Crown Rot Stem Rot Collar Rot ! Does it really matter if the OUTCOME is the SAME? #ninjaorchids

1 month ago

#stemrot #collarrot #crownrot
What to do if your phalaenopsis orchid has lost the crown while the stem is dry! If you find your orchid is dropping leaves at the stem, and you feel as though you are certain that no water got into the crown and still, you have crown rot, then your phalaenopsis probably was exposed to too cold and humid conditions at some point! If the area around the stem is dry and you do not have any wet tissue leading to the base of the stem, then do not cut into the area. Cutting into the stem, for aesthetics to clean up your phalaenopsis could possibly open a wound that you do not have at the moment. Keep the area dry, and keep a close eye on your phalaenopsis. If at any given time you see that the stem of your phalaenopsis is turning soft, that is when you have to intervene by cutting off all the soft tissue and treat with cinnamon. #orchidcare #orchids #orchideen #orchideenpflege #orquideas #beginners #phalaenopsis

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