"Toddler Girl Launches Her Shoe Into Audience During Christmas Performance"

6 years ago

"Kids’ Christmas performances are just the cutest thing in the world! All the kids learn a song or a dance routine and get so excited to show their parents what they’ve prepared. What could possibly go wrong? If you have never seen a Christmas performance go wrong, this video is just for you! As the video begins, you can see a group of toddler boys and girls on a stage. They are taking part in a preschool Christmas performance, and they are absolutely adorable! While all the parents in the audience are carefully enjoying the performance, the little ones are singing and dancing in the most adorable way! All of a sudden, the girl on the far left gets a little bit too excited by the dance routine they’re all doing. She kicks her foot in the air and her shoe flies into the audience! OMG! I was not expecting that, and nor did the poor man who got hit by that flying shoe! LOL! This little girl got caught on camera launching her shoe into the audience! This is the funniest Christmas performance I’ve ever seen for sure!"

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