartedly deny the charges. However, the response didn't seem empathically convincing. But the allegations from Carlson do have merit. In fact the abuse from the NSA on collecting meta-data from American citizens here and even abroad, were none more pronounced in a 2006 incident involving Mark Klein, an AT&T technician who found a secret room located in the high rise of Bell Communications in San Francisco. The room, 641A, was not just any room. It was the NSA's secret database collection enclave which had the full allowance from AT&T to collect, without warrant, private citizens data. The program was originally constructed with the full authority of the Bush Administration in 2002, using the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 as the pretext to collect data regarding suspects involved in the aiding abetting of those involved in the attacks.
El Sayyid Nosair: Genesis Of Terrorism
In 1994, Nosair was convicted in federal court of nine counts, including being a co-conspirator behind the Landmarks Bombing Plot. Nosair was also the assassin of Rabbi Meir Kahane, the fiery Zionist who founded the radical Jewish Defense League. During a 2002 Joint House Inquiry report, Director Eleanor Hill, found that Nosair's legal defense for the landmarks Plot came from Osama Bin Laden. He is currently serving a life sentence at Marion, Illinois prison. Was Nosair the contact between Arab criminals already in place inside the united States and the fundamentalists from Egypt which were behind the 1993 WTC Bombing, The Landmarks Plot and The 2001 terrorist attacks?
The Evil That Is Donald Rumsfeld
The late former Secretary of Defense under the Bush administration was considered the primary architect of the Us invasion of Iraq in 2003, which ultimately led to the deaths of over one million Iraqi civilians. However it was the reasons for the invasion of Iraq in the immediate aftermath of the September 1t1h 2001 terrorist attacks and the torture memos he would later authorize on detainees at Abu Ghraib that would forever immortalize Rumsfeld as simply one of history's most evil. I give a brief descriptive history of the man who was the one of the original noncontrastive influencers which helped shape our foreign policy in the Middle East for the decades to come.
The Elite Israeli Special Forces Unit Mista' arvim
Mista'arvim is the name given to counter-terrorism units of the Israel Defense Forces, Israel Border Police, and Israel Police who operate undercover. Asaf Hefet'z, the former Israeli Police Commissioner, is considered the creator of this group as well as Unit Gideonim (Unit 33) which are the Israeli Police (IP) elite intelligence oriented undercover unit. The unit was formed in 1994 in order to conduct Counter Terror (CT) intelligence gathering in the East Jerusalem region, as well as to fight hard core crime in the area.
Such units are specifically trained to assimilate among the local Arab population. They are commonly tasked with performing intelligence gathering, law enforcement, hostage rescue and counter-terrorism, and to use disguise and surprise as their main weapons. The name is derived from the Arabic "Musta'arabi", meaning "those who live among the Arabs"
The Israeli Mole Who Played A Terrorist: Ahmed Mohammad Ajaj
Ahmed Mohammad Ajaj is a Palestinian who was convicted of participating in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and received a 240 year sentence. However in 1988, he was convicted for being involved in a counterfeiting ring in East Jerusalem, to which the Israeli Mossad recruited him to infiltrate Palestinian terrorist cells operating in the country. Ajaj would then travel to Peshawar, Pakistan in 1992 where he would meet with Ramzi Yousef in Camp Khalden near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and learn how to make bombs. He then become involved with the 1993 WTC Bombing operation which Yousef relied on Ajaj to help him make the urea nitrate bomb that was used to blow up the parking level garage of the North Tower. The question is, was Ajaj still an Israeli mole inside the 1993 WTC bombing operation?
Omar Abdel Rahman (The Blind Sheikh)
Omar Abdel-Rahman was the leader of Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya an Egyptian militant Islamist movement in Egypt which tried to help force the overthrow of the Anwar Sadat led government in a coup that involved in Sadat's assassination in 1981. Rahman was subsequently arrested for his alleged involvement, and was released and expelled from the country after charges against him were dropped but not before labelling him as a terrorist. between 1986-1990, Rahman applied for a US visa 7 times at the us embassies in Khartoum and Cairo. In 1990 he was approved by a US consular officer, who was later found out to be a CIA officer posing as a us consular official. He would soon find himself invited by Al Farouq imam, Mustafa Shalabi, to come and preach there from time to time. His sermons were filled with "vitriolic rants" against the United States and members of the mosque soon began leaving, with only the fervent believers of Rahman's ideology staying behind.
Soon Rahman would begin advocating for attacks inside the United States which involved members of the Al Farouq and Masjid al-Salam in Jersey City to conduct in two terrorist operations, the 1993 WTC Bombing and the 1993 NYC Landmarks Bombing Plot. Rahman would be found guilty on 8 charges, in which he was sentenced to serve life imprisonment.
The FBI Informant Who Lived With 9/11 Hijackers (Abdussattar Shaikh)
On May 14th 1994, Steven Butler, the FBI's Unit Chief of the San Diego field office, opened a Confidential Informant file (CI-01) on a Saudi who was quite known to the Islamic community in the city of Lemon Grove. His code name, "Stan". The FBI wanted to obtain information about a bombing that took place in the quiet city, "Stan" offered his services after a meeting took place between him and his handler, Butler, at the Islamic Center of San Diego at 7050 Eckstrom Ave. He told butler that he was a teacher at San Diego State as well as being the Vice President for International Projects at American Commonwealth University (ACU).
"Stan" lived in a 5 bedroom home and began renting out rooms for Muslims who just entered the country. Two men would end up renting a single room, they gave their names as Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. They told "Stan" that they just moved from Los Angeles and wanted to take English and flying lessons. "Stan" told Butler about the two men, but only gave their first names to him. Butler pressured "Stan" to give him the surnames so he could run a background check, but "Stan" stalled. Ultimately al-Mihdhar left for Germany in early October, less than two weeks before the USS Cole Bombing and Al-Hazmi continued living with Shaikh until December. Butler would not hear about the two men anymore, but it wasn't the end.
After the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, it became known to the FBI that both men were involved with the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77 which deliberately crashed into the Pentagon. Butler returned to "Stan", however nothing incriminating was found out about how his informant handled the situation. However, "Stan" was not who he claimed to be. His name was later revealed by the Joint House Inquiry report as, Abdussattar Shaikh. It was also later reported that Shaikh never worked as a teacher at San Diego State nor was he ever the Vice President for International Projects at American Commonwealth University. The question remains as follows. Why did the FBI not pressure "Stan" to give the surnames to his handler Butler?
The United States & Saudi Arabia: A Brotherhood Made From Blood & Oil
When the first Saudi state was created in 1744 between two tribal leaders, Muhammad abd Ibn al-Wahab & Muhammad Ibn Al Saud, the combination of the puritanical sect called Wahhab Islam and Al Saud's military might would help shape it into a powerful country which saw the usurp of the Ottoman Empire in 1906. The United States under then President Truman entered into a dialogue with Ibn Saud and Standard Oil was given concession to start drilling for untapped oil reserves. With the U.S backing the kingdom of Saudi Arabia became a force in the region which still lasts today, even as the Kingdom is responsible for the influence of its extremist ultra-orthodox sect which gave rise to extremist groups in the Middle East & SE Asia.
The USA Patriot Act
I outline a short history of what the act entailed, the revisions made to it and the House & Senate history of reenacting the legislation needed to amend the act multiple times. Keeping the citizens completely under constant surveillance. The Patriot Act was enacted following the September 11 attacks with the stated goal of dramatically tightening U.S. national security, particularly as it related to foreign terrorism. In general, the act included three main provisions:
*expanded abilities of law enforcement to surveil, including by tapping domestic and international phones;
*eased interagency communication to allow federal agencies to more effectively use all available resources in counterterrorism efforts;
*increased penalties for terrorism crimes and an expanded list of activities which would qualify someone to be charged with terrorism.
The Phoenix Memo: A Warning Ignored
In the years prior to the September 11th 2001 terrorists attacks, a number of suspicious, Islamic militants began training in flight schools in Phoenix and Scottsdale Arizona. An FBI informant, later known as Henry Ellen, who was a Muslim convert began informing his handler, Ken Williams about militants in flight schools and wanting to do harm to the United States. In July 2001, Williams would send this memo to a number of FBI offices around the country however it would not be fully noted by either the director, Robert Mueller, or to other agencies until after the 9/11 attacks. The question is, why was this information largely ignored.
Omar al-Bayoumi (Saudi Spy & 9/11 Terrorist Financier)
Omar al-Bayoumi is a Saudi national who claimed to have befriended, rather than ran as agents, two of the 9/11 hijackers in the United States, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. FBI files dating back to before the attacks demonstrate that he is a Saudi Arabian intelligence agent who also had ties to terrorist groups. The law firms representing the families of loved ones murdered in the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks have recently subpoenaed Saudi officials, including al-Bayoumi to testify under oath about their connections to al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi.
Guantanamo Bay Prison & The CIA SERE Program
On January 11, 2002 under the authorization of then US President, George W. Bush, the Guantanamo Bay prison was opened at Guantanamo naval base in Cuba. The prison operated under total secrecy and only held 30 or so prisoners at one time. By 2006 it was over 741. As early as November 2001, the CIA general counsel began considering the legality of torture, and by 2002 CIA contractors James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen started implementing the SERE program on its first Al Qaeda capture, Abu Zubaydah.
In May 2002, senior Bush administration officials including CIA Director George Tenet, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Attorney General John Ashcroft met to discuss which techniques the CIA could legally use.
The SERE program used brutal techniques on detainees which included waterboarding ... sleep deprivation, isolation, exposure to extreme temperatures, enclosure in tiny spaces, bombardment with agonizing sounds at extremely damaging decibel levels, and religious and sexual humiliation," including forced enemas and other anal assault. As of 2021 only 31 prisoners are currently held at Guantanamo Bay prison, including Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, who along with 4 others are still awaiting trial for their alleged involvement in the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
The Story Of Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a native Mauritanian, was suspected by the United States federal government of aiding in the 2000 Millennium bombing plot and giving aid to three suspects involved in the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. He would be detained by federal authorities who then transferred him to the CIA in which he was sent to numerous 'black sites' where Slahi was brutally tortured and threatened to have his mother arrested. Slahi, for 14 years, was held at Guantanamo Bay prison without a single charge. As all his "confessions" were made while being a victim of the "enhanced interrogation program" authorized by secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, with the CIA acting as the judge, jury and even executioner. In 2010, US District Court Judge James Robertson granted the writ of habeas corpus and ordered Slahi's release due to the prosecutions inability to legitimately charge Slahi with being involved against any terrorist plots while he was a mujahid in Afghanistan in 1991.
While he was held in Guantanamo, Slahi wrote a memoir describing his experiences at the prison. It would be published in 2015, the book "Guantanamo Diary" was an international bestseller. Slahi would receive a Periodic Review Board review in June 2016, and on October 17th 2016, Slahi was freed and returned to Mauritania , however, the Mauritanian government has denied him a passport, allegedly under US pressure. In March 2021 a film, "The Mauritanian" directed by Kevin Macdonald was released which details the case of Slahi. The question now becomes, when will Slahi receive "justice' against the very people who afforded him none.
The War On Terrorism After The Death Of Osama Bin Laden
With the assassination of Osama Bin Laden on May 1st 2011, Al Qaeda was taken aback from the loss of it's emir and founder. However Islamic fundamnetlist groups such as the Islamic State & The Levant, Abu Sayyaf, Jabhat al-Nusra, and Al-Shabaab still had an acknowledged presence in the Levant and Southeast Asia. As the United States pushed forward with it's imperialistic worldview led by it's continuous bombing of mostly Shia Muslim countries, the Wahhabi led terrorist groups began receiving funding from Saudi Arabia in the hopes of toppling socialist Arab countries who were seen as a threat to the Gulf while also fighting against the United States and it's coalition partners. Meanwhile in Syria, the United States thru a CIA covert program, "Timber Sycamore" began funding and training Wahhabi militant groups to assist in the forcibly overthrow of the Bashir al-Assad government. While Israel aid wounded Wahhabi terrorists in hospitals located in the Golan Heights. Leading the question. Is Islamic fundamentalism a transnational threat? And if so, why are the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel helping to "tentatively" collaborate with the enemy in the so called "war on terror'?
NSA & CIA :The Shadows Which Followed Al Qaeda In Yemen & Beyond
In 1996, the FBI were investigating Ziyad Khaleel for his connections to Hamas and suspected of being involved with Al Qaeda. At the instruction of senior al-Qaeda lieutenant Khaled al-Fawwaz, he purchased a satellite phone where it was sent to al-Fawaaz and then sent to Tora Bora, Afghanistan and into the hands of Osama Bin Laden. What Bin Laden had not known was that the FBI informed the NSA to begin monitoring the phone to see where it went and who was using it. The NSA found a goldmine, a once in a lifetime opportunity to listen to one of the most controversial figures in history while calling around the world, and one place in particular, a house located in Sana'a Yemen which was owned by an associate, Ahmed al-Hada.
From here the NSA had begun tapping the line of the home, while also having an active electronic surveillance of Bin Laden's phone. The CIA then is informed about the home in Yemen and placed an eavesdropping device inside the house, while also conducting human intelligence of anyone entering or leaving the building. It would be the most surveilled target in all of the intelligence world. The question is. What did the NSA and CIA collect, know or share with anyone, even amongst themselves. What was being said by those who called into the home and outside of it. And why was the FBI and State Department not notified of the contents which was obtained thru signals and human intelligence by both agencies.
Jawbreaker: The CIA Operation To Capture Or Kill Osama Bin Laden
The Battle of Tora Bora was a military engagement that took place in the cave complex of Tora Bora, eastern Afghanistan, from December 6–17, 2001, during the opening stages of the United States invasion of Afghanistan. It was launched by the United States and its allies with the objective to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. The CIA constructed a team led by Gary Schroen, who directed CIA operations to find and capture Osama bin Laden, while Gary Berntsen also a CIA case officer, served as the Commander of all CIA forces in Eastern Afghanistan and led the agency’s Jawbreaker team in Tora Bora. With Bin Laden surrounded by special forces from the United States and British forces, it was Berntsen who called for backup forces of no more than 200 officers to engage the schoolhouse to which General Tommy Franks, the general commander of U.S forces in Afghanistan declined the request. Bin Laden would then escape into the White Mountains into Pakistan.
The 911 Truth Movement: Historical Revisionism, Fringe Conspiracies & General Ignorance
The 9/11 Truth Movement has had many problems from the early onset, externally and internally, which has affected them in every area imaginable. In this video i specify some points of criticism where i feel the 9/11 Truth Movement, as a whole, has made all areas of activism, social media attention and legal avenues all but an impossibility moving forward. At the very end i offer also some advice of what needs to be done to save what is left of the movement at the current moment.
1. Non activity on viral media nearing the 20th anniversary.
2. The disregard for new information in an age of technology where information is revealed daily.
3. The truth movement tolerating the fringe conspiracy theorists.
4. The truth movement missing legitimate lawyers, foreign policy experts, in their ranks.
5. Prominent truth groups involved with 9/11 truth remained stagnant after 20 years and did not move forward in the courts.
5. What will need to change moving forward
Mohammed Jamal Khalifa: Businessman Or Al Qaeda Terrorist Financier
Mohammed Jamal Khalifa was one of Osama Bin Laden's trusted contacts, while also being married to one of his sisters. Khalifa had later been accused by US authorities of funding terror plots and groups in the Philippines in the 1990s while head of the International Islamic Relief Organization branch there while also setting up legitimate charity organizations and businesses. Khalifa was also suspected of being one of the major financiers of the 1995 international terror plot, Bojinka, which was to have 12 airliners outfitted with bombs, assassinate Pope John Paul II, while having a single hijacked plane crash into CIA Langley in Virginia. After 2001 Khalifa would denounce Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, suggesting Bin Laden denounce terrorism. He was later suspected of being behind a series of theater bombings in Jordan, for which he was later found innocent of. In 2007 he was assassinated by a unknown group of people in which he was stabbed and hacked to death in Madagascar. The suspects were never arrested.
The US-Saudi Connection & Coverup Of 9/11 Hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar & Nawaf al-Hazmi
The Saudi connection to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks was not apparent overnight. In fact quite the opposite. It began many years ago starting with the arrival of an auspicious Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi in 1994 who began setting up charities and given "no show' jobs at the behest of Saudi ministers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Some of these organizations were slowly unraveled thru federal probes to have connections to terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda and Hamas. In January 2000, two arrivals who had been monitored by the CIA and NSA arrived inside the United States, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. This video explains the Saudi and US connection that involved in financing and material support from mysterious Saudi officials that included the US-Saudi Ambassador, Bandar Bin Sultan. As well as the federal investigation and coverup of the two men who would later be suspected of being involved with the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77.
FBI Pressured To Release Classified Documents About Saudi Involvement Into 9/11
According to a breaking report from the Florida Bulldog:
"After insisting for months that it could not release information about its once secret probe of Saudi government involvement in 9/11 because it was open and active, the FBI told a federal judge Monday that it has now closed the investigation. The surprise decision follows intense political pressure on the Biden Administration to open up classified government records by thousands of family members and survivors of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington who are now suing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
Maybe now we can start getting the State department and the department of justice to pressure the NSA and CIA to also declassify documents involving what they knew about the hijackers and their associates in the years prior to the September 11th attacks and also Israeli human intelligence involving members of the Hamburg Cell while in New Jersey and New York City.
Bin Laden Family Connections: From The Grand Mosque Seizure To Afghanistan
In the aftermath of the seizure of the Masjid al-Haram, the holiest mosque in Mecca, it became known from Saudi internal investigations that the Bin Laden family had connections with the militants headed by Juhayman al-Otaybi who considered himself the next "Mahdi". Osama Bin Laden, and one of his brothers, Mahrous, are suspected of being involved. Shortly afterwards, Bin Laden travels to Afghanistan and begins using the family construction business trucks and land movers to build roads and ditches in the mujaheddin fight against the Soviets. It is suspected that thru the CIA and British SAS and Saudi donors that they begin funding numerous Islamic charities from the United States and Pakistan. Hundreds of millions begin being funneled thru many of these sources including the Maktab al-Khidamat which has branches in NYC and other US cities.
The CIA Ties To Al Kifah Refugee Center & Islamic Militants
From 1986-1989 Islamic imams would travel to the United States to preach at local Muslim organizations and charities in cities like Tucson and New York City to open up service offices called, Al Kifah, which are linked to the main office in Peshawar, Pakistan, the Maktab al-Khidamat owned and operated by Abdullah Azzam and Osama Bin Laden. By 1990, Omar Abdel Rahman, a known Islamic militant involved with an Egyptian radical group, Gamma Islammiyah, enters the United States while also on a terrorist watch list. His Visa is approved by the CIA 3 times. However, Rahman begins to slowly take over the operations at the Al Farouq Mosque in Brooklyn NYC which is next to the Al Kifah Refugee Center. Mustafa Shalabi, for co-founder of the Al Kifah is found murdered and Rahman takes over. Almost in the same year, Azzam is also found murdered in Pakistan. Bin Laden takes over the refugee center in Pakistan. Meanwhile the CIA whom is funneling hundreds of millions to mujahedeen fighters in Pakistan, is also linked to the Al Kifah center in Tucson and Brooklyn and laters tells the FBI not to further investigate the center after the 1993 WTC Bombing. The FBI would claim in its final report the bombing and the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane were works of a single radical group which has to further ties. The CIA would however have much deeper ties to not only the 1993 WTC Bombing but also the 2001 terrorist attacks of September 11th.
The History Of The Taliban
As of August 15th, Afghanistan's capital, Kabul, is now under control of the Taliban. Many people are still attempting to flee the country as thousand descend on Kabul's airport waiting to be airlifted out of the country. The Biden administration reeling in shock over how quickly the country fell into the hands of the Taliban, as it's former president Afghan Ghani flees the Presidential palace. With the Taliban now firmly in power and control, of the country, many people generally aren't aware just who the Taliban are and what they want. In this video i give a general history lesson about who and what the Taliban are about. Its origins and its current state.
The 9/11 Enigma: Ziad Samir Jarrah & His Family Of Spies
After United Airlines flight 93 crashed into the fields in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11th 2001, local, state and federal investigators recovered evidence which showed the plane was hijacked and also found incriminating evidence which showed a Lebanese man, Ziad Jarrah, was suspected to be the pilot whom intentionally crashed the airliner into the ground after a passenger revolt. However, not everything seemed to be as it was according to the FBI and 9/11 Commission. In this video, we look back into the profile of Ziad Jarrah, his upbringing, his life in Germany and descent into Islamic fundamentalism all under the watchful eye of foreign and domestic intelligence services and how his family had deep rooted ties to Israeli and foreign intelligence which went back decades.
"The Lion Of Panjshir" Ahmad Shah Massoud & His War Against The Taliban
In 1992, with the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, the war for control of the country began. Numerous factions led behind warlords such as Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (Hizib-I-Islami) and Ahmed Shah Massoud (Northern Alliance) and the communist remnants in Kabul began. by 1996 a new foe fought against Massoud, this time led by the complete backing and financial support of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan ISI, the Taliban. In 2001, Massoud was assassinated, and two days later Bin Laden's Al Qaeda attacked the United States. It would later come out thru unclassified reports that it was the CIA, Pakistan ISI and Saudi donors who gave financial and logistical support to the Hekmatyar in 1992 and the Taliban in 1996, in hopes of defeating Massoud.
The Assassination Of Jewish Radical Meir Kahane (The First Act Of Islamist Terrorism)
On November 5th 1990 at a downtown Manhattan hotel, The Marriott, Rabbi Meir Kahane, a radical jewish nationalist militant and founder of the Jewish Defense League, was assassinated by a radical Arab fundamentalist, El Sayyid Nosair. NYPD detectives would uncover an abundance of incriminating evidence which points to a broad Islamic fundamentalist network which would later have connections to the 1993 WTC Bombing, that was later covered up by the FBI. Meanwhile those affiliated with Kahane continue to live his legacy of keeping Israel a nation just for Jews.
Osama Basnan: The Saudi Connection To September 11th 2001
On October 17th 1992, a Saudi resident living in Washington DC is holding a house party for the arrival of Egyptian terrorist and co-leader of an Egyptian terrorist organization, Gamma Islammiyah, (Blind Sheikh) Omar Abdel Rahman. The part is monitored by the FBI, and the house and it's resident is also monitored. The resident's name is Osama Basnan. By 1998, he is suspected of being affiliated with Saudi intelligence and has very affluent connections, even with US-Saudi ambassador, Bandar Bin Sultan, whom asks for financial assistance for his wife, Majeda Dweikat for thyroid surgery. The money would later come thru monthly transactions that lasted til early 2002. The money would be reportedly exchanged thru Dweikat, than to Basnan, then to Omar al-Bayoumi who would then give it to two future 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who were all living in the same Parkwood Apartments in San Diego. Basnan continually denied ever knowing the 9/11 hijackers or even his close associate Omar al-Bayoumi. The FBI opens two separate cases on Basnan, but would abruptly close, as nothing of value is reported. However, during the 9/11 Commission, an unnamed FBI agent will later testify that Basnan was indeed known to al-Mihdhar & al-Hazmi, but also to Omar Abdel Rahman, Omar al-Bayoumi and Ramzi bin al-Shibh who would later be arrested for his connections to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
The CIA's Alec Station Deliberate Withholding Of Information From The FBI
Mark Rossini & Doug Miller, both out of NYC counter-terrorism, are on loan by FBI chief John O'Neill to the CIA Bin Laden Issue Station, code named "Alec Station". It is here that a pertinent cable from Dubai is faxed to the case officers at the station, which entailed that Khalid al-Mihdhar, a suspect in the 1998 East Africa Embassy Bombings; is arriving to the United States and has a valid US Visa. However when Miller drafts a cable to warn FBI headquarters , it is blocked form being sent by Michael Anne Casey, a CIA officer working out of the Yemen Hub ticket who was under orders from Alec Station Deputy Chief, Tom Wilshire. Rossini would protest to Casey the next day and is told not to share this data with his superiors at the FBI, Rossini is also threatened later with arrest. Director George Tenet would later give false testimony to the Joint House Inquiry, in which he would tell Senator Carl Levin, under questioning, that nobody had read the cable regarding al-Mihdhar at the station and does not know who is responsible for reading it, yet it was Casey who was the first to read it. along with 53 other CIA case agents later on. Rossini was quite eager in telling his side of the story with authors James Bamford and Lawrence Wright, that if he shared that information, it could have very well prevented 9/11 from even happening, even thou this is in hindsight.
Court Orders Probe Into Leak Of Saudi Official With Ties To 9/11 Hijackers
In an article posted by Dan Christensen (Florida Bulldog) earlier today, NYC federal magistrate, Sarah Netburn, has ordered an investigation in an effort to find out who provided Yahoo reporter, Michael Isikoff, with the name of a protected former Saudi official, Musaed al-Jarrah. Netburn demanded that four attorneys with the New York law firm Kreindler & Kreindler provide additional declarations regarding their communications with reporter Michael Isikoff “or anyone acting on his behalf.” The Saudi government continues to defend themselves from the accusations made by law firms Motley Rice, Kreindler & Kreindler and the 9/11 victims families, that they had any part of the assistance or participation of the terrorist attacks o September 11th 2001.
Judge launches search for leaker in huge case pitting 9/11 families against Saudi Arabia:
The 1996 Khobar Towers Bombing & The Problem Of Saudi Militancy
On June 25th 1996, two cars, one a scout vehicle and the other a truck outfitted with 5,000 pounds of plastic explosives, enough to produce a shaped charge that detonated with the force of at least 20,000 pounds of TNT, were seen in a parking lot adjacent to building #131. Building #131 which was the Khobar Towers, was being used as living quarters for coalition forces. The bombing took the lives of 19 US servicemen while injuring approximately 500. Bin Laden, whose satellite phone was tapped by the NSA, had been congratulated by Ayman al-Zawahiri, Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Ashra Hadi, head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Immediately after the bombing, Saudi officials rounded up potential suspects, held a quick trial and executed them. FBI officials would get no assistance from the Saudi Intelligence Ministry in their investigation. However US officials pressure the FBI to place blame on Iranian militants and Hezbollah, while Osama Bin Laden was "shielded" by the Saudi government regarding his involvement. It would later be revealed in 2001, that the CIA and Israeli intelligence may have had enough information which could have prevented the bombing from taking place.
Adam Fitzgerald & WACLA Respond To 9/11 Free Fall Radio
This video was recorded on September 1,2021. On August 23rd 2021, 9/11 Free Fall Radio posted a "special episode' entitled "Special Report: Deception, Subversion, and Silence". Participants in this episode were Andy Steele (Host & Architects & Engineers Operations Manager), Craig McKee (Architects & Engineers Lead Writer), and Bernie Suarez (Former We Are Change LA Member). The podcast was two hours and 47 minutes long, in which all three participants unabashedly criticized the conduct of Adam Fitzgerald, Nelson Martins, Ed Brotherton and Ryan Dawson. In this two part series, all four of us respond to every single accusation made against us, while correcting the false declarations made, which included, that we promote and support the US federal government's official narrative of what happened on September 11th 2001, ignoring what happened at the World Trade Center towers, conspiring to threaten and harm 9/11 truthers, and much more. We also speak, at great length, about certain aspects of 9/11, while providing the listener with documented evidence for our positions and information, something the 9/11 Free Fall participants refused to address. Both parts to our response is listed below.
From Jordan To Iraq: The Jama’at al Tawhid wal Jihad & The Rise Of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi a Jordanian criminal whose crimes varied from pimping to murder, was not a notable figure, far from ikt. All that would change within a short 10 years. In 1992 he traveled to Afghanistan to fight against the communist forces under the Mohammad Najibullah governement. It was here he would meet the single most influential man in his life, Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, al-Maqdisi was considered al-Zarqawi's mentor, and would meet once again, this time at the Jordanian Mukhaberat prison. It was here al-Maqdisi persuaded the volatile al-Zarqawi to study the Quran. Within 5 years al-Zarqawi had built a small but insular cell within the prison, dedicated to the Salafi ideology al-Maqdisi introduced him to. By 1999, with members from his prison block, he formed a violent group based on the ideology of Salafi Islam, Jama’at al Tawhid wal Jihad . They would later be reamed to the more infamously known title, the Islamic State & The Levant.
Richard Gage Resigns From Architects & Engineers (The Fringe Elements Involved)
This video was recorded on September 3,2021. On September 3rd 2021, just 8 days before the 20th anniversary of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack's, Richard Gage the President & CEO of the largest 9/11 truth group in the world, Architects & Engineers, has resigned his position. Gage has also turned down to speak at the September 11th Global Live Stream from the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. In this video i give an explanation as to what led up his his resignation and the fringe elements involved with Architects & Engineers, and how they influenced his removal.
The Intelligence Data Mining Program That Went Ignored (Able Danger)
Able Danger was a classified military planning effort led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). It was created as a result of a directive from the Joint Chiefs of Staff in early October 1999 by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Shelton, to develop an information operations campaign plan against transnational terrorism. Able Danger identified Mohamed Atta 13 separate times prior to 9/11 and that the unit also identified a potential situation in Yemen two weeks prior to the October 12, 2000 attack on the USS Cole. However SOCOM officials would later order one of the Able Danger team member, Erik Kleinsmith, to destroy 3 terabytes of data collected. Another of the team members of the program, Anthony Shaffer, would later come under attack by the Defense Department and SOCOM lawyers for telling 9/11 Commission Director Phillip Zelikow about the covert operation, to which they would create fictitious charges which were later dropped.
“Mukhtar”, The Shadows That Belong To Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
In the aftermath of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, intelligence started coming in from every station of the intelligence community on the hour. But as Osama Bin Laden was being mentioned as the perpetrator of the attacks, one name in particular was left unmentioned and unrecognized. It wasn't until the capture of an alleged Al Qaeda recruiter, Abu Zubaydah, that FBi agent Ali Soufan showed him a photograph of a bearded man, Zubaydah murmurs...."Mukhtar". It was here thru Soufan's conversation with Zubaydah that "Mukhtar" was Khalid Sheikh Muhammad (KSM), uncle of Ramzi Yousef, who was the main suspect of the 1993 WTC bombing and co-mastermind of the Bojinka Plot. The rush was on to find the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. After KSM's capture in Pakistan on March 1, 2003, the CIA immediately took control of interrogating him, and subjected him to the "enhanced interrogation techniques" which included waterboarding him 183 times in single month. Rendering him mentally unstable. The problem? His confessions cannot be used as evidence for the crimes of September 11th in the military tribunal for which he awaits trial for his alleged participation.
Out From Afghanistan's Ashes, Al Qaeda Rises
Afghanistan 1978, President Mohammed Daoud Khan began talks with the President of the Soviet Union, Leonid Brezhnev, about bridging together the Parcham and the Khalq which were factions of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan. It was seen as a power play as the the Soviets knew that the roads to Middle East oil, most notably the Caspian Sea was thru Afghanistan. But Khan did not want Western imperisliast nations like the United States and Great Britain involved in regulating Arab oil A coup took place, and Khan along with his family were killed by members of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA), a war for the country began as the Soviet Union began trying to implement a communist presence in the country but the native Afghans and Pashtuns,, who were being slaughtered during the uprisings, began to reach out to the Islamic Union. In January 1980, foreign ministers from 34 nations of the Islamic Conference adopted a resolution demanding “the immediate, urgent and unconditional withdrawal of Soviet troops” from Afghanistan. The United States began covertly backing the Afghan Mujahedeen using the CIA as its arms and funding supplier thru "Operation Cyclone". With most of the assistance coming from the Pakistan intelligence services, the ISI, the tide of the war went to the Mujahadeen, After the Soviets surrendered, the foreign Arabs , whom were trained and funded by the CIA and ISI began taking their jihad against a new enemy, the United States. A new antagonist was born out from the 10 year war in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.
American Airlines Flight 77 (The Hidden Conspiracies)
On September 11th 2001, it is alleged by airline records, eyewitnesses and the phone calls made on American Airlines Flight 77, that 5-6 men boarded and hijacked the flight and then commandeered it into the West wall of the Pentagon killing all 58 people on board. However the story told about this particular incident has more to do with the 9/11 Commission and the FBI covering up the fact that there may have been six hijackers on board and that two of the 9/11 hijackers tried to enter the airport tarmac the night before. Why were these anomalies covered up by federal investigators? In this video i will go over the facts and the anomalies regarding the Pentagon attack including how the CIA kept hidden, from the FBI and State Department, about two Al Qaeda operatives inside the United States, who just so happened to had been involved with the hijacking of Flight 77.
The Emir Of Afghanistan: Abdullah Yusuf Azzam
He is known as the "godfather of modern day jihad" in Islamist circles. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was born from a farming family located in Al Harithya, West Bank, Jordan. Under Israeli occupation the family lived under duress from their invading settlers which caused Azzam to keep his fiery passion of one day expelling the Zionist invaders from Palestine. Azzam would become quite the orator and under some religious guidance which saw him connect with the Jordanian branch of the muslim Brotherhood, he soon would visit Saudi Arabia where he would become learned of Wahhabism. It was here Azzam's theological beliefs become more "radical".By 1979, when the Soviets invaded Kabul, Afghanistan's capitol, it would be Azzam who would call the Muslim world to arms, and begin the 'jihad" against the secular invaders. Azzam would help to influence many young foreign Arabs, who weren't initially welcome by the insular Afghans initially. One notable Arab took notice of Azzam, Osama Bin Laden. Both men along with Abdullah Anas, a dear friend to Azzam, would construct the Afghan Services Bureau, Maktab al-Khidamat (Arabic).
Soon Non-government Organizations along with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Saudi General Intelligence Directorate (GID) and the Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) began funneling hundreds of millions thru the Bureau, which would start accepting foreign Arabs thru ought the world and train them in warfare and religious instruction by Azzam. By 1989, the Soviets agreed to retreat, and the next chapter in Azzam's life turned toward Israel. But his dreams of a freed Palestine would end dramatically with his assassination by unknown assailants as he was driving with his two sons to the Sab al-Layl mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan on November 24th 1989.
Audio heard in the first three minutes are from a talk between AHaseem Ghazzli (Lawrence Islamic Service) Shaykh Tameem al-'Adnaani in 1989. al-'Adnaani served as the executive director of the Afghan Services Bureau from 1988 to 1989.
Ali Mohamed & The 1980's: The CIA's Spy Who Trained Afghan Mujahid In Brooklyn
Ali Mohamed, a native of Egypt while serving as a major in the Army, offered his services to the CIA station in Cairo to act as a spy. They accept, however his allegiance was not just to the CIA but also to Al Jihad, a radical Egyptian militant group led by Ayman al-Zawahiri. Mohammed would warn Hezbollah militants in a mosque that he is a spy for the CIA, the agency allegedly refuses to work with him again. By September 1985, Mohamed travels to the United states and becomes a citizen. One year later he enlists at the US Army and becomes an instructor at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Mohamed gathers intelligence about the Army and U.S. infrastructure during his time as a drill instructor and support sergeant. By 1988, he travels to Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union. During this time, it is widely believed that he continued to train cells of terrorists using the information learned while living in the U.S. After a month he returned to the United States and begins training members of the Al Kifah Refugee Center and Al Farouq Mosque, while it is being monitored by the FBI, in small arms training, map reading and bomb making.
Michael Scheuer: The Enigma At Alec Station
In 1996 David Cohen, CIA Directorate of Operations, began a new unit at the CIA's CTC called "Bin Laden Issue Station" (also known later as Alec Station), he tasked Michael Scheuer, the head of the Islamic Extremist Branch of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center. However, Scheuer quickly gained an "uncompromising" and "aggressive" reputation even from his superiors at the CIA, and refused to work with other agencies tasked to Alec Station. Information that was sent to the virtual station was hardly ever shared even within their own unit, let alone the FBI or even the NSA. By 1999, Scheuer would be replaced with Richard Blee, after many in the CIA CTC feared Scheuer would create a faction which would compromise the unit. However under Blee, the FBI fared absolutely no better.
Slaughter At Nisour Square: The Inhumanity Of Blackwater
On September 16, 2007, 5 men from Blackwater (a private military contractor) drove thru Nisour Square in Baghdad, Iraq when suddenly they fired upon Iraqi citizens and police killing 14 people and wounding 20. An independant Iraqi commission as well as a Federal Bureau of Investigation report found that the Blackwater guards fired without cause and with malicious intent to injure and kill. Those involved in the shooting Donald Ball, Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty, Nicholas Slatten, and Paul Slough faced multiple counts of manslaughter, and on June 17, 2014 four of the men would be found guilty of voluntary and attempted manslaughter charges, and of using a machine gun to commit a violent crime. They were sentenced to decades in prison with Slough facing life. However on December 22, 2020, US President Donald Trump would grant a full presidential pardons to Slatten, Slough, Liberty, and Heard.
The CIA Torture Program: How The Bush Administration Became Monsters
On June 21st 1993, then US President, Bill Clinton, signed Presidential Directive 39. This order would allow the United States to forcibly extract anyone suspected of "terrorism" towards the U.S, by any means necessary and without approval of the host country they lived in. Under the direction of the CIA's director, George Tenet, the counter-terrorism unit was formed, and over the years preceding 2001, the rendition program would expand. After the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, US President George W. Bush, would allow John C. Yoo and Jay S. Bybee, two senior officials in the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel, to legalize the use of torture as a means of extracting information from suspects labeled as "terrorists" by the CIA. The rendition and torture program would continue under US President Obama, by using more discreet methods of using commercial airplanes and having CIA "black sites" operating in over 54 countries until a senate committee report uncovered the systematic abuses by the CIA, which forced Obama to finally end the rendition-torture program in 2009 under Executive Order 13491.
Marmoun Darkaznali & His Connection With The Hamburg Cell
After the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, federal investigators as well as US intelligence had become aware of a name which had ties to the hijackers involved. His name is Marmoun Darkazanli, a Syrian born businessman who owns, Darkazanli Export-Import Sonderposten, in Hamburg Germany. Thruought the 1990's, the German federal intelligence BFV had begun monitoring and opening a case against Darkazanli for money laundering. They believe he was funneling money to the militant terrorist group, Al Qaeda, to which they also believed he was a part of since the early 1990's.
Darkaznali also had ties to many important Al Qaeda contacts such as Mamdouh Mahmud Salim and Mohammed Haydar Zammar. Both Darkaznali and zammar would frequent a mosque in Hamburg called Al Quds. Here at the mosque they would also begin relationships with Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi and Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who would also become involved with the 9/11 attacks allegedly. The CIA tries to recruit Darkaznali as a spy in 1993 and again in 1996. He rebuffs them. However, the German domestic intelligence agency, LFV, tries to persuade him to also become a spy. But it is alleged he refuses their services. But does he? Knowing that he had financial ties to the 9/11 hijackers and Al Qaeda, knowing he is also belonging to Al Qaeda, the German federal government does not try and bring a case against him. One has to question, why? Currently, Darkazanli is under sanction, as affiliate or supporter of al-Qaida, by the United Nations.
Al Qaeda's Communications Center From Bosnia To Italy (The Islamic Cultural Institute)
The Islamic Cultural Institute is a mosque located in Milan, Italy, which has close ties to Ayman al-Zawahiri of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. And Egyptian radical fundamnetlist cell, Gamma Islamiyah, whose leader Omar Abdel Rahman (Blind Sheikh) is also a major influence. The mosque is also sometimes frequented by 1992 WTC Bombing suspect, Ramzi Yousef, as a logistics base. The mosque was used as a coordination center for future terrorist plots in Europe.
The Italian security service, Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare, began an operation monitoring Shaaban and the mosque for terrorism related activities in the mid 1990's. Later, US and Italian intelligence will claim that the mosque was a major conduit for Al Qaeda and Egyptian terrorist groups, and begins wiretapping calls in August of 2000, between Abdulsalam Ali Abdulrahman,Yemen section chief in the Political Security Organization and Mahmoud Es Sayed. Sayed is a close associate to al-Zawahiri. It is learned that Abdulrahman insinuates an attack against the United States and that sleeper cells are already in the country learning how to fly airplanes at local flight schools.
Wadih El Hage: The Al Qaeda Accountant
Wadih el-Hage is a Lebanese born, naturalized American citizen who after working at an Islamic charity in Pakistan during the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, allegedly become involved with Al Qaeda during the 1990's. After marrying April Ray, a Texas native who also became a Muslim convert, el-Hage went to the Al Kifah Refugee Center in Brooklyn, New York City and become close associates with people who were alleged to have been involved with the 1993 WTC Bombing. In which el-Hage then traveled to Sudan and became a financial accountant to Osama Bin Laden, and under the pretense of doing charity work, he organized the al-Qaeda network that planned the carried out the embassy bombing in Nairobi according to the FBI.
el-Hage was then indicted and convicted for his role in the 1998 East Africa Embassy Bombings, where el-Hage currently denies any and all involvement. During his time in Sudan and Afghanistan however, el-Hage is said to have met with a number of known terrorist sympathizers and criminals including, Essam al Ridi, an associate of Osama bin Laden, Ali Mohamed, an associate to Ayman al-Zawahiri and FBI/CIA spy, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed,high ranking Al Qaeda terrorist organizer, and Mohammed Atef, Al Qaeda military commander.
The CIA-White House Rendition & Torture Program (In The Beginning)
Immediately after the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) began pressuring the Bush White House to start conducting measures that would witness draconian rules of law regarding how to fight against terrorism and implementing a harsher rendition program. Bush would acquiesce to most of the demands of the intelligence agencies, especially the CIA. Having White House lawyers draft an "enhanced interrogation" program which would later constitute as torture in the US Supreme Courts.
The White House also set up a "kill list" of suspected members of Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups which was supported by the CIA, as well as having foreign countries, known for their terrible human rights, conduct the torture methods that the US couldn't conduct. In the preceding months, Bush and Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, will later authorize the use of torture while denying detainees basic human rights afforded to them under the Geneva Conventions.
Running Toward The Danger: The Story Of Rick Rescorla
Rick Rescorla was the director of security for the financial services firm Morgan Stanley at the World Trade Center. After serving a number of years in the British Army, he entered the Vietnam and rose to the rank of colonel in the Army before entering the private sector, where he worked in corporate security. He later moved to New Jersey in 1985, and joined Dean Witter Reynolds at their offices at the World Trade Center in Manhattan where he was employed as head of security. He would at times defer to his American friend from Northern Rhodesia, Daniel Hill, who was trained in counterterrorism, in 1990 Rescorla asked him to visit the World Trade Center to assess its security. Following the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Rescorla invited Hill to New York, where he hired him as a security consultant in order to analyze the building's security. Rescorla was in the North Tower on September 11th 2001 and when the Port Authority announced that people return to their offices, he grabbed his bullhorn, walkie-talkie, and cell phone, and began systematically ordering the roughly 2,700 Morgan Stanley employees in the South Tower to evacuate. Rescorla died when the North Tower had collapsed at 9:59am.
The NSA Listens To Bin Laden & Al Qaeda
In November 1996, the FBI monitors the progress of Osama Bin Laden buying a new satellite phone and tracks the purchase to Ziyad Khaleel, a US citizen and radical militant living in Missouri. The phone is sent to Khalid al-Fawwaz, al-Qaeda’s unofficial press secretary in London, who ships it to Tora Bora, Afghanistan where it is then given to Osama Bin Laden. However, Khaleel was being closely investigated for an unrelated matter, the FBI informs the National Security Agency (NSA) to begin monitoring the satellite phone, in which Bin Laden uses till 1998. Hundreds of calls are made, however, one number keeps constantly popping up... 967–1–200578. It was traced back to a house located in Sana'a Yemen, which was owned by a man named Ahmed al-Hada, a long time associate to Bin Laden whom he knew from Afghanistan during the Soviet war.
The NSA began monitoring all calls made to and from the home. Soon the CIA became the lead agency in charge of the Sana'a Yemen hub operation by conducting round the clock surveillance, but wanted also all the signals data. The NSA refused to share the half of the data, which were on the receiving end. The CIA then put a listening device in the house, and heard half of the conversations from the phone. The NSA and now the CIA were monitoring two active lines used by the most wanted terrorist in the world, Osama Bin Laden, and his organization, Al Qaeda. The question is, what did they hear on the other end?
The Mystery Of Ziad Jarrah (A Family Background In Intelligence)
Born in the Tarik Jdideh, a muslim quarter near Beirut, Lebanon to wealthy and secular parents, Ziad Samir Jarrah is alleged to have participated in the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks by piloting United Airlines flight 93 which was hijacked and ultimately crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. However, there are more questions than answers regarding just who was Ziad Jarrah, his family and who he had met with prior to his arrival to the United States. According to multiple foreign intelligence services, there was "more that meets the eye" concerning over Jarrah and later, his family, whom had a consistent history of being involved with the intelligence services. In this video, i cover the background of Ziad Jarrah, his uncle Ali al-Jarrah and his connections to Israeli intelligence and being a 25 year spy for the Mossad, and his second cousin, Assem al-Jarrah, who also had intelligence connections that stretch back to the early 1970's and the Abu Nidal Organization.
Marwan al Shehhi: The Emirati Sidekick To A Nightmare
Born in the United Arab Emirates, Marwan al-Shehhi's young life was met with mystery and unacknowledgement from his neighbors and residents in the city of Ras Al Khaimah, where he lived. After graduating high school, he travelled to Bonn, Germany, where he studied English there from his teacher, Gabriele Bock, who recalled him as "someone who seemed to be struggling to have plans to the future while studying there". It was after 1997, that al-Shehhi then relocated to Hamburg, where he would attend Al Quds Mosque, known for its militant activism against the United States and Israel. It is also where he would meet Mohammed Atta. From here, all under the attentive eyes of the German Intelligence LFV, as well as the CIA, that the slow radicalization process began.
In May 29th 2000, al-Shehhi was the first alleged 9/11 hijacker to enter the United States. Upon Atta's arrival in the next short weeks in June, they begin taking flying lessons in NYC and Florida. Israeli intelligence, posing as art students, as well as a Defense Intelligence Agency operation, codenamed "Able Danger' would identify both Atta and al-Shehhi as Al Qaeda militants with contacts to other Al Qaeda operatives abroad. It is alleged that on September 11th 2001, al-Shehhi would help to hijack United Airlines flight 175 and deliberately crash the plane into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Most of those who came into contact with al-Shehhi just could not believe that this shy, friendly and comedic persona could carry out such a vile act. So who really was Marwan al-Shehhi?
The Information Which Could Have Prevented 9/11: How The CIA Blocked The FBI From Knowing It
After learning about an Al Qaeda communications hub operating in Sana'a Yemen, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) began to open it's most important operation todate by planting a listening device inside the home which was owned by Ahmed al-Hada an associate of Osama Bin Laden. During the years of conducting signals and human surveillance, the CIA would learn about a high level Al qaeda summit meeting in Malaysia. Two men who were known to the NSA and CIA, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi would both end up attending the meeting which was closely video recorded and many photographs were taken. None of this information was ever passed on to the FBI.
The Bin Laden Issue Station, a CIA virtual station, which monitors and collects data about Al Qaeda worldwide would be the main recipient of al data regarding the Yemen Hub. Two FBI agents tasked by John O'Neill in the FBI's New York City office, Mark Rossini and Doug Miller would be on loan to work here. On January 5th 2000, Doug Miller would read a cable which had a photograph of Khalid al-Mihdhar's passport, which had a dual entry visa into the United States. Miller immediately drafts a cable to warn FBI headquarters but his cable his stopped from being sent by Tomi Wilshire, the Deputy Chief of Alec Station at the time. Rossini would complain to the Yemen Hub head officer, Michael Anne Casey, whom replied that it's not an FBI matter. The CIA up until after the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 never shared information with the FBI about two Al Qaeda suspects coming and living inside the United States. The question is, why?
Planning To Bomb The Skies (The Bojinka Plot)
On January 6th 1995, Philippine policewoman Aida Fariscal would answer a call from a local resident complaining about billowing black smoke from one of the Doña Josefa apartments. Not knowing she was about to uncover one of the most sinister terrorist plots ever hatched. When Fariscal entered Room 603, she along with other policemen now arriving on the scene were witness to a myriad of alarming artifacts such as bomb making chemicals, priest clothes, bottles containing nitroglycerin, and and loops of green, red, blue, and yellow electrical wiring. However the two men who rented the apartment were viewing the growing calamity with police and firemen now on the scene, they were Abdul Hakim Murad and Ramzi Yousef. At the time, Yousef was wanted by the FBI and NYC prosecutors for his role in the 1993 WTC Bombings. Yousef would have immediately left the scene with his associate but remembered one important error, the laptop which had the operation and names of individuals involved was inside in the room. Yousef told Murad to go back and retrieve it, Murad incredulously agreed.
However as Murad went up the stairs, the authorities were all now focused on who this man was trying to re-enter the premises. Murad fled, with authorities rushing after him. They got lucky however as Murad tripped and was promptly arrested. Yousef, quietly disappeared. After days of intense interrogation Murad admitted to being part of an inter-national terrorist plot which would shake leading investigators, Rodolfo Mendoza, who would give a full detailed report to the FBI. But according to Mendoza, they did nothing with the contents of the report which elaborated on the multi part terrorist operation which involved planting bombs on planes and hijacking one of them and crashing it into CIA headquarters along with suicided pilots crashing into multiple US buildings.
The Bombing Of The USS Cole (The Precursor To September 11th)
With the 21st anniversary of the bombing of the UUS Cole, i decided to do a video based on the events. On October 12th 2000, a United States missile destroyer named the USS Cole had docked off the port of Aden, Yemen. Commander Kirk Lippold had ordered the docking for a fuel stop. Almost 2 hours later, a fiberglass boat carrying C4 explosives and two suicide bombers approached the port side of the destroyer and exploded. The bombing killed 17 and injured 37. In this video i will be giving a full and comprehensive run down of the months leading up to the event, and the months and years after. How the intelligence community failed in sharing pertinent data with the Justice Department, the suspects allegedly involved, the Yemeni government's reaction, the subsequent investigations which were impeded by US officials as well as the tortured confession of the alleged mastermind Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who would face a military tribunal and have the charges against him dropped, reinstated and his current detention at Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba
The Man Who Gave US Intelligence The History Of Al Qaeda (Jamal al-Fadl)
Very little is known about Jamal al-Fadl's young upbringing, but what is known about him are from recorded testimonies he gave over the years for NY prosecutors when he decided to become a cooperating informant against the orgaznaition he is alleged to have helped organize in 1987, Al Qaeda. During his brief existence, al-Fadl was a very prominent financier for Osama Bin Laden and was tasked to manage money transfers and coordinate weapons sales in Bosnia and Algeria. He also sets up bank accounts under umbrella Islamic charities which were indirectly linked to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda in the beginning of the 1990's.
However, after embezzling 100,000 of Bin Laden's money and he quickly offered his services as an informant against the orgaznaition for the FBI in 1996. Over the years, he would be debriefed about the inner workings of the organization's hierarchy and committee structure. The U.S also wanted to prosecute Osama bin Laden in his absence under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). To be able to do so under American law, the prosecutors needed evidence of a criminal organization, which would then allow them to prosecute the leader, even if he could not be linked directly to the crime. By 2007, the FBI found him rather troublesome as His upkeep during the first 12 years of his life in Witness Protection were deemed "expensive", and was reportedly an "incessant troublemaker" who suffered severe emotional mood swings, a taste for womanizing and financial scheming.
The Philippines Agent Who Became An Abu Sayyaf Terrorist (Edwin Angeles)
However, Philippines National Intelligence Coordinating Agency & National Bureau of Investigation (NICA), were already mired in a conflict with the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), a left wing political organization that were considered a terrorist group in its own right. The Abu Sayyaf were entirely led by its violent principals since it wasn't organized. From the onset, the Philippines NICA instituted an informant into the group, the name that he used, Ibrahim Yacoub. But his actual name was Edwin Angeles. Thru ought the early and mid 1990's, the Abu Sayyaf were being funded by Al Qaeda, in which the group swore loyalty to, as its founder, Janjalani is supposed to have met with Bin Laden in Afghanistan during the Soviet war. The group involved in kidnappings for ransom, and grew to bombings of Christian churches and later beheadings. All of these atrocities however, were under the operational lead of Angeles, who at times even helped in the kidnappings. Leading many to wonder, was Angeles a mole or a terrorist?
The Jemaah Islamiyah Apocalypse (2002 Bali Bombings)
During the 1990's as the Suharto government fell, the Islamic Salafi movement began to revitalize as terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah began instituting their perverted doctrines (Wahhabi) onto the increasingly poor areas where Muslims lived in poverty. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, was a notable Sunni Salafi jurist, and teacher at the Al-Mukmin Islamic school located in Central Java and Surakarta. The schools teachings were primarily Salafi oriented, straight from the Hadiths of Ibn Taymiyyah. Manipulating your Muslims minds to teach that martyrdom is the only true way to please Allah. Some of the students that would come from here would end up being involved in the worst terrorist attack since september 11th 2001. Imam Samudra, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim (Ali Amrozi), and Ali Ghufron (Mukhlas). All three men, along with over 30 others, would become involved in a series of bombings that would leave up to 200 people dead and over 200 injured on the night of October 12th 2002. This video tells the story behind the religious instructions, motivations, aftermath and how those involved were motivated by the plight of Muslims and the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
The Egyptian Revolution: From The Muslim Brotherhood To The Takfiri Movement
The systematic class warfare that besieged Egypt's middle and lower classes led to numerous revolutions. By 1922, Egypt had won it's independence from Great Britain, but for the Egyptians, they still witnessed their massive influence. A small group of university students would begin a movement, that would instill Islam back into the working class, it's universities and government. They are known as "Ikhwan al-Muslimeen" or the Muslim Brotherhood. Led by it's founder, Hassan al-Banna, they would revitalize the mistreated under its' ruling elite under King Farouk. However, as Egypt began a reformation under Pan Arabism which was promoted by Egyptian president Gamel Abdel Nasser.
It would lead the nation wrought with institutional warfare, between the growing socialist elite and it's religious population. This would end with Nasser's death in 1970, and Anwar Sadat's ascension which ended the persecution of the Brotherhood and the religious institutions who had by now became more virulent in their doctrines. By 1977, the egyptian fundamentalists wanted a country ruled by a Quran and Sunnah. Thus they began to outline a doctrine that would influence future radical islamist groups which are still existent to the present day. A doctrine that would fragment away from the brotherhood who were modernizing into a political organization. These groups would such as Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Gamma Islamiyah would be known as "takfiris". Or those who apostatize other Muslims.
The Death Of Colin Powell (Iraq War Criminal)
Colin Luther Powell was an American politician, diplomat and four-star general who served as the 65th United States Secretary of State from 2001 to 2005 under US president, George W. Bush. He also served as as the 12th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, while he oversaw 28 crises, including the invasion of Panama in 1989 and Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf War against Iraq in 1990–1991. On October 18, 2021, Powell, who was being treated for multiple myeloma, but died at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center of complications from COVID-19 at the age of 84. Powell however will forever be remembered as the man who went before the United Nations Security Counsel on February 5th 2003 and produced misleading and outright false intelligence reports claiming Iraq had manufactured chemical and biological weapons' of mass destruction.
His reports, along with the false reports from CIA Director George Tenet, were the primary and sole reasons for the US led invasion of Iraq on March 20th 2003. However, UN Chief Inspector Hans Blix, on February 14th 2003, presented a report to the Security Council. Blix gave an update of the situation in Iraq, and he stated that the Iraqis were now more proactive in their cooperation. He also rebutted some of the arguments proposed by Powell. It obviously wasn't enough to stop the US coalition from its invasion of Iraq. It is reported from the Lancet report in it's 2006 study, it has been estimated that about 600,000 Iraqis were killed in the first 40 months of war and occupation in Iraq, along with 54,000 non-violent but still war-related deaths. Where other reports show a catastrophic estimate of 2.4 million Iraqi deaths since the 2003 invasion.
The 1991 Algerian Islamist Revolution
Since winning it's independence from France, Algeria under president Houari Boumediene, witnessed a revival of the country's military strength. But Boumediene's government was vastly corrupt, which led to the demoralization of the lower class and soon the country began an economic collapse. With major uprisings from the people, amd with a new president, Chadli Bendjedid, the nationalist National Liberation Front (FLM) took over with French support. However the constitution changed, with one important revision. Future elections will involve multiple parties.
Two men would start their own political wing, Ali Belhadj and Abbassi Madani, the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS). in December 1991, when the new and enormously popular Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) party appeared poised to defeat the ruling National Liberation Front (FLN) party in the national parliamentary elections. The elections were canceled after the first round and the military effectively took control of the government, forcing pro-reform president Chadli Bendjedid from office. After the FIS was banned and thousands of its members arrested, Islamist guerrillas rapidly emerged and began an armed campaign against the government and its supporters. After the FIS dissolved, other more militant groups took its place, which led to some of the most brutal massacres during the war's 11 years period.
Ibn al-Khattab: The Emir Of The Mujahid In Chechnya
Samir Saleh Abdullah, otherwise known as Ibn al-Khattab, was a former emir of the Arab Mujahideen in two Chechen wars and who led numerous battalions against Russian forces and acted as an intermediary financier between foreign Muslim funding sources and the local fighters. Mansour Al-Suwailem, the eldest brother to Samir, states that the name Ibn al-Khattab is derived from Samir’s appreciation for Umar Ibn al-Khattab (Umar) one of the earliest companion’s of the Prophet Muhammad in the Quran. Ibm Khattab is also said to have links to Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, as there are reports that some members of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks have travelled to Chechnya such as Khalid al-Mihdhar, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Zacarias Moussaoui. Ibm Khattab died on March 20th 2002 following exposure to a poisoned letter delivered via a courier who had been recruited by Russia's Federal Security Service.
The Summer Of 2001: How Tom Wilshire Failed The United States
In the summer months months of 2001, Tom Wilshire, the former deputy Chief of the CIA's Bin Laden Issue Station, is detailed with the FBI to help with its counterterrorism work regarding Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. However, Wilshire, unbeknownst to his FBI counterparts, was the sole reason why an important cable was not shared with the FBI. Information regarding two known Al Qaeda operatives who were linked to the USS Cole attacks in 2000, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazi, which involved photographs of their passports that also had dual US visas. This information was shared and known to over 50 CIA case officers at the Bin Laden Issue Station and at the Counterterrorism Center. . Later, when it became known to the FBI detailed at the CIA station, it was Wilshire who denied the FBI to share it outside of the station. Later, both al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi entered the United States, this too was also known to Wilshire back in January of 2000, and once again, did not share this with the Justice department or the State department. Leading to the inclination over whether Tom Wilshire was a mole or asset to the FBI's counterterrorism unit in Washington DC
The Doctor Of Death - Baruch Goldstein (The Cave Of The Patriarchs Massacre)
Benjamin (Baruch) Goldstein was born in Brooklyn, New York City in 1956. During his elementary years he would attend a yeshiva and in his adult years became aware of an Israeli Zionist radical, known as Rabbi Meir Kahane who founded the right wing organization, the Jewish Defense League. Goldstein knew Kahane well from radio broadcasts proclaiming his prejudices towards Arab’s and believing Israel should be a Jewish home state specifically designed for Jews only. Goldstein did whatever he could to help the organization out. By 1983, he immigrated to Israel. There he would live in a home near Hebron in a town called Kiryat Arba. During the mid 1980’s, Baruch Goldstein would service in the Israeli Army as it’s head medical officer.
In 1990, Kahane was assassinated, amd would leave a profoundly altering effect om Goldstein's life from there om. Crushed by his 'Kahane's death, he vowed to avenge it, tenfold. On February 25, 1994, the day of Purim, Goldtsiem would wear his military uniform and enter the The Cave of the Patriarchs. The site is considered the second holiest site in all of the Jewish world, after the Temple Mount. It is located south of the West Bank in Hebron. Known to Muslims as the “Sanctuary if Abraham”. Approximately over 800 people attended the holy sanctuary when Goldstein opened fire on the large mass of humanity,. When it was famished 29 people, mainly Arabs were killed and over 125 were wounded. Goldstein was killed by the ensuing angry mob. Many survivors would later claim, that Goldstein wasn't alone during the shooting and that other Israeli soldiers had participated.
Salafi Jihadism & The Influencers (A Historical Viewpoint)
In this video, i give a full definition of what constitutes "Salafi-Jihadism", it's history and what influences it has in the current period within the jihadi organizations. The proponents of this ideology and their histories are also venerated by the adherents of this school of thought which is openly condemned by a majority of Sumi and Shia scholars and Muslims worldwide. Salafi jihadism or jihadist-Salafism is a transnational, hybrid religious-political ideology based on the Sunni sect of Islamism, seeking a global caliphate, advocacy for "physical" (military) jihadism and Salafi concepts of returning to what adherents believe to be "true Islam". I define these precepts from a number of different sources online and from my own perisomal studies into the matter and why it is relevant in the spectrum of understanding terrorist incidents like September 11th 2001.
Sayyid Imam Al Sharif (Dr. Fadl)
Sayyid Imam al-Sharif , also known as Dr.Fadl, was a former prominent emir of Al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad) based in Cairo. He had been introduced to Ayman al-Zawahiri while both attamed Cairo University. But due to theological differences, both men would disagree about the nature of jihad against the secular Arab government in the country. After the assassination of Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat in 1980, Dr.Fadl travelled to Peshawar, Pakistan, where he would work as a surgeon at the Red Crescent. When al-Zawahiri was released from prism he had again joined up with al-Sharif. It was here al-Sharif would write the single, most important book for the Salafist Jihadist movement. His book "al-'Umda fi I'dad al-'Udda" ("The Essentials of Making Ready for Jihad) became the blueprint for jihadist groups past and present. Sometime in the early 1990, Al-Zawahiri and Al-Sharif fell out over questions of strategy and tactics. Al-Sharif opposed Islamic Jihad's joining another Islamist group, al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, in its terror campaign against Egyptian government and foreign tourists in Egypt saying, "this is senseless activity that will bring no benefit."
After surrendering in Egypt and serving a life sentence al-Sharif had turned against the Salafist Jihadist movement and has written extensively against the Jihadist terrorist campaigns claiming they do not represent the words or deeds of the Prophet Muhammad.
The Rise Of The Likud Party In 1996 Israel (Reshaping Foreign Policy)
In 1996 Israel would hold it's most important election for Prime Minister since 1977 when Menachem Begin, founder of the Likud Party won. Now the Likud Party regained it's influence back in the Israeli elections, this time the official was Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu was running against the favorite, Shimon Peres. Peres succeeded Yitzhak Rabin as party leader prior to the 1977 elections when Rabin stepped down in the wake of a foreign currency scandal involving his wife. This time Peres was expecting to lead the Labor Party against the rising nationalist sect, the Likud. In the months prior to the elections, a series of bombings attributed to the Palestinian Liberation Organization sent protests and angered many in the Haredi neighborhood, where Peres once gained favor there. Peres was also well liked by the Arab population. On May 29th 1996, Netanyahu won by the slimmest of margins, narrowingly defeating Peres 50.5% to 49.5% of the votes.
It would also pose a change in American politics as well, as the neoconservative faction that birthed under the Reagan administration which slowly rose thru the government ranks during Clinton. Foreign policy regarding the Middle East began being shaped in Israel-US offices where documents like the "Clean Break Strategy" were outlining future plans to control Arab countries. By 2000, the Likud-Neoconservatives began fulfilling the agendas of their previous foreign policy goals.
Israeli IDF Covert Military Units
In this video, i go over the main objectives and training methods for five of the most covert, intelligence and counter-intelligence units operating in part within the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Some of these courses involve rigorous and technical training which specifies not just in signals intelligence, but also psychological operations, technological advancements as well as espionage. The units i mention are the Unit 8200, Unit 81, Talpiot Program, Havatzalot Program and the Mista'arvim.
The Looming Shadow Of The CIA (Cofer Black)
Cofer Black is an American former CIA officer who served as director of the Counterterrorism Center in the years surrounding the September 11th attacks, and was later appointed Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the State Department by President George W. Bush, serving until his resignation in 2004. Prior to his roles combating terrorism, Black served across the globe in a variety of roles with the Directorate of Operations at the CIA. It was reported that Black while at the CTC and the Bin Laden Issue Station, did not share important intelligence reports about two Al Qaeda operatives living inside the United States to the FBI. After the attacks of September 11th 2001, Black was present during a high level meeting with members of the "war council", a restricted group of the National Security Council, chaired by President Bush at Camp David on September 15, 2001. During the meeting Black was said to have conducted a speech in which he outlined a plan to attack Al Qaeda, to which he memorably replied to the President, "When we're through with them they will have flies walking across their eyeballs." Black retired from the CIA after 26 years of service in 2008.
The Safari Club (The Second CIA)
According to author Mahmood Mamdani, in his book, "Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: A Political Perspective on Culture and Terrorism" A covert intelligence group which consisted of some of the most powerful men in the Arab world came to existence thru documents recovered after the fall of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (The Shah of Iran) in 1979.
"The existence of the club came to light after the 1979 Iranian Revolution when Mohamed Heikal, a highly respected Egyptian journalist and onetime advisor to President Nasser, was given permission by the new Khomeini government to go through the deposed Shah's archives. Heikal came upon an agreement setting up a formal association, dated September 1, 1976, and signed by the heads of several intelligence agencies, all strategic allies of the United States in the Cold War."
The secret organization was known as the "Safari Club". It ran clandestine operations around Africa at a time when the United States Congress had limited the power of the CIA and which also had connection with the Bank of Credit And Commerce (BCCI). The BCCI served to launder money, particularly for Saudi Arabia and the United States—whose CIA director in 1976, George H. W. Bush, had a personal account. BCCI also served as an intelligence gathering mechanism by virtue of its extensive contacts with underground organizations worldwide.
The Rise Of Arab Nationalism
The Pan Arab nationalist Movement was formed in 1951 by George Habash a Left wing secularist, whom also funded the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) a secularist, Marxist organization which had ties to the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China. The Nationalist Movement was revolutionary and Pan-Arabist. It placed emphasis on the formation of a nationally conscious intellectual elite which would play a vanguard role in a revolution of Arab consciousness. This movement would seek to enlighten the Arab state and give deference to Western Imperialism. By 1952 however, the Colonial and Commonwealth Relations Office produced a document, entitled “The Problem of Nationalism” a branch of the British Foreign Office. This document was to help safeguard Great Britain as a world power particularly in the economic and strategic fields against the inherent dangers of Arab Nationalism.
A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm (The Neocon-Zionist Agenda)
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle (The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies) for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values. By advocating for an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare. Certain parts of the report have indeed come to fruition, which has led media pundits to claim the Iraq-Syria wars are based on the guidelines of the Neocon report. In this video, i outline what is based in the report as well as give my thoughts on the matter.
The Bleeding Temple Of Hatshepsut (The 1997 Luxor Massacre)
On November 17th 1997, it is alleged that six members of the al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya (an Egyptian militant group) entered the gates that lead to the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut located in Deir el-Bahari, an archaeological site and major tourist attraction across the Nile from Luxor, Egypt. After killing two of the guards located at the gates entrance, numerous survivors testified that men dressed as security personnel had the tourists trapped inside the temple. The killing went on systematically for 45 minutes, during which many bodies, especially of women, were mutilated with machetes. All of six men who carried out the carnage were either killed by security personnel or committed suicide by hand grenade in the hills. When it was over, 62 people were killed, with 26 surviving the attacks, the worst terrorist attack ever in Egypt. Exiled leaders of al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya were laier said to have attempted to undermine the organization's July 1997 "Nonviolence Initiative", to devastate the Egyptian economy and provoke the government into repression that would strengthen support for anti-government forces.
Latest News: United States: The September 11th Attacks (11-4-2021)
Latest news: United States: The FBI released hundreds of pages of newly declassified documents Wednesday about its long effort to explore connections between the Saudi government and the September 11th attacks. The newest release of documents comes on the heels of mounting pressure from lawyers representing the 9/11 victims families who pressured the Biden administration on ordering the widespread declassification of information collected during the U.S. investigation of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Long before last month’s release of a 2016 FBI report about Operation Encore, the bureau’s probe into possible Saudi complicity in 9/11, top Trump administration officials swore under “penalty of perjury” that information in the report was a “state secret” whose public release was likely to cause “significant harm to the national security.”
The Iran-Israel Conflict (From 1979 & Beyond)
The current Iranian-Israel conflict dates back to the period of Ruhollah Khomeini, the former Supreme Leader of Iran. After the fall of the Pahlavi dynasty, which was supported by the United States, Iran under Khomeini saw the popular rise of the Muslims which called for a revolution against the Zionist-Western influences in the country and in the region. Meanwhile, the Gulf Arab states led by Saudi Arabia, have recently teamed up with Israel in the hopes of eliminating their common enemy in Iran. In this video i give a short history regarding what led to the proxy conflict between the neighboring country's, including the covert operations that led to formations of terrorist organizations and assassinations of leading scientists in Iran to curtail their nuclear program.
The Afghan Soviet War: The Consequences During & Afterwards
When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the Islamic world began to offer their services into the conflict thru a recruitment office located in Peshawar, Pakistan called the "Maktab al-Khidamat". The Pakistan ISI would begin funneling military and financial aid to some of the most notorious warlords such as Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf and Ahmad Shah Massoud. The United States intelligence arm, the Central Intelligence Agency, were in the middle of the battle themselves thru the ISI under a covert operation. Operation Cyclone. Where over 600 million dollars went to numerous warlords and their organizations, and indirectly into the pockets of the Pakistan office under Osama Bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam. After the Soviets retreat in 1989, the country spiraled into a civil war between the clans. The blood feuds began and the Pakistan ISI was fully involved and were influential in making the Taliban the lead in the country for defensive purposes.
The Bin Laden & Bush Family Connection (A Brief History)
The Saudi BinLaden Group in the Kingdom is the most successful construction company in all of the Gulf. It's history is detailed with stories of rebuilding Mecca and Medina while constructing numerous projects across the Arab world. With the Muslim world in turmoil by 1979, the company wasn't deterred from doing business with investors from the West. Thru a Texas millionaire investor and businessman in, James R. Bath, George W. Bush was introduced to the Bin Laden family who would be the financial connection his troubled Arbusto energy group needed. The relationship between the Bin Laden and Bash families grew stronger over the years. However, the inexplicable ties between the two families went deeper than what the public is led to believe.
Assem Jarrah, Out From The Ashes Of Flight 93
On September 11th 2001, United Airlines Flight 93, was hijacked and at the controls of the plane, it is alleged that a Lebanese man by the name of Ziad Jarrah had intentionally crashed the airliner into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The story however doesn't simply end there. The anomalies involving the flight and what happened inside the plane, as well as what was fund outside, lead to some piqued interest by federal authorities. One artifact that was found at the crash scene was a business card made out to an Assem Jarrah, a business man living in Germany who would turn out to be a cousin of the alleged suicide pilot. But there would be much more attributed to this mysterious man who even had his own family members wary of who he was. The man whom some called a "lavish, womanlier", had a rich history involving himself with German-Libyan intelligence while also becoming involved with the infamous Abu Nidal Organization.
Vulgar Betrayal (The Story Of Robert Wright Jr.)
Robert G. Wright Jr. is an FBI agent who has criticized the FBI's counterterrorist activities in the 1990s, when he worked in the Chicago division on terrorists with links to the Middle East, especially on the issue of money laundering. Specifically, he worked on project Vulgar Betrayal, the single largest counter-intelligence operation pre 9/11, which allegedly implicated Yasin al-Qadi. Qadi is multi-millionaire from Jeddah and trained as an architect in Chicago, Illinois. He is also said to have personally met with Osama Bin Laden in Chicago in 1979 and was said to have links with Hamas. The program also investigated the The Holy Land Foundation charity which was secretly financing Hamas suicide bombings. He later wrote a detailed book which the FBI prevented him from publishing with threats of criminal prosecution. He complained that "FBI management intentionally and repeatedly thwarted and obstructed my attempts to launch a more comprehensive investigation to identify and neutralize terrorists."
The Brother “Zacarias” & The Minnesota Terrorism Project
Zacarias Moussaoui is a French member of al-Qaeda who pleaded guilty in U.S. federal court to conspiring to kill citizens of the United States as part of the September 11 attacks. Moussaoui was like most young Muslim youth, met with prejudice and racial tension while he grew up in the town of Narbonne, France. There was no religious education within the family. Moussaoui seeked to find peace within his young adult life, and after completing a master's degree at the South Bank University in London, he started visiting Brixton Mosque in 1995. French authorities began monitoring Moussaoui in 1996 when they observed him with Islamic extremists in London. In 1998, he attended the Khalden training camp in Afghanistan, allegedly returning the next year as well. He was also suspected of attending a very high level Al Qaeda summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in January of 2000. It was here he was allegedly selected to take part in the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
On February 23rd 2001, Zacarias Moussaoui lands at O’ Haire Airport in Chicago. Where he begins attending the Masjid al-Salaam mosque in Norman, Oklahoma. However, FBI agents in Minneapolis halted Moussaoui's plans, and tried to secure FISA warrant to search his personal belongings and what was in the hotel room he stayed in. To which the agent's request were denied. Moussaoui would later be convicted for his role in the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, per his own admissions. Yet in the biggest surprise of all, Osama Bin Laden, just a mere few months after Moussaoui's sentencing, made a statement which put a wrench in the story regarding Zacarias Moussaoui. Some information used in this video is based off the book "I Heard You Were Going On Jihad" written by Mitchell Gray.
Paul Wolfowitz: The Nightmare Of Iraq
Paul Wolfowitz is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the State Department Director of Policy Planning under Reagan, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense under President George H.W. Bush and Deputy Secretary of Defense under President George W. Bush. He is currently a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He is also one of the primary co signers of the neoconservative think-tank, Project for the New American Century which called for the United States to be the "preeminent power" in the Middle East. While also authoring the "Wolfowitz Doctrine", in which the doctrine announces the US status as the world’s only remaining superpower following the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War and how to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival. Wolfowitz would also be the primary architect of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, following the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, in which over 1.5 million Iraqi's would be killed on the falsehoods the country had involvement with Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden and that the country possessed illegal chemical or biological weapons.
The Sins Of The United States & CIA (Rendition Program & Torture Memos)
After the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, President Bush's White House Legal Counsel, facilitated and "legalized" the use of torture to extract information from "high valued detainees" (HVD) who were captured in Afghanistan and then relocated to CIA "black sites" where torture methods would be far away from prying eyes of the legal apparatuses. White House lawyers such as John Yoo and Assistant Attorney General Jay S. Bybee, head of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice, signed in approval the full authorized use of torture, or otherwise known as, enhanced interrogation techniques.
The "torture memos" are discussed in the language of the torture statute (18 U.S.C. §§ 2340–2340A) in detail in order to derive its definition of torture, states that "cruel, inhuman, or degrading" treatment is not torture according to that statute; and examines "possible defenses that would negate any claim that certain interrogation methods violate the statute". The CIA torture methods were not "unique" and in 1996 under a FOIA request, the Baltimore Sun, would uncover that the CIA had penned torture manuals which were prepared by the U.S. military and used between 1987 and 1991 for intelligence training courses at the U.S. Army School of the Americas. In this video i talk a bit about the outlines of the "torture memos" and the CIA "black sites" which employed the use of torture.
The Sacrifice Of The American Dream (The Saudi Lobby)
On February 14th 1945, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Saud Arabian King Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman Al Saud met for the first time while docked at the Great Bitter Lake along the Suez Canal. The ship was beside other war cruisers and destroyers with an air cap overhead of fighter planes to show the well natured leader Ibn Saud the might of the American military. The discussion entailed the King’s unwavering support for Jews into Palestine. However, this relationship, tentative at best, became a full fledged mutual dependance with the Saudis using the strength of the US military to protect and invade arab adversaries while the US began using the Kingdom to regulate the oil market.
Over the following years, the Saudis would invest billions of dollars into the American businesses, military industrial complex and congressional districts to try and persuade the government to endorse legislation which would also favor them over the competing Israelis. While also purchasing the latest in American military grade weaponry. But what was the main topic for the Kingdom? Palestine. The race between the Saudis and Israel lobby's began, and the soul of the United States would be sold to the highest bidder. In which to the current day, the Saudi Lobby would become the prime defacto monetary power which would highly influence our nation, leading many to believe that our democracy is nothing but a dream.
Three Days Of Death From Lashkar-e-Taiba (The 2008 Mumbai Attacks)
The 2008 Mumbai attacks were a series of terrorist attacks that took place on November 26th to 29th 2008, when 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamist terrorist organisation from Pakistan, carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. The Government of India stated that the attackers came from Pakistan, and their controllers were in Pakistan. The sole survivor of the terrorist group, Ajmal Kasab, told the police that they wanted to replicate the Marriott hotel attack in Islamabad, and reduce the Taj Hotel to rubble, replicating the 11 September attacks in US.
The attacks lasted 3 days, where 8 of the attacks occurred in South Mumbai: at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, the Oberoi Trident, the Taj Palace & Tower, the Leopold Cafe, the Cama Hospital, the Nariman House, the Metro Cinema and in a lane behind the Times of India building and St. Xavier's College. There were a high number of casualties in which 175 people were killed and 310 injured from the shootings and bombings of the ten people involved in the attacks. In this video, i outline the general details of who was involved, the planning and stages of the attacks as i read from different documents and files, some which will be provided below. Today is the thirteenth anniversary of those deadly attacks.
From Algeria, To The Valley Of Peshawar: Onwards To The Afghan Mountains For Jihad
When Babrak Kamal was appointed as the country’s third Democratic President backed by the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) for which Kamal was a primary leading member of, it was ultimately the Soviets who ran the country and it’s government. The Pakistan government under Zia ul-Haq had every reason to start military training for the Afghan rebel forces, he feared the communist bloc could very well collapse Afghanistan. With the fall of Kamal, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the voices of Afghanistan for a call of a jihad against the secular, communist bloc began. One of those who heard their call was Abdullah Anas, an Algerian scholar and ardent student of Abbassi Madani the founder of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) who rose against the tyranny against the Algerian Army when they interfered in a free election.
Anas then travelled to Afghanistan and saw the need for a regulated system to welcome and train the influx of Muslims who wanted to help push back against the Soviet invaders. By 1988, Anas had spoke to Abdullah Azzam, an Islamic scholar, author and teacher based out of Jenin, Palestine, about the need to ensure Muslim help reached northern Afghanistan, and not just that of Western NGO's. Together they implemented the idea of a services bureau which serviced the incoming Arabs from around the world, the Maktab al-Khidamat (Afghan Services Bureau). However, as the Jihadists began to arrive from Egypt, the center, which was funded in part of a notable rich Saudi, Osama Bin Laden, witnessed a change in their training and teaching. Anas saw what was happening and thus left the bureau altogether only to see his dear friend, Azzam, backstabbed by the influence of Egyptians known as "takfiri" (apostates). Algeria was also witnessing a civil war between the government and the takfiri's under the Armed Islamic Group (GIA). Anas knew of the potential problems this could post, as he witnessed it in Afghanistan. In the end, the enemy was no longer clear in Anas eyes.
Ron Wyden Interview Of Eleanor Hill (A Breakdown)
On September 18, 2002, Ron Wyden, panel member of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, interviews Eleanor Hill, Staff Director of the Joint Inquiry. Wyden remarks that analysts from the intelligence community had a sizeable catalogue regarding Bin Laden's interest in hijacking planes and crashing them intentionally into sensitive targets, and he asks Hill about what was the response of the intelligence community regarding this and why they didn't make this a priority since 1994. I offer some insights during the interview.
FBI Agents Involved In CIA Black Sites RDI Program Revealed At Guantanamo Bay Trial
In the latest court proceedings involving the 9/11 Guantanamo Bay trial of Khalid Sheikh Muhammed, Ammar al-Baluchi, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Mustafa al-Hawsawi and Walid bin Attash, Baluchi's lawyer, Jay Connell, has brought evidence that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), were involved with the interrogation process of the Central Intelligence Agency program the "Rendition, Detention & Interrogation: (RDI). In 2019, one of the FBI agents, FBI Special Agent Adam Drucker, involved in the “clean team” interviews revealed he had collaborated extensively with the CIA in the RDI torture program, sending CIA black site operatives hundreds of questions to ask the detainees. Guantanamo Bay detainee lawyers such as Connel, Alka Pradhan, Rita Radostitz, counsel for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and Walter Ruiz, counsel for Mustafa al Hawsawi, are now asking for more evidence regarding just how much more "involved" the FBI were in the RDI program itself, while also pushing for a definitive trial date.
The 2015 US Airstrikes On Kunduz Hospital
On October 3rd 2015, A US Air Force C-130 gunship aimed at a medical facility managed by the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Doctors With Borders, and bombed it for 29 minutes striking it 211 times. When it was over, 44 people were killed and 33 wounded. Meanwhile US and Afghanistan officials immediately conducted their own investigations and concluded that due to "electrical error" the hospital was mistaken for a Taliban outpost. However MSF officials would prove otherwise, earning US officials that the hospital was at the certain location coordinates they contacted US military officials just days prior to the attack. Many condemned this incident and called it applicable to war crimes, including many leading international law centers. However the United States would reject these accusations and reprimanded a number of its servicemen for "negligence" but kept their ranks and none were charged for any serious offenses. It isn't just one of many incidents where the United States conducted war crimes and crimes of aggression and not held accountable.
Hijacking Of Air France Flight 8969 (The Eiffel Tower Terrorist Operation)
After the electoral victory by the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), the leaders of the Algerian government, headed under pro-reform president Chadli Bendjedid, used the military to crackdown and arrest the leaders of the FIS which the witnessed the country descend into an 11 year civil war. By 1994, the country was on high alert and armed Islamic groups began terrorizing the French residents from the country. On December 24th 1994 Air France 8989, a plane taking off from Algeria and heading to France was hijacked by members of the the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA) at Houari Boumediene Airport, Algiers. The hijackers exclaimed they wanted to use the opportunity to demand the release of two Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) political party leaders, Abassi Madani and Ali Belhadj. However, the true nature of the hijacking was far more nefarious than what was stated by the hijackers.
Why Is Luke Rudkowski Lying About 9/11
8 months ago
Luke Rdkowski, WeAreChange NY, interviewed Richard Gage, a self professed expert in the 9/11 attacks last year near the anniversary. Rudkowski went on the record to make the following statement, "it looks like a missile hit the Pentagon and not a being 747 plane". Its bullshit like this that made me do a video like this.
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