Winter To Spring

11 months ago

The comfort of God is so very prevalent at all times. God’s comfort is a beautiful, strong, amazing thing. I hope you all receive it and are strengthened by it. We all have some winter in our soul, we can’t avoid those times of sorrow and lament, because of our human condition. We human beings very rarely get things completely right, especially when we “think we know” something that we don’t know and we assume, speculate and talk up things that are not truth.

We are easily deceived and that is why human beings so frequently hurt other human beings. Sad to say, we all have probably experienced the hurt and pain of false accusations, condemnation, betrayal, conditional love and rejection. These wintery days of our soul, we go to God for comfort and we find that spring does come to our soul as we receive the comfort of God. Jesus is able to comfort us because He too received comfort from the Father God, as He was falsely accused, condemned and died a criminals’ death. Yet this conviction did not stand as Jesus rose from the dead and defeated the enemy of our soul.

Yes, winter bloomed into a miraculous spring, and because of Jesus, it can for us too. Winter can’t stick around as God heals our soul, and spring is daily ushered in by Jesus Christ, majestically so.

If you need the comfort of God today, spend some time in His Word, knowing Him, knowing He is F.I.T. Faithful-Infiinte-Trustworthy to heal your soul of winter woes and bring you into the wow of Spring. God bless you.
Dig Deeper:
God Is Our Comfort
Care Unlimited
Isaiah 44:6-8
Omnipresent Encouragement
Isaiah 41:17-20;43:1-10
Masterful Strengthener
Isaiah 50:7-9
Freedom Infused
Isaiah 49:1-7;50;10
Our Relief
Isaiah 51:4-6
Retroactive Renewal
Isaiah 40:1-11;29-31
Trustworthy Redeemer
Isaiah 54:1-10

Receive God’s Comfort
Jesus, His name is my personal hope. I have total access to Jesus, and His comfort. I can praise God even on the dark days of my life, because Jesus, is the Servant of the Lord, Who comforts me in my brokenness, and Who will not crush me, but will set me free!

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