Novel Approaches to Dysbiosis in Clinical Practice

7 months ago

On March 6 2024 Brett Hawes, CFMP, CNP, hosted a webinar where he discussed how to use functional lab testing alongside symptomatology to address common gastrointestinal disorders associated with dysbiosis. Recent advances in our understanding of the microbiome have led to innovative new testing methods to uncover acute and chronic infections, as well as various dysbiotic scenarios.

You Will Learn:
- Symptom patterns for various infections and imbalances
- Challenges and limitations with lab testing
- Patterns observed on GI Map tests
- How to work with antimicrobials, pre and probiotics and binders based on observed patterns
- A framework for working with gut infections/dysbiosis to not overwhelm you or your clients/patients

Brett Hawes CNP, CFMP
Brett Hawes is a 2006 IHN graduate and in 2016 got certified in Functional Medicine through Functional Medicine University in the US. Initially, he practiced Ayurveda almost exclusively, then branched out into holistic and applied Iridology (Dr. Pesek and Dr. Jensen). Brett has worked in integrative clinical settings with DCs, DOs, RMTs, NDs, and TCM Practitioners, and has helped 1000's of clients overcome a wide variety of health issues in his 16 years of clinical practice. He runs a cloud-based online clinic with his primary focus being chronic and complex digestive issues, hormone health, and autoimmune disease. He has been in-class faculty at the Toronto and Mississauga campuses of IHN for 14 years teaching Nutrition & Health: The Fundamental as well as Nutrition & The Environment and Nutritional Symptomatology. Recently, he launched IHN's online program teaching Fundamentals. Brett is a long-time personal rights and freedoms advocate who believes in individuals having access to natural health products and practices of their choice. He has also done extensive work with First Nations and studied shamanic medicine.

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