Zero karma and bypassing the bardos

8 months ago

In Buddhist teachings, there’s this idea about how we should aim to live our lives so that by the time we’re saying goodbye to this world—or as they put it, leaving our “biosuit”—we’ve managed to wipe our karma slate clean. Why bother? Well, with zero karma, there’s nothing to pull you back into the cycle of being reborn over and over again. You get to go straight back to your cosmic roots, free from the hassle of reincarnation.

It’s a tough goal to reach, and it’s something also covered in the Tibetan and Egyptian Books of the Dead, and even whispered about in secret circles of indigenous elders. These teachings tell us that when you leave your body, you’ll enter the Bardos, a kind of spiritual maze filled with every unresolved issue and emotional scene from your life. The trick to getting through? Just watch the drama unfold without getting sucked into the emotions or conflicts. Stay neutral, and you'll navigate through this maze, and bypass the usual reincarnation route.

By understanding and embracing these ideas—whether through ancient texts or modern accounts—we can reclaim our soul's journey beyond time and space.

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