Ruby Sun Artificial Red Wave Correction: Dissolving False Timeline Loops

5 months ago

"A secondary grail line emerged within Earth human populations about 248,000 years ago, through hybridization with the Nephilim race. The Nephilim Race is a hybrid race of cloister human from previous earth seedings combined with the Sirian Annunaki race strain. The Nephilim race biology contains the 9 through 11-strand DNA template of the density-3 and 4 (Dimensions 9-11) Ruby Order Nephilim-Elohim. The Nephilim-Elohim 9-11 strand DNA template is called the Ruby Sun DNA. It allows for biological transmutation into the etheric through pre-matter hydroplasmic forms of dimensions 9-11. Consciousness incarnating in the Ruby Sun biology enters from the 9th through 11th dimensions.

The Ruby Sun Nephilim-Elohim human lineage later became the family lines of Pharaoh Akhenaton, and the Christiac Secondary Grail Line of Jeshewua-Ahumbra after his birth in 7 BC. The Ruby Sun Nephilim-Elohim hybrid race assists in the evolution of Earth human races that have suffered genetic digression due to detrimental hybridization with the Sirian Annunaki and Annunaki-Drakonian Reptilian races."

- Angelic Realities: The Survival Handbook by Ashayana Deane


The following original meditation is mainly geared towards those carrying the Ruby Sun/Fallen Angelic biology, and is intended to correct all false AI Redwave current which is hinged in the center of the human brain. Though it is strongest within the Ruby Sun DNA template, it is present to some degree within all of humanity. Therefore, it is open to any soul who wishes to correct this aspect of their personal lightbody structure.

The AI Redwave current is an alien technology being projected by Wesa beings mainly into those connected to the Ruby Order, which generates false timeline loops, causes black flowering and generates anti-hierogamic bindings. It is absolutely essential that this current is corrected and proper energy flow is reinstated, or the soul will continue to repeat the same negative feedback loops over and over. False timeline loops create the illusion of progressing forward on the ascension timeline, but they are actually regressing back into the phantom spaces. Black flowering is a process of Diamond Heart architecture reversal generated by lunar constructs (False Mother gestalts) within the lightbody. So long as lunar energies are present within the lightbody structure, the soul will continue to regress back into the space of the Phantom Matrix and cannot achieve hierogamic union, and this is what creates these bindings. And ultimately this is why it is so vital to correct artifical red wave energies.

The Ruby Sun biology is connected to the first color wave spectrum of red, which is associated with the tailbone, or root, chakra. This is why they are so susceptible to this technology. Those carrying the Ruby Sun DNA template carry an 11th reversal DNA strand which runs Fallen Angelic consciousness into the incarnated soul. As a soul with this particular DNA blueprint, I feel an immense responsibility to those carrying the Ruby biology to help them embody their highest timeline and break free of the Fallen Angelic influence within their DNA coding.


Those connected to the Ruby Order mission have specifically chosen to incarnate into family lines with digressed DNA in order to restore the access to the 12-strand DNA potential and rehabilitate the fragmented Nephilim consciousness which is part of their biology. This is mainly done through the vein of an Indigo 3 polarity integrator soul contract. There is a DNA linkup between the Ruby Sun DNA and the Emerald Sun DNA which allows for full 48-strand access within the human body. The Emerald embodiment is fully achieved upon the completion of the Indigo 3 contract in which they take on the Indigo Type 1 energetic template. Because of its link to the Fallen Angelics, this means it is connected to Luciferian energy and therefore its main objective is Divine Masculine rehabilitation - restoring the authentic expression of Holy Father, which is compassion in action. Aiding in the healing of these darker races reconnects these fallen souls with the energy of their original source and creates the potential for them to choose to evolve, which they will do on a planet that has been set aside for them.


This meditation contains rhetoric and terminology that would eradicate deeply-held belief systems of those who ascribe to mainstream spiritual belief. Before you interact with this, please ensure that this is something you genuinely align with.

Please ask this question of your Higher Self. Is this a meditation that serves your highest purpose in this Now moment? If you received a yes, then please proceed. Otherwise, I would highly recommend turning this meditation off.


The initiation of the 12D Shield and the creation of the Hub Handshake will be performed within the meditation itself, so there is no need to do it beforehand.

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Recording Equipment Used: Blue Yeti Professional Multi-Pattern USB Condenser Microphone (


At this moment in time, due to the consciousness level of the planet, it is necessary to practice extreme caution before approaching the Guardian information. Although things like The Ascension Glossary have made it freely available to the masses, it is still important to practice discernment before engaging with it.

Much of the Guardian information is removed due to the influence of the Power Elite. This is why a lot of this information requires a certain value exchange to occur. In order to access it, many have placed it under lock and key behind dollar signs. Not in a way that advocates materialism, but to ensure that the person gaining access to it is truly genuine.

I cannot emphasize enough that the Guardian Level Freedom Teachings have the power to eradicate every false narrative that exists on this planet.

We as spiritual beings have a personal duty to act from a space of harmlessness. This means taking more than yourself into account. If someone is not at the point in their journey where they are ready to take this information on peacefully, and they come across it, they will react very violently, and you will be partially responsible. And thus, that fragmented energy of carelessness will attach itself to you.

This is why I laden this information, specifically the meditations, with such thick red tape. I must ensure that those who are attempting to access my content are at the proper place in their own development to be able to take this information on responsibly and with integrity.

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