The Noble Character of Hazrat Imam Hassan RA - A Seerat Overview

2 months ago

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Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, we are discribing The Noble Character of Hazrat Imam Hassan RA - A Seerat Overview.

So friends, RasolAllah said that khilfah would last thirty years; thus it is documentary evidence.

Apparently Suy??i refers to the ?ad?th he himself reports from Im?m A?med: Bahz narrated to us from Hamm?d ibn Salamah who narrates from Saý?d ibn Jam’h?n from Saf?nah, said he: ‘I heard Ras?lAll?h šallAll?hu álayhi wa sallam say: ‘Caliphate is for thirty years; thereafter shall be an empire’. Ibn Hibb?n and others opined that this report is rigorously authenticated.

Hassan means ‘beautiful’, and in other meanings.‘good’

Muslim reports from Sayyidah Á?yishah ra?iyall?hu ánh?: ‘Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam came out one morning, and he had a Yemeni cloak on him, made of black hair. Hasan ibn Áli came to him, and he took him in his cloak; ?usayn ibn Áli came and he took him in it as well; F??imah came and he allowed her in it as well; Áli came and he let him in the cloak too. And then he recited the verse 33 of surah Ahzab All?h wishes to cleanse you from all impurity, O the household [of the Prophet ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam] and cleanse you for ever’

Hazrat Hasan ibn Ál? ibn Ab? ??lib ra?iyall?hu ánh? [May All?h tá?l? be pleased with him]: Ab? Mu?ammad, the grandson of Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam and his perfume; and the last khalifa of Caliphate Rashidun as mentioned in the ?ad?th.

Ibn Saád reports from Ímr?n ibn Sulaym?n; said he: ‘?asan and ?usayn are two names from paradise; none of the Arabs knew of this name prior to these two in Jahiliyyah.

Hazrat ?assan was born on the 15th of Rama??n, the third year after hijrah. He has narrated ?ad?th from Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam. Á?yishah ra?iyall?hu ánh? has narrated from him; also, a multitude from among the tabiú?n [the successors] have narrated from him. Like his own son ?assan the Second, Ab? ?awr?’a Rab?áh ibn Sin?n, Shaáb?, Ab? W?yil and Ibn S?r?n.

He resembled Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam very much. Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam named him ?assan. He sacrificed [two lambs] on his behalf on the seventh day and shaved the newborn’s head. He instructed that the weight of this hair in silver, to be given away as charity. And he is among the five, known as the ‘folk of the cloak’

Áskar? says: This name (?assan) was not known at all in the pagan times [Jahiliyya].

Mufa??al says: All?h tá?l? had concealed the names ?assan and ?usayn, until the Prophet ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam named his two [grand] sons with these names.

Bukh?ri reports from Anas; said he: ‘No one resembled the Prophet ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam more than ?assan ibn Ál?.’

Shaykhayn report from Bar?’a; said he: I have seen Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam with ?asan upon his shoulder, saying: ‘O All?h I love him, so [Ye] love him too’

Bukh?ri reports from Ab? Bakr, said he: I have seen Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam on the pulpit [minbar] with ?asan on his side. He looked at the assembly and ?asan alternately, and said: ‘Verily, this son of mine is a great leader. Mayhap that All?h will unite two groups of Muslims on his account.’

Bukh?ri reports from Ibn Úmar, said he: ‘Both [?asan and ?usayn] are my two perfumes in this world’.

Tirmidh? and ??kim report from Ab? Saý?d al-Khudr?, said he: Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam said: ‘?asan and ?usayn are the two leaders of young men in paradise’.

Tirmidhi reports from Us?mah ibn Zayd, said he: I once saw ?asan and ?usayn on the lap of Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam and he said: ‘These two are my children, my grandsons. O All?h I love them; [You] love them too. And love all those who love them’.

It is reported from Anas, said he: Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam was asked, which member of his family were his favorite; he replied: ‘?asan and ?usayn’.

??kim reports from Ibn Ább?s, that Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam was once carrying ?assan on his shoulders. A man met him on the way and said: ‘What a magnificent mount that you ride, young man.’ Ras?lAll?h ?allAll?hu álayhi wa sallam replied, ‘And what a magnificient rider is he!’

Both Sunni and Shiite sources have transmitted this saying of the Holy Prophet concerning Hassan and Hussein:"These two children of mine are Imams whether they stand up or sit down" (allusion to whether they occupy the external function of caliphate or not).

The researcher who examines the life of the Holy Prophet’s grandson, Imam Hassan and his brother, Imam Hussein (as),can’t help drawing the conclusion that they enjoyed a high level of education and spiritual and ideological upbringing, which no other person had won next to their grandfather (pbuh),mother and father (as).

The imprints of the revelation and Divine care marked their characters, in all its aspects, ingredients and angles.
They were highly refined and brought up in line with Islam’s teachings by their grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), their father, Imam Ali (a.s.), and their mother Fatima (a.s.) , through excellent examples and direct daily guidance. Although they lost both their grandfather and mother at an early age, their upbringing suffered no interruption. Their father, Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (a.s.), the disciple of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), and the graduate from the school of Divine revelation, who was the beacon for the people, was alive, throwing his shade over them. There is no doubt that Imams Hassan and Hussein (a.s.) wound up in the stage of Divine preparation.

They were prepared to shoulder the responsibility of the Divine message, in form and content. The ultimate result was that both Imams Hasan and Hussein (a.s.) became Islam personified walking on the earth.

Allah Hafiz


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