"Little Boy Goes Crazy When He Receives a Nintendo Wii for Christmas"

6 years ago

"If you asked children about their favorite part of the Christmas morning, most of them would probably tell you that it’s the gift opening, obviously. But, if you have never seen a kid going crazy over the gift he’s got, you just have to watch this cute video! At the beginning of the video, you can see three excited kids sitting next to the Christmas Tree and opening their presents. So much fun! One of the boys picks up a present and his dad warns him to be careful. For all he knows, it might be made of glass. The boy opens up the Christmas present and he goes crazy when he realizes that Santa brought him a Nintendo Wii! Best Christmas ever! How precious is this boy? “The Wii!” He is bursting with excitement and the can’t help but scream! Best Christmas ever! Santa’s certainly nailed it this time! Absolutely hilarious!"

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