AmFirst Statistician With Masters Degree Must Win Collier County SOE

9 months ago

Dave Schaffel builds a compelling case why Florida has a major problem within our Supervisor Elections offices from the top down. He says from the Secretary of State Cord Byrd on down to every county SOE, the fix is in as they all parrot the UniParty's official line that 2020 was "the most secure elections in our history". Dave Schaffel vehemently disagrees and his statistical analysis proves it.

Are our current SOEs even qualified for such a data-intensive job? How do they know what the numbers are telling them about our elections? Why are the voter rolls still so packed with many questionable voters that make our elections more vulnerable?

For every 2,000 ballots Dave examined from the 2020 Collier County election, he was able to discern a very "controlled" data expression for what a statistician would expect. Why didn't Collier's SOE see this same anomaly (and others Dave explains) with the Vote by Mail ballots? The "Phenomenon of Randomness", according to Schaffler should have at least been questioned. But it wasn't and Dave says that's unacceptable. Worse, when he attempted to approach his Collier County SOE about his findings, he got nowhere and says that same lack of accountability is prevalent throughout the State of Florida.

If you want to ensure a more trustworthy election this coming November, you've four months left to help Dave raise the donations he needs to qualify to run against the Collier County SOE. Go to his campaign website at:

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