October 23rd, 2077

11 months ago

(F04 Part 2) Nate and Nora Fudd are comfortably enjoying their lives and their newborn child in the suburbs of Boston. Nate is a retired veteran of the US Army and Nora is an attorney. On the weekends, they like spending time with each other in the outdoors, mostly hunting and hanging out in the park. Nora's skill doesn't come from all the years of college, it comes from all the years of hunting.

{Editors' Note: You may have noticed already, but if you didn't I'll tell you. I am literally the world's worst character creator in video games. I cannot make a character that looks like me or anyone I know, I'm terrible at it. I attempt to just keep it close to default and change one or two things most of the time. So, yeah.}

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