Middle East Escalation - The Word Cloud Tarot Show - 16 Apr 2024

2 months ago

Today is Tuesday the 16th of April 2024 and this week,
Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles into
Israel's territory.

@pre@boing.world does a five minute tarot reading
to investigate and finds that while relations looked
like they were becoming more peaceful, the oppression
under the surface made it a tinderbox so even the smallest
betrayal can escalate to destroy the precious peace.


Welcome friends to the wordcloud tarot show,
direct from the Tarotdrome here in cyber-space
in front of an audience of tarot cartoons!

Today is Tuesday the 16th of April 2024 and last
weekend, Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles
into Israel's territory.

What's going on with that?

Lets do a tarot reading to find out.

We'll use this, the word cloud tarot happy toast
deck. Each card has a drawing by the amazing Happy
Toast, plus the meaning of the card is written
onto each card itself in a word-cloud.

This makes our reading very transparent,
you can see that the cards mean what we
say they mean.

Today we'll do the usual five card spread,
so lets go!

### History - 12 Of Pentacles, Knight

The first card represents history,
that is the knight of Pentacles.

The knight is a
_contemplative_ _conscious_
_diligent_ _educated_ fellow.

And here he represents the uneasy
truce between the nations in recent

_Opportunistic_, sure, _accepting_
in a _dutiful_ _equanimous_ way that
even if the countries can't be friends,
at least they can find _purposeful_ _advantage_
in not fighting, gather a _pious_ peace dividend.

The _realization_ that even just _financial_
incentives demand more _munificence_ towards
each other.

To call it _benevolent_ _magnanimous_ or _altruistic_
would be an exaggeration, but you get the idea,
this is a _methodological_ _enterprising_
peace, barely stable.

But at least they weren't blowing each other up
all that much.

### External - 6 Of Cups, Pleasure

The External card is the six of cups. Pleasure.

Externally, this looked like it was a
_saccharine_ _mawkish_ _bliss_.

I mean we're exaggerating again, clearly,
it's not that there's an _enthusiasm_
to be _together_.

This isn't _love_ _passion_ and _delight_
even from the outside, but it's
that sort of direction.

Perhaps a _fondness_ in it's _infancy_ ,
_anticipation_ of _honesty_ and _sincerity_
at least.

There is some _pleasure_ in peace with your enemy.

### Hidden - 10 Of Wands, Oppression

In the Hidden position we have the ten of Wands, Oppression

While it may look like a pleasure, there is
in fact much _repression_, not even that deeply hidden.

_colonial_ _subjugation_ ,
_brutal_ _enslavement_,
_injustice_ and _tyranny_ and _pain_

The _authoritarian_ _surveillance_ _fascists_
_persecute_ their _victims_ on both
sides of the borders.

Even during the peace,
there are protestors in _chains_ ,
_statutory_ _pressure_ and onerous _responsibility_
_confinement_, _obligation_, _entrapment_,

These states may project apparent pleasure,
an uneasy accord, but government oppression
and tension lie under the surface.

### Present - 12 Of Trumps, Hangedman

The card for this moment is the 12th Trump, The Hanged man

An _interruption_ and _incomprehension_ ,
an _understanding_ is _renounced_ and _abjured_ .

The peace is _relinquished_.

Under attack people _cede_ the peace and
_suspend_ their good will, they
_forego_ _insight_ and _denounce_
instead of forgive.

Their _devotion_ leads to _suspension_ of law,
to _disdain_ in their _perception_ of other's
_viewpoints_ . To _indifference_ and _detachment_ .

People feel _nonchalance_ for _implications_
which makes them _abdicate_ reasonableness and
_abandon_ peace.

Inevitably, it leads to _disaster_, _catastrophe_ .


### Outcome - 5 Of Cups, Disappoint

The final slot tells us the outcome, and
that is the five Of Cups, Disappoint.

When people abandon care for consequences,
and seek revenge for oppression
instead of furthering the peace,
they will be disappointed.

They are heading for _calamity_ .

The cycle of _injury_ and _revenge_
leads to _bereavement_ , _sorrow_ ,
_despair_ , _trauma_ ,_sadness_
_misfortune_ , _heartache_ ,
_misery_ , _anguish_ and _loss_.

Each escalation leads to more
_frustration_, _treachery_ and
_disappointment_ and yet more
_dismay_ _desperation_ and _unhappiness_

The outcome of losing sight of your enemy's
humanity is _deception_ _weariness_ and _regret_.

### Summary

Relations between the nations was more diligent
and opportunistic than friendly, but purposeful
peace was being pursued.

It looked like it was going okay, with some
anticipation of cooperation in it's infancy.

But really under the surface is lots of unaddressed
oppression and suffering.

It's a powder-keg, and even the smallest
betrayal or interruption, a single hanged man,
can relinquish the hold on peace.

Then the cycle of disappointment, injury and
revenge destroys everything.

The key is de-escalation,
and addressing the oppression,
understanding and reluctance for revenge,
only that can give a peace dividend,
not an eye for an eye, but maybe just one
eye for every two?

I note that the cards don't
say who swung the first hanged man,
and that every state in the region
and beyond is guilty of kinds of oppression.

I don't think the cards here cast
more judgement upon either side,
unless they fail to de-escalate,
fail to seek ways to address oppression,
and continue that cycle of revenge.

### End

That's what the cards tell me anyway.

You can get a deck to see what the cards tell you
from wordcloud tarot dot com

There you can also join the mail-list to be notified
of new episodes, or you can follow us on fedi
at @wordcloudtarot@wordcloudtarot.com or on
peertube at @wordcloudtarot@dalliance.network.

Or we also cross-post to the horrible private
financial extraction machines at youtube, tiktok
and Rumble.

Thanks for watching,
if you thought this was fun or good or true or weird,
tell a friend, they almost surely haven't seen it.

### Next time:

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