Capture Of Boer Battery By The British (1900 Original Black & White Film)

10 months ago

Step into the heat of battle with this gripping black and white film from 1900! Experience the unwavering resolve of the Gordon Highlanders as they advance steadfastly in the face of a relentless barrage from the Boers. With the enemy's guns thundering and gunners falling around them, the Highlanders press on, inching closer to the contested ground with each step. In a moment of daring bravery, they launch a grand charge, breaking the siege and triumphantly planting their colors on the hard-won terrain. Don't miss this stirring portrayal of courage under fire.

Source :
Thomas A. Edison, I. & Paper Print Collection. (1900) Capture of Boer battery by British. White, J. H. U., prod United States: Edison Manufacturing Co. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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