Alex Jenkins & Shane Healy on The Lembit Öpik Show - 13 April 2024

10 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: David Shayler, a former MI5 officer, exposed incompetence and malpractice within Britain's security service through articles published in 1997. Despite not compromising national security, he was arrested and held in a Paris jail without charge for nearly four months. The UK government attempted to censor him using repressive laws and refused to acknowledge his evidence of wrongdoing. Despite being recognized by French courts as political, he was not extradited back to the UK. Shayler's case sheds light on the secrecy surrounding British intelligence services and the government's reluctance to address internal failings, as he seeks support to hold UK authorities accountable for ignoring misconduct.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Shane Healey is a terrorism and youth justice expert. He's a former Australian Defence Force Special Operations Command intelligence operator, a former Alice Springs resident and an Indigenous man originally from western NSW.

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