Bin Laden Family Connections: From The Grand Mosque Seizure To Afghanistan

2 months ago

In the aftermath of the seizure of the Masjid al-Haram, the holiest mosque in Mecca, it became known from Saudi internal investigations that the Bin Laden family had connections with the militants headed by Juhayman al-Otaybi who considered himself the next "Mahdi". Osama Bin Laden, and one of his brothers, Mahrous, are suspected of being involved. Shortly afterwards, Bin Laden travels to Afghanistan and begins using the family construction business trucks and land movers to build roads and ditches in the mujaheddin fight against the Soviets. It is suspected that thru the CIA and British SAS and Saudi donors that they begin funding numerous Islamic charities from the United States and Pakistan. Hundreds of millions begin being funneled thru many of these sources including the Maktab al-Khidamat which has branches in NYC and other US cities.

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