Real Ben - US foreign aid since 1946. Fascinating.

10 months ago

Real Ben @AtRealBen
US foreign aid since 1946.
10:21 AM · Apr 15, 2024
Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit
And there's supposed to be something REALLY REALLY **WRONG WITH YOU** if you ask where all these billions have really been going...since the beginning of the Vietnam War.
Perhaps asking that question is what killed JFK.
Revealing his 'anti-Semitism' like that... 😬🤷‍♂️
Nothing's changed.
Today you're told to simply BELIEVE all the billions of dollars extracted from American taxpayers goes EXACTLY WHERE THEY CLAIM TO YOU that it is going.
Do you STILL believe what Big Brother NWO tells you?
If so, can I ask why that is still the case?

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