Enough Is Enough: Mass Non-Compliance

2 months ago

We are at the point now where the younger generation will discover the error of their ways, that they were fooled by the Democrats and indeed by the RINOs. Perhaps now they will understand why the deep-state and their mockingbird media were hell bent on destroying President Trump. The cabal were intent on destroying America through ideological subversion and it pretty much succeeded, next on their hit list was Russia...the last bastion of Christianity. The Vatican's objective was to destroy Christianity and White Christians especially. You can see how the cabal are glued together by the video I have on my channel called 'Cult of Baal'. Things will get harder, and it will continue to get harder until the people finally get off their backsides and start to fight back with mass non-compliance.

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”
~Thomas Jefferson

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