The War On Terrorism After The Death Of Osama Bin Laden

2 months ago

With the assassination of Osama Bin Laden on May 1st 2011, Al Qaeda was taken aback from the loss of it's emir and founder. However Islamic fundamnetlist groups such as the Islamic State & The Levant, Abu Sayyaf, Jabhat al-Nusra, and Al-Shabaab still had an acknowledged presence in the Levant and Southeast Asia. As the United States pushed forward with it's imperialistic worldview led by it's continuous bombing of mostly Shia Muslim countries, the Wahhabi led terrorist groups began receiving funding from Saudi Arabia in the hopes of toppling socialist Arab countries who were seen as a threat to the Gulf while also fighting against the United States and it's coalition partners. Meanwhile in Syria, the United States thru a CIA covert program, "Timber Sycamore" began funding and training Wahhabi militant groups to assist in the forcibly overthrow of the Bashir al-Assad government. While Israel aid wounded Wahhabi terrorists in hospitals located in the Golan Heights. Leading the question. Is Islamic fundamentalism a transnational threat? And if so, why are the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel helping to "tentatively" collaborate with the enemy in the so called "war on terror'?

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