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Tucker Carlson & Roseanne Barr, Timcast: World War 3, Wendy Bell Radio, Dan Bongino: FBI Spying | EP1169

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*** :14
Tucker Carlson 04/15 - Lifelong Democrats Are Turning to Trump. Roseanne Barr Explains Why.

Timcast 04/15 - World War 3 Trending After Iranian Strike On Israel

*** 1:07:25
Wendy Bell Radio 04/15 - TAX DAY: BREAKING AMERICA

*** 7:49
Dan Bongino 04/15 - Is The FBI Spying On Trump Again? (Ep. 2229)

Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA and Dr. Scott Marsland, FNP-C: Welcome To The Leading Edge Clinic

Peter McCullough, MD, MPH: The Wellness Company

My Free Doctor: 'Banned' Methods Used To Treat 150,000+ COVID Patients By Doctors Organization Had Only 4 Deaths


  • 0/2000
  • John the wall cost was $35 from every American alive the Iran deal was $77,000 from ever American alive. some of that money was Iran's that was being keep from them as part of embargo but most of it was from American workers. Hillary sold 20% of our bomb grade uranium to Russia at the very same time. Russia sold are uranium to Iran. the uranium was destroyed in transit.

  • Money was released to Iran by Biden weeks before Oct 7 .. we need to remember this all started on Oct 7 ..

  • Really like your style Great 👍 Information BLESSINGS 🙏🏻💜✝️

  • Joynm just started following your channel @MurTech. cjrooney just started following your channel @MurTech. muneebafzal just started following your channel @MurTech. feeyakier just started following your channel @MurTech. Debbiebs commented on your video "ACLJ - Sekulow, USA Watchdog/Ed Dowd, Rubin Report, Anthony Brian Logan: "Liberal Haters" | EP1168". SANN416 commented on your video "ACLJ - Sekulow, USA Watchdog/Ed Dowd, Rubin Report, Anthony Brian Logan: "Liberal Haters" | EP1168". Bgolis commented on your video "ACLJ - Sekulow, USA Watchdog/Ed Dowd, Rubin Report, Anthony Brian Logan: "Liberal Haters" | EP1168". KRocky commented on your video "ACLJ - Sekulow, USA Watchdog/Ed Dowd, Rubin Report, Anthony Brian Logan: "Liberal Haters" | EP1168". Superman3312 commented on your video "ACLJ - Sekulow, USA Watchdog/Ed Dowd, Rubin Report, Anthony Brian Logan: "Liberal Haters" | EP1168". Lindadelaney commented on your video "ACLJ - Sekulow, USA Watchdog/Ed Dowd, Rubin Report, Anthony Brian Logan: "Liberal Haters" | EP1168". Miss67 commented on your video "ACLJ - Sekulow, USA Watchdog/Ed Dowd, Rubin Report, Anthony Brian Logan: "Liberal Haters" | EP1168".

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  • Thank you for this show!

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  • Hey 👋 PATRIOTS 💔🤍💙❗️✅ What the heck is Going On Patriots With 181 FOKES WATCH’IN 👀 This Live Stream From MURPH & ONLY 21 PEOPLE HIT The Like 👍 Button? You Do Realize That By NOT HIT’in The Like 👍 Button You Are Freak’in Hindering MURPH’s Videos From Get’in More Views From The Algorithm❗️ Let’s Be Team Player’s & Hit 💥👍💥That Like Button Fokes So Murph Can Get This Real & Truthful Information On To Other American’s Who Are Try’in To Find Truthful News That You Know That Could Never 👎 Ever Be Found On The Corrupted & LIE’IN MSM❗️ If we are going to be the communist party of America, a.k.a. the lying 🤥 & Cheat’in DemoRats Everybody Has To Help To Get The Truth Out & By HITTING THE LIKE 👍 BUTTON YOU WILL BE HELPING OTHERS IN FIND’IN THE TRUTH❗️✅

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  • Hey 👋 Murph, Did you see the look that President Trump was given that freaking little weasel speaker Johnson when he was running off at the mouth ! If looks could kill that little prick could be dead ! President Trump is doing the old Sun Tzu with LIE’IN Mike 🤥 Johnson 🗣️💩🔥❗️✅ “ keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer ! “

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  • Just started following you... great site

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  • Thanks Murtech again awesome news !

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  • SANN416: Good afternoon Murtech your loyal followers you give great info attention to all issues of concern Uncloudy: Murtech provides great news and saves me time…..thumbs up 👍🏼

  • The more I listen to Roseanne the more I see why the American government wanted to shut her up. “BECAUSE SHE TELLS THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IS DOING TO US ALL”. Covid is a planned attack from China America and other countries. They been creating the covid virus and covid vaccine for over sixty years. They planned to lower the earth’s population, it’s called the great reset. Well we should reset all the rich. LOL🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • I like Roseanne because she just came out and said it. The globalist, the rich elite Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci Big pharma and a bunch of other people, probably the Bolsheviks Jews are trying to kill us. We can fight back. We don’t have to take their needle in the arm.