AWK-4.15.24:April SHOWERS-Isr@el Fireworks?-Not WW3-Exposure of THEIR plans-Precipice close-Ad Free!

8 months ago

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I’m a fan of LT from And We Know. Here’s the latest episode without ads. Enjoy! ;- )

Episode Description:
Scottie Scheffler interview
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Gina Carano says that she has grown spiritually as a Christian since the pandemic after being fired unjustly for speaking out for the unvaccinated,
August 17th, 2023 Trump predicted that Biden's payment of 6 billion dollars to Iran would stoke mayhem throughout the Middle East and cost countless lives.
Trump says that this escalation would have never happened if he was President and that he will quickly revive America.
2007 - Former General Wesley Clark revealed U.S. plan for Middle East wars and 'taking out' seven countries
Purchasing a child for sex is a misdemeanor in California, carrying a maximum sentence of a year in jail.

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