The Inaccurate Testimony Of Condoleezza Rice

10 months ago

This video was recorded on March 13,2021. When Condoleezza Rice went before the 9/11 Commission, she "officially" became the Bush White House spokesperson regarding the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. There were two statements she made however which weren't quite accurate, in fact, one can say she almost committed perjury. One was in her opening statement where she said "no one could have imagined they would use planes as weapons'. The other statement came during her interview with committee panel member, Richard Ben-Veniste, where Rice said the August 6th PDB was not a threat report. It was made clear in the past 6 years to intelligence and White House officials that there were 'sleeper cells' inside the United States that were training in flight schools to hijack commercial aircraft and crash them into U.S targets.

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