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15 seconds

15 seconds

Juan O Savin 4/15/24 video A

10 months ago

Juan O Savin with Tom Numbers


  • 0/2000
  • Outstanding. Thank you both. A light in the darkness.

    1 like
  • God does not want our burnt offerings, He wants our love.

    1 like
  • This chap may be a little left field somewhere but at least he's not a disrespectful pessimistic brat

  • WE HAVE THE TOOLS TO FIGHT TYRANNY!!!!! INVOLVES LOOKING AT OUR HISTORY>>>>>> These tools that has been given to us has been silently removed from our knowing through the public education system. These tools are very effective on our government, and these are the reasons for them not being taught to us any longer. The United States of America, Inc is a private Corporation for profit & not our Government under the Republic for which we stand. All of the different branches of the Government, including the State, County, & Townships alleging to being a valid Government under the Constitution of 1787 & their respected State constitutions are nothing but franchise of the corporate head (USA, Inc.). These tools are found in the Bill of Rights, & not in the US Constitution. This is done deliberately by our Founding Fathers to empower us with full unalienable rights.. FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO https://linktr.ee/theunitedstatesofamerica