X22 Report-H Schlanger-DS Using Every Trick In To Stop What’s Coming-People Are Waking Up-Ad Free!

3 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest spotlight episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

This Episode Description:

Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization.  Harley begins the conversation talking about the Germany on how the people are beginning to wake up and push back, they see their economy breaking down and the policies of the climate scam is not working. It started with the farmers pushing back now it is spreading to all. The [DS] is now trying to push the world into war. Their plan will fail in the end, the people will be pushed to the precipice and will find the will to change.

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