My Complete Monstera Collection….All 6 of them! 🙃

10 months ago

Today I thought I would just spend some time sharing my Monstera collection with you!

I have talked about a few of them in the past, but 1 (my favourite) is not often in the spotlight and she deserves to be!

I hope you join me today, share your own experiences and even your own collections 💚

Loving and learning as we grow 🪴

House Plants🪴 Monstera 🔅 Plant Collections 🍃

#plants #houseplants #monsteraperu #monsteradeliciosa #monsterasiltepecana #monsterathaiconstellation #houseplantcommunity #houseplantcollection

Instagram @Scattersprout & @reset_corners
Pinterest Scattered Sprout
Youtube @scatteredsprout

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