Article 4756 Video - This Time of Year - Monday, April 15, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4756 Video - This Time of Year - Monday, April 15, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Sunday afternoon, April sunshine; for now the light so pale and clear, catches the reflection of mud puddles and rivulets, and the pale and equally transparent sky. Birds have begun to reappear like the budded branches of the trees.

Those newly arrived avians sit hunched up against the petty chill, like northbound Floridians taking an early trip home to see the Grandkids, mostly quiet, while those who saw the worst of the winter here twirl and chirp and wheel like acrobats in the air, dizzy with the sudden warmth and light.

Pussy willows, clad in grey-white fur, poke their toes out into the world, tempted by the sunshine.

Everywhere you look, there's mud. Mud where mud should be, and where it shouldn't, on dog paws, and in window boxes, in the shadow of trees, on my front doorstep.

For a moment anyway, I give up the constant battle.

Just take a deep breath of the cool air and breathe.

If we are just patient for a moment, we will know what all went on, which tulip bulbs were eaten by shrews, where Tom Young, the Weasel, Esquire, spent the winter, how many bunnies have been hiding in the old wood pile, which perennials are stirring to life, and which succumbed to the snowiest winter on record.

Thank God for the old brown and reddish brown Wellies, rubber boots the way rubber boots should be, made for long, slow steps on soft ground. They are just right to find one's way out into the woods, to look for the earliest early blooms and mushrooms, and find me a seat on a sturdy windfall, looking down at the greening moss and tiny, stubborn Twin Flowers between my feet.

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