Nick Patterson Wins in Court Against Victoria Police (again)! - Evidence Dismissed

2 months ago

Tuesday April 16th, 2024:

This is the latest in-depth update of 'Australian Peacemaker' Nick Patterson's court case against Victoria Police, interviewed by Tristan Triccy Van Rye of 'The Peoples Revolution.'

Nick and his friends were severely assaulted and beaten unlawfully and illegally by Victoria Police in 2021 whilst walking back to their cars after schooling the police in the law. Nick was then put in solitary confinement for 1 month to silence him.

3 years later whilst the police drag the case out on purpose and lie under oath in their statements to what occurred, Nick and his team continue to fight for whats right and just.

An initial ruling in the Melbourne County Court, compelled Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton and then Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews to give sworn evidence that the harshest lockdowns on Earth in Melbourne, Australia were justified and lawful along with providing the science they relied upon in that determination. Both Sutton and Andrews refused to comply with the courts orders.

This is the first time anywhere in the world where a court has compelled the political leaders and government officials of a state or country to prove that the lockdowns were legal and provide the science that they told everyone to trust.

This is critical because if the lockdowns were shown to be illegal, than any action taken by the government or police in response to that, is then also illegal and unlawful.

Then after a further application in the Melbourne County Court to have the police evidence they relied upon in their prosecution against Nick dismissed from the upcoming 15 day jury trial in May, the judge ruled in favor of Nick. The Judge cited that Nick and his friends conduct was legal, lawful, reasonable, necessary and proportionate in self defense when the police body cam footage was viewed and so threw all the police evidence out of from the moment the police attacked him. The judge also said the police acted illegally and lied in their statements to the court.

Victoria Police therefore now have no case. No legal argument. And no evidence to continue their witch hunt of an innocent civilian who just chose to stand up and speak his truth against tyranny.

Now the real fun begins, with the next phase of prosecuting the police and government for their criminal conduct.

Watch this space! To be continued....

For more information and how you can help please see:
* Tristan Triccy - 'The Peoples Revolution'

* Nick Patterson - 'Australian Peacemakers'

" When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty."
~ Thomas Jefferson

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
~ John 8:32

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