Psalms 25 we're called to be as wise as serpents but innocent as doves

5 months ago

Psalm 25 really does lay out those two camps - the humble who listen and follow Yahuah's ways, and the treacherous who operate without any good cause.

As believers, we're called to be as wise as serpents but innocent as doves when dealing with the wolves of this world. We can't stoop to deploying their wicked methods, even if we understand how they operate.

This psalm is basically David saying "Look Yahuah, I'm trying to stay on the straight and narrow here, following Your paths with integrity. But I'm surrounded by enemies who hate me for no good reason, always looking to make me stumble. I've messed up before, but You've forgiven my lawlessness out of Your kindness. So I'm asking You to cover me, defeat these visible and invisible forces working against me, and keep guarding my life until You redeem Your people out of all this distress."

When we find ourselves in situations like that, overwhelmed by opposition on all sides, this is a raw, real prayer we can cry out. Reminding Yahuah that because of His compassion towards us, we're seeking His protection, His wisdom to keep walking uprightly, and ultimately for Him to bring down the curtain on the enemy's schemes once and for all.

David knew he couldn't save himself from the traps and hatred of his enemies. But he also knew Yahuah was his deliverer, the one who leads the humble in the right ways according to His covenant. So he was real about his struggles, but also confident that crying out to Yahuah was his only hope.

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