Doctor exposing corruption Dr. Charles Hoffe interview 735

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Dr. Charles Hoffe is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has practiced medicine in South Africa, the United Kingdom and Canada. He moved to Canada in 1990, and has worked as a rural family doctor and ER physician for 32 years.

After seeing serious harm in his own patients from the experimental co vid “vac cines”, Dr Hoffe has been an outspoken advocate for patient safety, medical ethics and the Hippocratic Oath; “First, do no harm”. He has therefore been threatened and punished by the medical authorities, for both revealing evidence of harm, and for advocating for early treatment of CO VID-1 9 as an alternative to the “vac cines”.

Dr Hoffe was fired from his job as an emergency physician, for speaking about the effectiveness of natural immunity. He is “under investigation” by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC for the crime of causing “vac cine hesitancy”, and for advocating for early treatment with ive rmectin.

After getting no answers from the medical authorities regarding the treatment of his own vac cine injured patients, Dr. Hoffe set out to discover the real cause of their injuries, using a D-dimer blood test, thus incurring even more persecution from the medical authorities.

He will he giving us an update from his first interview

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