How to IDENTIFY TREAT AVOID BLACK ROT on Orchids | Quick Diagnosis & Treatment Tips #ninjaorchids

10 months ago

#orchidcare #blackrot #fungalinfection
Today, I'm diving into a crucial topic for orchid enthusiasts - Black Rot. In this first of a two-part series, I am going to break all aspects of Black Rot down; exploring its origins, causes, symptoms, and most importantly, prevention strategies to keep your orchids thriving! Black Rot, caused by the Phytophthora group of pathogens, is a fungal infection that targets orchids, thriving in warm and wet conditions, but not exclusively. It often enters through wounds or cuts on leaves and stems, and poor drainage can create a perfect environment for these fungi. To prevent Black Rot, proper orchid care is essential. Maintain a well-ventilated environment, avoid overwatering, and use sterilized tools. If you're in a tropical or rainy climate, consider moving your orchids during extended periods of rain to prevent continuous exposure to moisture. With early detection and appropriate measures, orchids can recover from Black Rot. Healthy orchids with good cultural practices are more likely to resist or recover. Stay vigilant, observe your orchids, and act promptly if you notice any symptoms. #orchideen #orchids #orquideas #orchideenpflege #tips #tricks #tipsandtricks #fungi

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