Port Arthur Massacre Was a Professional Hit Staged by the Australian Government to DISARM Citizens

9 months ago

Port Arthur Massacre Was a Professional Hit Staged by the Australian Government to DISARM Citizens
Such Claims as Government Ran Mass Shooter Event False Flags may have sounded Crazy back when this happened in 1996. But now a great extent of the population knows damn well that Governments are in fact Conducting Fake Shootings Using Crisis Actors, and Actually Murdering Their Own Citizens as part of the Globalist Plan to Disarm and Enslave Everyone Under the UN Agenda 2030 Great Reset...
Video 4 Martin Bryant
TimsTruth Mentioned the Truly Twisted story that lies just beneath the surface of the Port Arthur Massacre. He did not want to Go There, for fear that he would sound CRAZY.
Well. I do not think a serious INVESTIGATIVE Article by Dr. Henry Makow sounds Crazy at all. It is however Extremely Shocking Disclosure. The article linked below will Blow Your Mind...
6,950 views April 3, 2024
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The Port Arthur Massacre was a mass shooting that occurred on 28 April 1996 at Port Arthur, a tourist town in the Australian state of Tasmania. The perpetrator, Martin Bryant, killed 35 people and wounded 23 others, the worst massacre in modern Australian history. [3] The attack led to fundamental changes in Australia's gun laws.
Insider Reveals Government Did Port Arthur Massacre
The Port Arthur massacre of 28-29 April 1996 was a mass shooting in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded. It occurred mainly at the historic Port Arthur former prison colony, a popular tourist site in south-eastern Tasmania, Australia. It was the deadliest mass shooting in Australian history and amongst the most notable in history.
Martin Bryant, a 28-year-old from New Town, a suburb of Hobart, pleaded guilty to having carried out the shootings and was given 35 life sentences without the possibility of parole. Following the incident, it emerged in the media that Bryant had significant intellectual disabilities.  This staged shooting was the pretext for banning handguns in Australia. 
Aloysius Fozdyke is a longtime member of Sydney's satanist Alpha lodge, the power behind the government of Australia. He gave the world the Testament of his mentor Frater 616 which revealed the extent of Satanist domination worldwide. 
And because New Zealand, Canada, the UK, and America are involved in keeping Australia's constitutional secrets secret, the Chinese government can rape those first world countries of their assets by threatening to publish the details and thereby collapse stock markets, currencies and all of the American managed retirement funds with investments in those 'politically safe' concealed colonies.
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Canada, Australia & NZ Are Still Colonies
The interview confirms that former British colonies, Australia, New Zealand and Canada never actually achieved independence. World government is an extension of the "British Empire" and independence would have been a step in the wrong direction. So they faked it.
This means that the laws, corporations and currencies of these countries have no legal foundation, and that the governments do not represent the people, nor are they in a position to defend their interests. 
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