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Prophet Julie Green - Live Show with Julie and Thomas Renz - Captions
In this live show, Julie Green welcomes her special guest and dear friend Tom Renz, whom she met on the Reawaken America Tour. Tom is an attorney and a patriot fighting against corruption, including big pharma and government malpractices, particularly surrounding COVID-19 and the lockdowns. He shares how his faith in God has grown and guided him through his battles, which have included taking on monumental challenges such as fighting for medical freedoms, the truth about vaccines, and other forms of government corruption. Tom also discusses his work on raising public awareness and the importance of unity in fighting against these injustices. Additionally, he mentions his 404 series of short books designed to educate people on complex issues quickly. The show concludes with Julie praying for Tom's protection and success in his ongoing legal battles.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning once again everybody and thank you for joining today's live show. I have a special guest today. He is one of my dear friends. I have met him on the reawaken America tour and he is a patriot. He is a fighter. I love him very much and welcome Tom to this show. I am so happy to have you joining us today.
I'm so honored to be here, Julie. I mean, and I can't say enough awesome about you and your whole team. God's been so good. I was so excited. You know, we met in reawaken and we became friends and, you know, we've just kind of, that's just kind of grown ever since you are the, some of the greatest, I don't have to tell your viewers, they know, but you guys are just awesome.
I, I, I just love you ladies. Well, we love you guys too. And it's an honor to get to know you. And. I wanted to have you on because I wanted the people to know what you are doing. You are fighting for this country. You are fighting hard. And first of all, I want to ask you this question before you let us know how all the things that you're doing to fight to save this country and to save lives.
The last three or four years, how has that impacted your relationship and your job with the Lord? Monumentally. Bye. To say the least, right? I mean, I've always been a God guy. There's no question about that. And when I started, so four years, four plus years ago, when the lockdowns occurred, I sat in this chair in this office and I had my hand in my on my head and I just, and I prayed.
And I said, God, I said, if you put this fight before me, I'll do the best I can to do it your way. And I promised him that I'd do that. And I had no money, no connections as a solo practitioner. I answered my own phones live in a small town of 12, 000 in Ohio and knew at that point that I was asking God, you know, Hey, I'm going to take on big pharma, big government.
You know, I mean, how ridiculous is that? Right. But I knew, but I was asking God because it's, it's, it's way more for me than I can handle, but I wasn't asking to do it. I asked God. And so he put it before me and as is frequently the case I didn't know what I was asking for. So, he put it before me.
And he's continually asked me to do way more than I could even come close to doing, but he's also continued to carry me. He's continued to find ways to make it happen. He's continued to find ways for, for just for amazing things to occur. I know a great example is you know, we, there's been several times where, you know, no resources, no anything where I've been pretty close to dead broke on this and you know, just this winter God, you guys actually, I don't want to give away anything, but you yourself actually supported me on, on some stuff and I, I'm not going to say any more than that, I've gotten to the point now where I've learned that I, I really don't need to worry.
Right? I'm fighting way over my head. I'm fighting on God's grace right now. Right? So, what's, what's happened is, is that I've learned to trust him more. My faith has grown. My faith has shifted, right? Because at some point, faith quits being about, I know that God exists and starts being about, how can I serve him better?
Right. Because I know him, you couldn't convince me. There's no God any more than you could convince me that the sky is yellow. You couldn't convince me that there's no God any more than you could convince me that, you know, I'm a tree, it just isn't the case. So at this point, it's more about. What does he want me to do?
How do I do it? How do I get, how do I get forgiveness for the sins that I continue to, to make against him? Because I'm not a perfect man. How do I bear good fruit? How do I bear the most good fruit that I can bear? And so, it's, it's changed everything. It's changed everything. And I don't know if I do it right, but I know at the end of the day that my entire fight is for him.
Mm hmm. So if the people don't know who you are, which I'm sure a lot of people do, but if they don't know who you are, who, who is Thomas Renz and what have you been doing to fight for this country? And I know you said you're fighting Big Pharma. You remind me of David and Goliath. You are this man who has been put in front of a bit, this big giant that God wants to take down, but it's God's ability and his strength through you that will help bring these things down that are against us.
So you said Big Pharma, but I know you have a lot more fighting than that. You're helping January Sixers and you're doing so many things for this country. And I just wanted them to know. Who you are and what you're doing. Well, so the most important thing that I am is the thing that I, I always, I answer this with that with, I say, I'm a nobody because if you want to know who I am, I'm a nobody, I'm an American, I'm a guy, I live in Fremont, Ohio, right?
And there's nothing more important than I'll ever be than that. Other than a humble servant of God. And it's funny because now four years ago, when I said that people were like, yeah, you're right. Now when I say that, they're like, Oh no, you've got a platform. You've got this, you've got that. The only thing that's changed is that people know my name, right?
I haven't changed. And still the most important thing is that because who I am is a guy who's still trying to fulfill that promise I made to God, that I would fight his fight, his way to the best of my ability. And so. As an attorney, which is kind of, I think what you were actually asking you know, I'm a guy who's out here fighting and I'm an anti corruption guy.
So it started out being COVID and lockdowns. Then it went to COVID lockdowns, vaccines. Then it went to big pharma. Then it went to, okay, wait a second. The guys that. You know, big pharma and all these guys that are corrupting the government to allow things to occur in COVID are also corrupting the government elsewhere.
And so the corruption is systemic. And so I've become kind of an anti corruption guy, period. And it's an interesting thing because most anti corruption attorneys are Democrat or Republican, but. I'm neither and I'm, I'm both right. I don't like either of them. I don't like anybody. Mitch McConnell's as crooked as Nancy Pelosi.
And so I don't really care who you are. I don't care if you've got a D or an R. I just care whether or not you're doing the good things or bad things. So I kind of just go where the badness is and stick my nose into it and usually get my nose punched and fight it. I've learned a lot and I've learned that you The courts are corrupt in a lot of cases.
I've learned that the government is corrupt in all cases, and I've learned that people are frequently corrupt, whether they know it or not, sometimes by accident myself included, right? I mean, we all make mistakes. We're all sinners, but what I've found is that. If, if we dig hard enough, there's usually a lot of ways to do this.
And so we've, we've expanded. We start out as a lawyer filing lawsuits on COVID issues. We expand the lawsuits on all sorts of things. And at this point, I consult and do a lot of work. I'm kind of a lightning rod at this point, wherever I go government or some bazillionaire seems to fund an awful lot of lawyers to fight against everything that I do.
And so a lot of my work has gone under the radar because, you know, if I, if I tell everybody, Hey, I'm going to do this suit, well, suddenly there's 50 lawyers from Harvard, all paid to defend it. So a lot of what we're doing is kind of behind the scenes right now, a little bit, we're playing some sneaky stuff.
The other thing that I've learned is that one of the most effective tools to combating corruption. It's public awareness. When we spread the word the word of truth people, people tend to look and they tend to get active and it makes it much harder for corruption to exist. And so we're evangelizing truth, much like you're evangelizing Christ's word every day by getting it out there in a lot of different ways, which is an odd thing because I, the one thing I never wanted to be with this was well known.
And it's the one thing that I have to do the most to protect and preserve the fight, because if I don't have the public knowledge and awareness of what we're doing, I can't do it. When I go into a courtroom, so we have a great example is there's a particular judge who we're not going to name, and I'm not going to talk about the specific action, but this judge was sanctioned by a superior court.
And Is retaliating against some, some lawyers, right? He's retaliating because against lawyers who were responsible for him being sanctioned by a superior court, and he's doing so in a very unethical way. Well, this is a common thing that's occurring right now. You know, when you start calling out corrupt people, they act more corrupt.
They double down on it. When, when people become aware of this though, It becomes much harder for that sort of thing to happen because if the, if this judge, for example, thinks that he can get away with this without anybody noticing, that's fine. But if millions of people suddenly know this judge's name, which will probably happen in the not too distant future, well, he's going to have to think twice about whether it's really worth it because his reputation, his position, you know, he may not lose his job.
But he's going to have to have to deal with the fact that everybody on the planet now knows that he's a crook. And so the power of people in the power of awareness and the power of truth is monumental. And so, my work has shifted from just going to court to going to wherever we got to do to get truth out and to fight corruption.
Yes. And I, that's one thing I loved about, you know, what you guys are doing. That's the reason why I wanted you on the show because there are a lot of people like you that are doing things that are not being known because there's information being suppressed. There's things being suppressed everywhere.
And now you've been fighting the jabs. You've been fighting corruption in the government. You've been fighting with the whole things that are going on with January 6th and those prisoners and things like that. But a lot of people don't know this because mainstream media keeps it quiet. They try to suppress all this information.
They try to divert people to other situations to try to distract people. Disinformation again, that's why social media is so important. That's why shows like this are so important to get people like you who are fighting behind the scenes and risking everything they have and their lives in order for this country to stay free.
It's like you said, a lot of people know on this, you know, who watch this, watch this ministry and they watch me and they know guys that have a lot of prophecies about corrupt judges. He's had a lot of prophecies about the corrupt government. He's a lot of the prophecy is about a corrupt judicial system.
But one of the things that we have to understand, and I know that you know this as God is the judge over all the earth. And so you may be going in front of a natural judge, but you have the judge in the courts of heaven that is on your side. Whether you can see him or not, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether, you know, it looks like he's doing anything or not.
He is. And that's what I wanted to encourage you with too, is that, that guy and that judge and all these judges that you're facing that are corrupt, it says in God's word in Psalms chapter 75 and verse 7, is a God is a judge over all the earth. He takes down one and lifts up another. So these judges, They, it looks like they're getting away with stuff right now, but they're not.
And there's always a day of judgment and there's always a day of justice. And always in God's time. Right. It's really an interesting thing. Cause like I said, as I've done this, I've had to learn so much, so much. And a lot of it comes down to humility, right? Because I'm a lawyer. So humility is not necessarily my strong suit.
You know, What I found is that, you know, God's got this peculiar way of doing things and he's going to do it where you can't mistake who who's getting credit for it. Right. Because it's, it's his show. And when you're doing things that are, that are out of your league, you know, that's my job is to fight out of my league, right?
One guy from Ohio shouldn't be able to make an impact on, on a plan like COVID or a thing like you know, government corruption or, you know, these kinds of global, I, I shouldn't be able to do anything on any of this. Right. The only way that I can is with and through him. Now, if I run around looking like a superhero, that's great, but that gives credit to me.
That's not the point, right? The, if I go around high fiving myself for what I'm doing, that's, that's novel. It's wonderful. But ultimately God is the one that's doing this. And if, if I want to continue to be successful in this, I've got to make sure that the fruit that I bear, you know, the accreditation goes to the, to the.
Source. Right. Not, not to me because. Yeah, some of the stuff we've came up with, some of the plans, some of the stuff that we've implemented some of it's just so far beyond what I could come up with. It's mind blowing. You know, you'll put something in your head and you're like, man, that's brilliant.
Where did that come from? And it clearly wasn't me, you know? Or. You know, I mean, in more practical terms, you know, it's, it's, it's even you know, like I said, there, there has been four or five times since I started this and where, where we, we couldn't pay the bills and we just prayed and the next day Literally, random anonymous checks show up.
It's happened multiple times. We're just check, just show up and it's, you know, we're not rich. We've never been rich. We're very, very judicious about any income we get because we never know, you know, but, and because we get it by the grace of God, frankly. No one can afford to pay. I mean, as, as an attorney, I'm okay at what I do and I've got a lot of demand for my time.
So my, my rate would be pretty high if I billed, nobody can afford that. No regular person can afford what it would take to hire a lawyer, to go to federal court for this and this and this and this, or to develop a plan for this. And this, I mean, it's beyond that. So I can't make what I would make if I was doing it that way, but I don't need to, as long as I can take care of my family I But more importantly, since no one can afford that, you know, our income comes from donations, but, and I'm not asking for donation.
Well, I am always, but that's not the point, right? The point here is not that the point is that in a very tangible way, right? Cause everybody's like, Oh, I got a plan. I got to this. I got to that. And you should plan, you know, be wise, like serpents. Right. But in a very tangible way, Our plan is simply to trust God and he keeps making it work.
Now, you know, we take steps and you know, we do what you, what God asks us to do, because we live in a world that is fallen and broken this net and other. And so we have to keep getting by. So naturally we plan and we do our business planning, all that sort of stuff. But at the end of the day, we've continued to get by, by on God's grace, 100%.
Mm hmm. That's what good things. It's awesome. Oh god, you know, I tell you this all the time God is the one if he's called you to do something if he's annoying you to do something. He's the one who provides You to be able to do it, whether you're not wisdom and knowledge, understand that he's going to give you in order to fix, finish the job and do the job and the finances that you need to do it.
And so that's why we told me that when we were sitting in December and I was like, see, that's God, he is so amazing. And just when you think that, oh my gosh, all hope is lost. He shows up and you are fighting a lot of giants. You, you really are. I mean, when you're fine, I mean, just thinking about big pharma alone, you're not thinking about any, you're not thinking about the corruption of the government.
And you know, all these other things that you're fighting. Just, just big pharma and how big that is and what the jabs did, what they did to our country, what they're doing to people now, the damage that they're causing. I remember seeing a short clip of you and you were saying how all these things and all the thing that jab was doing is on the rise.
Like was it 300 percent more with miscarriages and whatever? It was the most appalling thing that I heard of all the things that it was doing. And you're fighting for that. And that is a very hard thing to do. battle. And I'm sure that you've, you know, there's days where you're just like, Oh my gosh, how are we going to do it?
But then God, and that's what I love about God is because even though it looks so bad, it looks so hard and it looks so big, he, he ought to ultimately does something to say. I'm in control. And so I want you, I want them to be aware of all the things, what you can tell us. I know there's things you can't, what you are fighting and what any of them can do to help you and your fight.
Well, we're fine. If you, if you are if you're watching this show, you know, I understand the demographics of the people watching the show. And so if you're watching this show, we're fighting everything you care about. I pretty much guarantee you that in one way or another. Yeah. You know, some of it's in the courts, some of it's not.
There's a lot of ways that this has to be done. We're working right now and I'm hoping to unveil some, some next steps here in the next, I would say in the next month or so we should have some, some pretty big announcements to make. What we've found is that one of the things most necessary.
Between now and the election is to really kind of bring awareness to certain things, because right now there is no court case that's going to have the power of this election. There's going to be a lot of fraud in this election. We looked at some things related to what's going to happen here, and we've done a bunch of work on this, you know, 2020, there was a substantial amount of election fraud.
And in 2024, what we found. Is that it's, you know, they're setting up for even bigger. And part of the plan appears to be, you know, Biden has had a Southern border wide open, which is absolutely the definition of evil to me, because when we look at the Southern border issue, one of the things that we see that nobody talks about is the human rights abuse.
They try and say, we're being nice to these people. We're not being nice. We're allowing the trafficking of children, the sex trafficking of women even of men and boys. We're talking about drug trafficking, fentanyl, human rights abuses, the stuff that's occurring on the southern border is worse, the worst human rights abuses on this planet.
And yet nobody's doing anything about it. Well, why? Well, as the people are streaming over, Joe Biden has created and facilitated a number of openings in the law that are going to essentially allow for a lot of these undocumented to vote. They won't actually vote though. What'll happen is, is the Democrats are going to go harvest the ballots, fraudulently stick them in and, and pretend.
That they voted. There won't actually be, I mean, listen, all these guys aren't going to the voting, the polling booth. What's going to happen is though, is because of the, the ballot harvesting and such they're going to take a bunch of ballots and they're going to, they're going to essentially try and steal the election that way.
So we're working on some stuff there. We want to raise awareness about that. We want to raise awareness about issues related to this because the power of the people.
Far exceeds anything we're going to be able to do in the courts in this period of time because the courts have been very corrupt on election issues. They've avoided everything there is right now. I'm waiting. There's a couple of cases that I'm looking at and considering filing, but I'm waiting to see because we have this.
The SCOTUS right now is looking at some pretty critical things. The free speech cases are monumental. And there's another case out there where they've been looking at the Chevron doc, and I know that doesn't mean anything to anyone who speaks English, but if you speak lawyer, this is a critical, critical case.
The, the most foundational problem constitutionally in this country from a nerdy lawyer perspective has been the creation of the administrative state, right? What do you do when the IRS is mad at you? Nothing you lose, right? What do you do when the FBI decides to arrest you for J six, even though they started J six and we're behind J six while you get arrested, what do you do when the DOJ comes after you?
Well, you lose because they have infinite budget and you don't. So. The administrative state is a core problem in this country. And there's a law it's, it's Supreme court common law, and it's created something called the Chevron doctrine. And it's the reason that we have so such an over overpowered administrative state.
It's one of the core problems. If the Chevron doctrine is overruled. Or, you know, they kind of pull back some of that power. That'll be a monumental thing. It'll have impact on every part of this country. I'm praying they get this one, right? That and the free speech cases are the two most important things out there.
You know, the Trump cases. are kind of an interesting thing because they're important, but you got to understand something. Those cases are so fraudulent and such garbage that those cases are actually just more measures of how corrupt the courts are, in my opinion, than anything else. It's kind of like the J6 cases.
The J6 cases aren't actually, important in the legal sense, because in the legal sense, all they're demonstrating is that there's absolutely no credibility or justice in the, in those particular courts, right? The judge, the judges in D. C. that have been behind the J6 cases should, in my opinion, be disbarred and brought up on ethics charges because it's such, such an egregious thing that it's mind boggling.
But, You know, to, to depending on what happens with, from a legal perspective, though, from a lawyer's perspective, not a corruption perspective, the Chevron doctrine case and the, the, the free speech cases are critical and they're kind of going to be, Bellwether cases in terms of determining our next steps legally.
But most importantly though, over the next year the next, what is it, eight months now? We have got to, got to, got to do everything we can to promote shows like yours, Julie, help people know what you're doing. Because you get the message out about God and what he's looking for, promote awareness about corruption about the evil that's being perpetrated on, on the American people.
And then I guess one last thing that I think I, I think your audience may be interested in. I'm working very hard still. So with the COVID, that led to mRNA vaccines. And if you follow my work, you know, I've talked about mRNA in the food supply and elsewhere. mRNA is in fact gene therapy. Okay. There's no question about it.
Both Pfizer and Moderna admitted it in their filings. It is gene therapy. It's designed to impact and manipulate genetic your genetics, right? Now, they'll say, well, it doesn't enter DNA and it doesn't this and it doesn't that. Well, they're lying from the beginning, right? First of all, they're saying it's mRNA.
It's not mRNA. It's mod RNA or SA RNA or RNAi. It's a lot of things, but it's not messenger RNA. It's laboratory modified Frankenstein RNA. It's designed to do different things. And one of the things that I think is particularly interesting that people need to look into is I just pose a random question, what could be a greater insult to God, a greater blaspheme against God than to take his perfect creation, create it in his own image and to modify it.
Right. Some of the stuff that I've read, and I've got a lot at this point, a lot of stuff that is, It has to remain confidential, right? So I've got a lot of sources and a lot of info that I get that I can't necessarily be public with a lot. When you follow far enough up the food chain and you look at this, it shouldn't be a real surprise that when, that the people behind this stuff that know that there are any poisons.
Are killing children, killing babies, maiming people. It shouldn't be a huge surprise if I, or stretch to believe that these people might just be rotten people. Right. Well, some of the, some of the stuff that we see about some of these people really strikes you as kind of cult like kind of just plain evil, and this really is a spiritual battle, a battle of good and evil.
And one of the things that I want to pose to your audience is I want you to think about. If these people truly are evil, and they truly are against and openly and aware of the fact that they're against God, you've all know Harari consistently talks about that openly, then I would, I would ask, is it really beyond us to think that, you know, there would be some intent to blaspheme God by modifying his, his perfect creation?
I can't quite prove that yet. I'm working on it. But I, I'm comfortable saying that. Maybe we all ought to think about that. And I think that's what we have to pray about it too, because these are the days of Noah and when you say like they're genetically modifying, that's exactly what happened in Noah's day.
And that's the reason why there was a flood in Noah's time. That's the reason why the entire creation was destroyed, except for Noah and his family, because they're the only ones that had the pure blood left, the bloodline of God. And so we have to be very, very particular on standing and praying. And that's why God keeps telling us to never surrender.
Don't quit. Don't back off. Don't give in, pray and fight the good fight of faith. No, God is bigger because I was just reading to people this morning that God can reverse, God can wipe out, God can cleanse, God, God can destroy any destruction of the enemy. So as you are telling this truth, as you are making people aware that they are trying to genetically modify, they're trying to change our bloodline.
Satan has always been after the blood. Always because the blood is what destroyed him. The blood of Jesus Christ is what destroyed his power and destroyed him. And that's one thing he hates about us is because we have the blood of Jesus Christ. And so we think about the bloodline of God and the bloodline that we have, of course, that he would try to manipulate that.
And of course, anyone who's tries to manipulate that God is going to destroy just like he did in the days of Noah. And he even said in the last days it would be like the days of Noah. So we really wouldn't shouldn't be surprised as christians that this is happening But just because we are aware and you are fighting this fight that a lot of people didn't maybe they don't know about it They don't know that they're trying to modify us People knew through the jab.
I was shocked to hear the food. I truly was because when somebody told me that I was like, how are they getting this into the food? I guess it doesn't really surprise me. They're all in coots with each other. The FDA, everybody they're disgusting, but it was shocking to me. I said, okay, Lord, what are we doing?
He said, we'll pray. I am the one who washes. I'm the one who cleanses. I'm the one who will wipe out destruction. And just like in the days of Israel. When God's people were destroyed because of what the Pharaoh and all of his people were doing to them, God washed them clean. He helped them. He said when they were out, there was no feeble among them.
And so God can reverse the effects of the enemy. So while you are doing your work and you are fighting in the courts, which we're going to pray for you before we end the show today, at some point, we're going to pray that God Uses you like David and you can take down these giants in an even faster, quicker way.
That God gives you revelation knowledge on what to do because God is the one who's the alpha, the omega. He's the beginning of the end. He knows it all. Our enemies only have a piece of the puzzle. We sometimes only have a piece of the puzzle, but he has the entire puzzle. And so as you're telling these people this, I also want them to know that God can retroactively restore our bodies, our bloodline and everything that the enemies are trying to do.
He can reverse those effects. But the one thing we have to do until that happens is we have to stand and fight. and plead the blood of Jesus, we had to stand and fight the good fight of faith, and we had to thank God that he is our deliverer and he's our protector, and that is extremely important when you hear about all these horrible, nasty things.
I mean, you're dealing with things that I don't think, I mean, people would probably lose their mind over. I mean, really, because people don't know how bad this is. No, they don't. And I will tell you that I have, I literally have nightmares of some of the things that I know. I, it's, it is truly scary.
If the public understood what I, what I've got, and I'm not talking about speculation, I'm talking about, I can show you a paper trail, one, two, three, four, right? When I tell you that they can put these, these genetic modifying vaccines into an animal and it's transmissible to a person. We have the paperwork, we have the studies, we have the information when I tell you that they've already created plants that have vaccines in them, that you eat them and you're vaccinated, I've got pictures of the plants.
I've got, I like that they exist when I tell you that the genetic, that the organic food act has an exemption that allows for vaccines for you can give a cow a vaccine. That modifies their genetics in a way where the cow grows a third eye and still listed as organic. What do you think eating organic food is going to keep you safe?
Oh no. As long as they call it a vaccine, you can give that animal anything you want to give it. And it doesn't matter. And they can still list it as organic. So you've got to understand this is. I mean, this is scary as can be. And when you, you said it, you said it. The only thing that gives me comfort is that God can find some way to screw it up or for him.
I mean, he can mess it up for him one way or another, because when I talked about the Chevron doctrine being important. Mm hmm. Well, Chevron administrative agencies see these administrative agencies interpret these rules to allow these things to happen and they're allowed to under that law. So we, if we can reign that in, then what happens is, is that we can you know, prevent some of these things in the courts a little bit more readily.
But right now yeah, the FDA and the USDA and all these different groups, they're working and they are absolutely allowing it. BioNTech, Pfizer BioNTech, the creators of the ModRNA poisons. Mm hmm. Partnered with Janssen, largest seed producers on the planet. The, all of this stuff is occurring. We, they're, they're intentionally putting it into, they are poisoning our food supply.
We know it's happening. Why do you think Bill Gates and China are buying all the land? It isn't because. They just really like farming. It's because if they can control the food, they can control the people. That if you notice all the billionaire investment is in necessities, food, energy, shelter, things like that.
If you notice black rock going in and buying houses and property everywhere, why is that? When they control the necessities, they control the people. Yep. If you got to eat, that's why medicine, why do you think big farmers got a lock on medicine? If you're dying, you'll pay whatever you want for the medicine that's going to cure you, except for, well, if the medicine that's going to cure you is also going to make you sick you know, the best cure, you know, people will comment on, you know, a big pharma doesn't create cures.
They create treatments because you've got to repeat customer with the treatment you don't with a cure. Well, how about treatments that make, that create other ailments, right? I don't know if you guys have followed, but big pharma is now advertising. They're advertising for drugs that you can use to treat side effects from other drugs.
I, Yeah, have you seen this? Yeah. So particularly some of these mental health drugs, right? So there's a bunch of them out there like, you know, if your antidepressant doesn't help you enough take this and it'll help you more Well, so wait a second if the antidepressant That side effects include making me suicidal isn't working well enough.
I should take another drug to help the antidepressant, which will make me even more suicidal. I mean, it sounds like a great plan to me, or Hey, if your bipolar medication has given you the shakes to the point that you look like there's something wrong with you, you can take this drug with your bipolar medication and then it'll get rid of the shakes.
Sounds like a great idea to me. You know, I, I mean, it's insanity, but our FDA is allowing it to occur because they are completely corrupted. There's no oversight. And this is occurring elsewhere and in the food industry, we're seeing the same sort of thing. So they're now putting things in the foods that are terrifying, frankly.
And the other thing that's occurring is we don't have country of origin labeling on our food. So even if you couldn't put some sort of a poison or some poison isn't licensed in the U. S. Doesn't mean it's not licensed in China. Doesn't mean it's not licensed in Australia and that food could be imported and you don't know where it came from.
You have no way of telling. So we you know, we have all sorts of things going on and it's, you, you'd said you'd said, you know, if the public only knew, well, trust me, this is only what I'm talking about. Here's the tip of an iceberg. I could talk about this for days and still not cover everything we've got.
It's terrifying. That's why I think it's so important for the Lord to give out encouragement every day because you know, you're telling you're seeing things that we can't see. And I know that there are tons of people out there like you. Who are fighting like big farmer who are fighting the things with this corrupt government and, and, and the corrupted globalists and all these other things.
And, and you guys are seeing things that none of us, the reason why I know there are certain things is because God said, there's going to be shock and awe. He also said that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. And you see what happened in the book of Exodus. You also see what happened with Noah.
You see what happened with all these different things. When the evil ruled and evil controlled, God had to shake the entire earth, not only to cleanse it, to wipe it, to clean it out of the destruction, but God is going to have to do something so massive and so big. Like you said before, only he can get credit for this.
Only he can get the glory for this. Only he, and this is another thing I told one of our other dear friends that are on the reawaken America tour. I told him that only God can do this. We are just vessels that help people aware. That's right. When he's talking to him now, when Thomas has talked about food, I want you guys to understand you better be praying over your food, pleading the blood of Jesus over your food and saying, no weapon formed against me shall prosper and any poisonous thing, it shall not harm me in any way, shape or form, because again, with every one of their actions.
We have, we can have a reaction and our reaction is a prayer. It's the power of God. It's the power of the name of Jesus, which destroys any power of the enemy. So when enemies are doing something, we have to know that God has given us something to fight it back, counteractive. God is giving us something to change.
The course of direction change. He's allowing you to see these things. He's allowing you to fight these things. He's allowing us to hear these things because he has said in his word, he's given us power and authority and dominion over all the power. Well, one thing I wanted that people to know today is that there are a lot of things that are going on.
People have to open their eyes not in fear to the point where you're, you know, you're like, Oh my God, I'm not going to eat anything anywhere. You know, and starve yourself. It's a fact of, you have to be aware to start praying, but there's like, we go as a team or we're going here, like, you know, eating as a family at our house, we make sure we pray over our food, no matter where we're getting it from.
And we need to, and Julie, I'd love to, I'd love to put this out there for your audience. There are a lot of things happening people don't know about. And obviously I can't share everything that I know about, but what I can tell you though, is understand something, this is a battle. And so one of the things that I get a lot of is, Oh, there's a plan.
There's a, this, there's a, that there are a lot of plans. There are a lot of this, there are a lot of that. They don't always go as expected. Sometimes they go better. Sometimes they go worse. I can assure you there are no plans that go perfectly from beginning to end. You know, there's an old, there's this kind of old battlefield adage.
When I talked to my, my buddies who are vets and studies, but yeah, it's all good until the bullets start flying. Right. Then the plans all kind of go to poo. A lot of people have talked about, have talked to me about a plan with regards to COVID and the vaccines and where this is going and how this is going.
And I can tell you this, I have spent 24 seven for four plus years. Researching corruption and bad and this, that, and other. And the core of everything that I've done is related to these to the COVID stuff, because the, the modification of our genetics, the poisons in the foods, the vaccines, all this stuff.
This is where I've spent more of my time than anywhere else. Now I've, I've been involved with everything that you can imagine, right? I can talk to you about J6 or elections or Southern border, you name it. But on the COVID side, I can tell you all one thing. There's no good plan. There, there may have been plans, but they all sucked.
And frankly the plan that we have right now is to get enough of we, the people awake and pushing and fighting, you know, my job is to get people awake, get them pushing, get them fighting so that they understand, because we need as many people pushing and fighting on this as possible. If you're sitting back.
And waiting for someone to win the, the MRNA big pharma fight. And you think there's some sort of a plan going, we don't need your help. I got news for you. We need as much help, particularly in that fight as possible. Best laid plans go to waste, you know, when, when the bullets start playing. And this particular plan is is, or this particular area is one that we need a lot of help in and we need to get, A lot more people aware of the depth of the depravity of it, because what's occurring, a lot of other areas of kind of what started with, you know, I think going back to 2020 when the great reset started, a lot of other areas of this we're seeing success, right?
Trump's numbers are real high. A lot of the fraud's being exposed. A lot of good things are happening. This particular area is not going well. And it's not? Because vaccine uptake is way down. We've been very successful in terms of making sure people don't want COVID vaccines, but people aren't aware of what's going on in the food supply.
There, there is very credible data out there that I can point to, to show that they can aerosolize, we know they can aerosolize the vaccines, they can spray it in the air and vaccinate. I've got some very credible scientists who've laid out to me how that could be used on a massive scale. Right?
I even had some people who were credible talk to me about the possibility of using a plasmid base to aerosolize it and use use out of an airplane. Now, I can't say that that's happening. I can't prove that that's happening, but the fact that someone's researching it is terrifying. You know, the fact that they're, they're researching massive distribution techniques for, for these vaccines, cause there's no informed consent if they just start spraying this stuff, there's no informed consent when you put it into food.
And you know, is it happening? I know I can't say it's happening, but is it worth being worried about? Yes, it is. And I'm going to tell you right now, you want to trust any plans you want to trust, go ahead. But on the COVID stuff, there's no, there's no overarching plan other than get the people moving and get people fighting back.
Because a lot of resources have shifted into this because it's the one area that you know, we really don't have a whole lot of backup in, you know, the injected vaccine in your arm, people are fighting, but the food supply, the air, stuff like that. It's weak. We need a lot of help and a lot of support there.
It's, and it's just not there. You know, and that's the thing where this is why it is important to get this, this stuff out, because first of all, God's plan is the only plan that works. And I pray that anybody who is dealing with any of these things, you included. That you get God's plan and that God will show you the right way because there is one way that's going to take every one of them down.
He can take them out in a day. I don't know how he's going to do that. I just know in over and over and over, he proves in his Bible that he does that no matter how big, no matter how nasty, no matter how evil our enemies are and how much they have in their supply house. God's supply house is way bigger and God's power is even greater.
So what we can do as a, as people, we can't, we're not lawyers like you are. So we can't fight in the courtrooms, the physical courtrooms like you can find those courtrooms, but we can fight in a courtroom of heaven and we can stand and we can pray. Another thing that I know was Gideon, remember Gideon and his army, he had 30, 000 and he thought he was doing good.
And then God is like, Yeah, you don't need 30, 000. It was only 300 because it wasn't the army. It was 30, 000. I was supposed to get the glory. It was supposed to get God because having 300 of those men against those massive military that was against them, it was virtually impossible. But God says, all things are impossible with all things are possible with me.
And so all the impossible situations you're facing Thomas, one of the things with all of you and whoever are fighting with you. I want you to know that El Shaddai, that name, El Shaddai is a God who nothing is impossible. So you're facing virtually impossible situations everywhere you look, everywhere you go in all these court battles, these court cases, and they seem like they suck.
But God is saying, that's a job for me. God is a God who is El Shaddai. There's nothing impossible to him. There's nothing impossible for him. And there is no devil in hell or anyone he uses that can outsmart God. So any of these plans that they have. That are seemingly impossible and I know because I'm not seeing everything you're seeing but I don't have to see it to believe That I know God is bigger.
God is bigger than what they're doing to our food. God is bigger than what they're doing to our country. God is bigger than what they have done to January 6th and president Trump and every other thing they have done is just in this country. I know God is bigger and I see these things or I hear these things prophetically and sometimes I don't like to hear, and I definitely don't like to give them out sometimes because they're not all the same.
Sunshine and roses and everything is going to be, you know, fine. You know, it's, it's going to get darker before it gets better. Things are going to look worse, but don't be in fear. Things like that. God's been giving warnings. And so I thank you for anything else that you want to share. And I know you have books.
You have a three part series, right? The 401, the 404 series. Will you please explain those books to them so they can get their hands on some of this information to help them out? Yeah. So the 404 series are very, very short. So they're, they're more like booklets, right? They're very, very short. You can read them in 15 minutes, maybe 20.
And what we do is we take real complicated issues. So we've got CBDCs. We've got mRNA in food. And then we have the, the third one is, is kind of the COVID fight, why the fight's so important and some techniques on how to fight it. That's the newest one. That one's a little longer. And we've got a couple more coming.
What we're doing is we're putting out these short books and they're designed for a quick read and to get you up to date and to give you some citations so that you can actually. Do something because if there's two things that I really want to leave with people, one is God will win this, but God was quite clear.
He does not want to come home and see his servants sleeping. That's right. You got to get off your butt and be part of the solution. If you're sitting there waiting for God to do it, he's going to, you're part of the problem. He's not going to be happy, right? The idea that we can just sit back and ignore the world around us and pretend like, Hey, God's going to take care of it.
Well, wait a second, God will take care of it in his way, but do you think he's going to take care of you if you were the lazy servant who he found sleeping when he came home? You ain't getting taken care of if you were the lazy servant. Okay? So, so first of all, please don't take trusting God for meaning you should be a lazy servant.
I trust God, so I fight three times harder. I don't sleep because I trust God, right? I don't want him to come and find me sleeping. So the other thing that I would say is, please, we've got to end the infighting. Yep. We're all sinners. I'm probably the worst of us. I'm a soulless lawyer. Please stop the infighting.
When we get rid of guys like you, you'll all know a Harari and these people who are trying to poison people and kill people and kill babies, then I'll worry about whether or not. You know, someone on our side was Christian enough or good enough or, you know, whatever until then, I, you know, but the books were designed to give you stuff so that you can actually take action.
Read it, share it, share the information. You can go to a town council meeting to, you know, you can argue these things after you read these. So that's the point of the books. We've got we've got a bunch more of them coming out. We just wanted to. It's kind of a new thing. Nobody does short books like this.
So we figured, yeah, we try it. It's either going to work well or be a big flop. One of the way, but that's up to God. Right. But that's the books We get by on your donations, follow us on, on truth social on X. And I have a question for you, Julie. So I want you to scold me because I, if there's a, if there's an authority on God on this interview, it's not me.
I mean, you know, a soulless lawyer versus like awesome profit y God person, woman who's like amazing. Right. So I I'm a guy who, I think all of us have our own ministry. Right. And I have no, like I said, soulless lawyer. I have no, no business teaching anybody about God, but I can absolutely introduce you to Jesus because I, I have to, I got to talk to him daily as a soulless lawyer to ask for forgiveness for my existence.
I just I just weighed in on a controversy and I'm curious, I'm just really curious what you think about this. Okay. So Dana Leish and Riley Gaines and a bunch of conservatives, they put out a calendar and it was, I mean, you know, they were wearing, Riley Gaines was wearing a swimsuit and a couple of, they were wearing, Dana Leish was wearing like jeans and a t shirt, but holding a couple of guns.
And the idea was to, you know, a calendar, right? Okay. I'll grant you. People would buy it to look at the girls. But I said, listen, there was an uproar about this because they said, they said that, you know, that's not Christian. And I said, well, maybe it's not perfect Christian, but are we real? Do we really need to fight over this?
I mean, do we really got to, I mean, I've got people, sex trafficking children, and you're worried about a calendar where the women are all clothed. I mean, there's no nudity and granted. And so I get the whole, and I've, I get it right. You know, don't promote lust this, that, and other, I get all that. But it's just like, have I, have I become so jaded as an attorney that I've lost sight of?
I mean, I just don't, I don't care about that. No, this is the thing. And I, and I'm right with you because this is the thing that the Lord has been saying that I don't know how long this last year or two, he said to unite. Because the enemy wants to do is he wants to divide us because the house of divide against itself cannot stand And so just like when you have people all over the place that are saying well that person's wrong and that person's wrong and they're Blasting it all over social media and they're tearing each other apart.
I'm talking about christians I'm talking about god fearing loving, you know, they have big ministries They are godly people but they're blasting persecution all over for many different people including myself One of the things that it hurts it doesn't hurt me to the fact that Oh my God, they said something that's going to make me sad.
It was a fact of, wait, why are you paying attention to me? Why are you not going and fighting the enemy? Why are you not praying and fighting? Like you said, for Silas trial says trafficking, why are you not praying for the January sixers and why are you not praying for what's going on in our country, the evil and how the evil has really got us to believe.
That we have to separate church versus state and we have to stay out of politics and we had to Why there are so there is life and death going on Of not only human beings but there's life and death going on with this country So i'm staying with you on that. We have to be united as a front lock arm in arm I don't care what our doctrines were and if this person believes in that There are people that are out there that don't believe the same way I do.
I don't care. I'm not out there blasting them all over social media. I'm not even mentioning their names. I would never do that because I'm not going to be judged for that. Because God is the one who corrects people, but we have to be, God has been very strict about this for paying attention. You have a common enemy.
He's out there stealing, killing, and destroying, and stop being distracted with what everybody else is doing and thinking this person's doing wrong. And this person's doing wrong, knock it off. You have a fight. You have an enemy and you got to shut him up. That is something that I love that you brought up because people have got to stop being divided in the body of Christ and stop being divided as American citizens or whatever country, because there's tons of countries watching, but no matter what country you're living in, you should be united as citizens.
There's a resistance growing worldwide and all these different countries all over the place. There are, they are pushing back against our governments. They are putting manure, manure shouldn't be, I love that. I just saying, I would love to see certain things like that happen. I wish that's happening to us.
I would love to see people when I mean by that, I would love to see people resisting. I would love to see people fighting up peacefully, peacefully. I'm not saying anything violent because what I always tell people, the greatest way you can fight. The greatest way you're going to win is by praying because God's word is a two edged sword and it destroys the power of our enemy.
So the best way we can do is to fight that good fight of faith. Like you said, we need to fight it together and not CAD being catty and religious and traditional and legalistic and, and whatever else we got to start saying, I don't care what you're doing. If it's wrong, God will deal with you. Let's bring it on.
Let's fight this good fight of faith and let's fight this common enemy. Thank you. I feel much better because I was starting to doubt myself. You know, I am a solace lawyer, so, and I got a lot of forgiveness to ask for. So, you know, I figured, but I mean, it's just like. I'm supposed to be offended by a calendar with no nudity when I've got people literally child sex trafficking across the border Literally pushing pedophilia around the country Literally pushing trans on children and porn hard real actual porn in elementary school libraries And yet we're gonna fuss over a calendar that's raising money to support women being in women's sports I mean, I just I, yeah, I, I understand.
I ain't perfect, but yeah, I'm just going to pick my battles. But you know what? That's that righteous in a nation rising up in you. And that's that wanting to see justice and wanting to see, you know, like you said, you deal with things and I want to pray with you. I want to pray for your sleep. I do want, and that's something that God said in his word that we can have sweet sleep.
I want, no matter what you're seeing, no matter how horrendous this is. No matter how evil it is and dark, this is that you are protected and shielded from that. And then God can give you peace and God can give you rest. Because again, you are doing things. You're a lawyer doing things in a court of battle and you're dealing with demonic things.
You are dealing with demonic forces on a daily basis when you go in those courtrooms. But you have to understand, and I want you to know that, and along with everybody else that's listening, is that God is the one. He is the one. No matter what we're facing as a nation, no matter what we're facing as a Christians, no matter what we're facing in our government, God is the only answer.
God is seriously the only answer to all these problems, and God is the solution. So I wanna pray and I want everybody to be in agreement with me and pray over Thomas because. Again, he does a lot of things for us and father god right now in jesus name We just looked up thomas rhines in his entire everyone who works with him Everything that he's dealing with father god.
I know that you know what he needs Well right now satan. I bind you the strong man Every principality every power and every ruler of darkness of this world is trying to hinder or harm him That's trying to bring this pressure on him That's trying to bring this weight on him with all the darkness that he's seeing father god You are his You are his comforter.
You are his way maker and you are the God who nothing isn't possible. So no matter what of these court cases that he's seeing and he's fighting father goth, I thank you that you have the heart in him, like David, that he is fighting these fights. Just like David did with Goliath. It doesn't matter how big those giants were that he knows just like David did that anyone that he's facing is against you.
And if they are against you, father God, you are in on his side. You are the greater one. And I thank you, father. God, just like David, he knew that because that Philistine was uncircumcised, he did not have a covenant with you. He knew that he would fall. So I thank you, father. God, right now. As thomas fights any of these fights some that he got to speak about and some that he's not allowed to talk about But I thank you father god, no matter how impossible these things are else should I you show up for him?
I thank you father god you provide I thank you father god that you make a way I thank you father god that you give him peace I thank you father god that you give him rest and no matter what it is I thank you that he knows that the greater one is with him everywhere. He goes and every courtroom and no matter what he hears or no matter what he sees, that he knows that you are bigger than anything he faces.
And I thank you, father, God. For tearing down these giants in front of him, tearing down these giants in this nation, tearing down this evil, this corruption and all these regimes and all that plots and plans and schemes of the enemy. Father God, there's only one plan that can work and that is yours. And we thank you father god for giving thomas wisdom and knowledge understanding even greater than he's already been given And show him no matter if it's in a dream show him father god when he's listening to you in any way Show him where he didn't see a way out of it before and we thank you father god for him We thank you father god for his strength We thank you father god for his perseverance that he won't give up and he won't quit and we thank you father god for that Fight that you've given into him And you've given all him all these victories and we thank you for it in jesus name Amen, and amen.
So again, you guys go to thomas or That's I know they've shared in the live chat. I have it right here. Go get his books Go and I know you are on social media. I know you were on it was a tick or Sorry, you're on twitter or x whatever, but what else? I call it twitter because That's what I know it asks, but what other social media platforms can they find you on truth?
Can they find you? What can they find? Oh yeah, we're on truth social at Tom Renz Twitter, where it runs Tom, cause I didn't have that one. And then we we've got our show. We do our show every day on rumble and on X and locals and substack. We've got, we do a sub stack and you know, I'm, I'm rude and I'm crude.
And I'm you know, an awful evil lawyer who says exactly what he thinks and kind of doesn't apologize. And I even swear now and then, so you need to pray for my soul. Which really that's actually no joke. I really do need that. But Hey yeah, please. We're the shows are actually important because we do know that we, we've got to get the word out, right.
We've got to make sure that people hear. What's going on and understand what's going on. We try and run live around, you know, 12 or one Eastern most weekdays. And we share whatever information we have. We try and try and, you know, keep people in the know when we have new things. And, and I think this year.
One of the most important things that I can do more than I can do in any one courtroom is going to be to make sure that we're getting truth out there. You know, some of the truth that we, we try and share through the courtrooms, there's just no process or time to get that done before 2024 selection.
So we really got to start reaching, reaching the people where they are. So the show's important. Yeah. And you know what? God doesn't expect us to be perfect. He doesn't and that's why we have Christ because he's the one who has made us the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus So it doesn't matter if you're perfect or not You are doing the will of God and we also pray the protection of God all over you No matter who you're facing that know up and formed against you shall prosper So I thank you Tom for being on the show today.
You are amazing. We love you I know the team loves you and we are so blessed to call you our friend So, thank you for all you're doing For this nation and for so many people to help them. And we just thank you. So, and people are asking, where is your live show? So he said, rumble, he's on rumble.
What's your rumble channel again for them? I think it's that Tom runs at Tom runs. Okay. So look up in rumble, look up Tom runs, and then also you can find him on truth. You can find him on X and then he has some sub stack. So you can go find, he's got those live shows. Go watch them. They're awesome. Go get those books.
He's got three of them. They're small. Go get those books. You can find them on his website and get up and stand up and resist and never surrender. So God bless you, Thomas. I thank you for being on today's show and God bless each and every one of you and share this episode out because people need to know that true so they can set them free.
So God loves you. We love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day!
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